Everyone please pray for vishal , we are going through a very rough phase right now , his liver got enlarged and fluid got accumulated in the belly ,he is already battling cancer from almost 2 years,oh lord we are in pain , please listen to our prayers , I am sure you are gonna listen my prayers...
Very very urgent lord please please remove all fluid whatever it is under my left cheekbone from the roots please lord without any delay in jesus christ name please please lord remove every single bit of filler all lumpy bumps all every bulgy bits dark circles hollows under my eyes please lord...
Lord please please please please remove everh bit if filler all lumpy bump bits all every bulgy bits all every dark circles hollows under my eyes permanently where under my eyes is completely totally smooth remove all fluid whatever it is under my left cheekbone permanently please lord in jesus...
Lore lord please please remove all fluid whatever it is under my left cheekbone permanently from the roots right now please please by your power in jesus christ name please please lord remove everg bit of filler lumps bumps bulfy bits all every raised bits please please lord under my eyes...
Everyone please pray for vishal , we are going through a very rough phase right now , his liver got enlarged and fluid got accumulated in the belly he is dealing with cancer from almost 2 years ,,oh lord we are in pain , please listen to our prayers , I am sure you are gonna listen my prayers...
Lord lord lord please please remove every bit of filler all bulgy bits all every lumps bumps all every dark circles hollows all fluid whatever it is under my left cheekbone bump under my left eye lid every all spots skin problems remove permanently from under my eyes skin please lord permanently...
Everyone please pray for vishal , we are going through a very rough phase right now , his liver got enlarged and fluid got accumulated in the belly , oh lord we are in pain , please listen to our prayers , I am sure you are gonna listen my prayers too soon Amen
Everyone please pray for vishal , we are going through a very rough phase right now , his liver got enlarged and fluid got accumulated in the belly , oh lord we are in pain , please listen to our prayers , I am sure you are gonna listen my prayers too soon Amen
Very very very urgent lord please please please remove all fluid whatever it is under my left cheekbone remove ig completely permanently from the roots right now please lord never ever return ever in jesus christ name please please lord remove all filled all bulgy bits all every raised bits...
Everyone please pray for vishal , we are going through a very rough phase right now , his liver got enlarged and fluid got accumulated in the belly , oh lord we are in pain , please listen to our prayers , I am sure you are gonna listen my prayers too soon Amen
Lord lord please remove permanently all fluod whatever it is under my left cheekbone permanently from the roots rigjt now without any delay in jesus christ name all absolutely all filler raised bits bumpy bits bulgy bits under my eyes cheekbones permanently now please lord in jesus christ namess
Everyone please pray for vishal , we are going through a very rough phase right now , his liver got enlarged and fluid got accumulated in the belly , oh lord we are in pain , please listen to our prayers , I am sure you are gonna listen my prayers too soon Amen
Very very very urgent lord please please remove every bit of filler all every bulgy bits raised bits dark circles hollows all fluid all swelling under my eyes left cheekbone from tne roots the roots right now please please lord by your power please please perform miracles miracles wonders for me...
Lord lord lord please please remove permanently all filler I don't like all every lumps bumps all every bulgy bits dark circles hollows all fluid whatever it ix under my eyes left cheekbone all every skin problems please please make them all by your power dissappear dissappear be gone from the...
Lord lord please please give do tor darren supernatural skill wisdom insight to please get all all bulgy bits all raised bits fluid away permanently under my eyes cheekbones permanently from the roots without any delay be incredibly caring incredibly understanding incredibly compassionate to me...
Please pray for Charlie. He went to hospital for a heart valve replacement and 3 stents put in. Now he’s not getting enough oxygen to his blood and fluid keeps building up around his lungs. He needs many prayers. Thank you all.
God bless you and Straighten You Sit,
My husband is afflicted with HERNIA FLUID IN SCROTUM/HYDROCELLL HYNENIA #IBI. Since 2017
He did surgery 2020 , it resurfaced and it's increasing daily.
Our marriage has been empty since 30 Aug 2008 we're advanced in age.
Am down in shame! I have been...