Praying for pj to realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him distance himself from jd. Help him Spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead. Find other things to do.
Help pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him find other hobbies and interests instead. Help him distance himself from jd. Help jd distance him self from pj. Help both of them see there friendship isn't healthy. Help jd and devon build there friendship
Let pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him get off the computer and do something else instead. Help him distance himself from jd. It's the weekend spending time with family and friends and neighbors.
Let pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him distance himself from jd. Help him find other hobbies and interests instead of gaming. Help him get off the computer.
Help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him distance himself from jd.
Help dc call or text me. Give him the strength