Oh Lord Heal my mother of the fluid coming out from her breast. Heal my dad and mother from diabetes. Heal my sister from diabetes. Turn around the financial situation of my family. Give us financial breakthrough. Grant unto my fiance, sister and I befitting jobs to your glory.
Please heal me up feel so sick now like regurgitating with a lot of fluid coming up congestion doesn’t seem to clear with breaken out in a heated sweat Please Heal me lord don’t let it be serious all these fluid in the lungs chest and throat clear it all please so I breathe can rest well and...
Thank you for praying for close loved one having removal of pocket of fluid and also possible surgery to remove more infection today.
Jesus protection and healing
Very very very urgent lord please please please lord remove all fluod swelling under my cheekbones rigjt now without any delay I can't stand it please take it away from tne roots instantly now please lord without any delay in jesus christ namess
Lord please please bless doctor Henderson to please please lord give me the right very best ever antibiotics to take all fluod swelling under my eyes cheekbones away permanently from tbe roots please lord for doctor Henderson to please please be incredibly understanding compassionate to Me with...
Very very urgent lord please please remove all all swelling all fluid whatever igbis under my left cheekbone all skin problems from under my eyes cheekbone skin right now please please lord without any delay in jesus christ name bless me please please with brand new under eyes skin please lord...
Very very very urgent I need your prayers please please all pray Lord your words says ask and I will recieve lord please please forgive me for all things in jesus christ name please please lord remove all all fluid all every fluid all swelling every swelling whatever it is under my left...
Very very urgent my lord my god I ask you please please remove please all fluid whatever it is under my left cheekbone all fluid all swelling all every dark circles hollows under my eyes cheekbones from the roots please please lord right now please lord without any delay at all please lord give...
country: unknown
dark circles
doctor darren supernatural incredibly skill wisdom
doctor henderson
left cheekbone
right antibiotics
Lord please please please remive all all fluid swelling all every dark circles hollows under my eyes cheekbones from the roots please please lord never ever return ever please lird without any delay please please lord give doctor darren supernatural wisdom skill to know exactly how yo get them...
Very very very urgent please please all pray Lord please please remive all fluid swelling all every dark circles hollows please please lord under my eyes under my cheekbones from tbe roots please please without any delay at all please please give doctor dareen supernatural skill wisdom to know...
Very very urgent lord lord I ask you please please give doctor darren supernatural skill wisdom to please please get all fluid swelling all every dark circles hollows under my eyes cheekbones away completely totally permanently will know how to get it away please lord without any delay please...
Lord please please remove all fluid swelling all every dark circles hollows under my eyes cheekbones from the roots without any delay never return give doctor darren supernatural skill wisdom to get it all away please without any delay in jesus christ namess
Very very very urgent please please all.pray lord I ask you please please remove all fluid all swelling all.puffiness all sensitivity all pain all discomfort all nipping all stinging all every dark circles hollows fluid under my eyes under my cheekbones from tbe roots the roots please please...
brand new brand new
country: unknown
dark circles
gp doctor darren
sensitivity pain discomfort
side effects
skin desire
supernatural wisdom skill
water tablet
Very very urgent lord I ask you please please remove all fluid all swelling all puffiness all pain all sensitivity all nipping stinging all every dark circles hollows under my eyes cheekbones from the roots the roots never ever return ever right now please lord without any delay at all please...
Very very urgent lord I ask you please please remove all evert pain all every discomfort all nipoing stinging all sensitivity all fluod all swelling all puffiness all all every dark circles hollows under my etes cheekbones from the roots never ever return ever without any delay please please...
country: unknown
dark circles
director darren supernatural skill wisdom
evert pain
right one
side effects
water tablet low dose water tablet
Very very urgent lord I ask you please please take away all fluid all pain all sensitivity all nipping all stinging all fluod all swelling all puffiness all dark circles hollows under my eyes under my cheekbones from the roots never ever return ever please lord without any delay of I nedd a...
Very very very urgent lord please please please remove all pain all suffering all nipping all stinging all sensitivity all fluid all swelling all puffiness all every dark circles hollows under my eyes cheekbones please please please lord from the roots the roots never ever return ever right now...
Very verh very urgent please please all pray Lord please please remove remove permanently all swelling all fluid all puffiness all every dark circles hollows all every skin problems from under my eyes under my cheekbones from the roots the roots permanently right now without any delay at all in...
Very very urgent lord please please take all all all fluid all swelling all puffiness all pain discomfort all sensitivity all nipoing all stinging all every dark circles hollows under my eyes cheekbones permanently permanently from the roots without any delay give doctor darren supernatural...