Urgent prayers for me , my health , my wife’s health , kids future , lord let it be ok , pls let me provide for my family , give me the means to provide please . Lord help . Why lord won’t u show my mother Inlaw n my mother that you do see what evil people do and you show them that your dealing...
I get a great new 🆕 Job the studio fast easy the county pays for it easily all the way the rent deposit everything with great favor for me for Nick to see me succeed for the county see me succeed my stuff back from the place I paid rent at they bless me instead of stealing from me now. I'm not...
Faher pray over gangstalkers evil people who think they are doing something, but aren't. Satan Lucifer has them destoroyed as of now,but they repent and turn then they may not be. but I just heard they aren't repenten but anyways Jesus in your name turn them from Evil please AMEN!
Jesus do you hear and see what it is these evil people are doing to me? I know the answer is yes so Not asking but still. You hear that too Jeuss just now this evil Person is all over stuff that's false for I don't follow thier crap nor will I. I can't I wont I won't do as they say nor will I...
In Jesus name take all evil curses away from my family, homes , offices and keep all evil people out of are ear . Lord protect my family & kids and work place from all evil . May the lord please help are marriage , please let me be ok with myself , let people stop abusing me , lord protect me or...
God stop Lanni from all evil , put other things in there life’s so they don’t sow evil , lord let them wake up quickly, before it’s to late . God help them . Keep all evil people away from giving them evil advice . Lord help Thank you .
Heavenly Father i am praying for Danny cancer , Caesar cancer , depression for all my friends n family to be healed , Lucas fobia , Danial fobia . Marriage restored , evil people to stay away from my family . T B to help me in any way gods wants him too . Keep evil people away from my wife , let...
praying for a miracle, please help us, please bring healing to his mind, body and soul and cancel all Spiritual attacks, let him be set free and protect him from evil people, sever soul ties to false preachers and unite his mind, body and soul to Christ in Jesus Name Amen!
Father just to show you the unrepentance of these evil people, I only just woke up and the evil old man, started chanting we got the whole world etc... They began vibrating my body, but that's not real it's subliminal making me feel as if it's happening when it's not. They started their stupid...
Father just to show you the unrepentance of these evil people, I only just woke up and the evil old man, started chanting we got the whole world etc... They began vibrating my body, but that's not real it's subliminal making me feel as if it's happening when it's not. They started their stupid...
This lit describes gangstalkers to a T lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than...
arrogant abusive disobedient
country: united states
false accusers
good 4 treacherous reckless swollen
second coming
self control
t lovers
unholy 3 heartless unappeasable slanderous
Oh Father in heaven I come before your thrown Bodley. It's so tiresome every day fighting gangstlakers and their subliminal messages every hour on the hour. Some kid or evil person speaks something that only my mind hears and puts pressure on my head. I fight back with inwardly saying that's not...
Father how is it that violating peoples minds or ears which is the same since violating a persons ear goes through the mind to get interpreted as voice or music etc... supposed to make a person feel better? I didn't nor do I want to hear this mess. this is not to make me feel better I assure you...
Yes Jesus I repent of my attitude earlier, like when I saw that girl gangstalker and almost stabbed her! I am seriously sorry Lord but that's what these evil people do to you they violate you accuse you falsely and then instead of repenting they keep doing it. What would have happened if I'd...
Do you hear what they are saying to me Jesus? These evil people sending me v2k messages are not only taking vengeance for themselves as your word say's not to do, they are falsely accusing me! I know you do for I'm sure that you knew evil like this would exist in the last days. all the way home...
Lord teach me patience and more faith every day I pray to be delivered it don't happen but know it will, but at times I lose my patience which is what this stuff wants from me and I can't give it to them! I know you forgive me in grace and cleanse me, but these evil people singing evil songs and...
With that in mind of Jonah or the other I pray that Evil people and gagnstalkder will repent all of them Mine and others that are gangstalking others. I also pray for all to repent. I ask for agreement in prayer AMEN!
Lord, protect me from anything in evil in my working place.
Especially from my pupils, and now also my principle.
She is doing some thing and i feel it in my gutt she is calculating and i dont feel well about it.
It may be dangerous for me.
Coming into my classroom to check dammages in it and...