No Jesus I give thee thanks and praise that all evil portals opened in my ear or mind are now closed and I thank you that no amount of whispering into me from evil people and or spirits will have any effect on me. No what ever she just said is false and will not prosper her she's an evil witch...
I'm well my kids who is honest that's for me is well the evil secret agents counsel of Satan that is following me has the verse John 10 10 10 10 10 10 on them forever with verse Deut 28 13 Tailed then my kids whoever is honest that's for me has were the 🗣️ head. Let the evil witches warlocks...
country: united states
evilpeopleevil secret agents counsel
evil witches warlocks wizards
freeman christina creller
gross albert paula
luis torres james moore david trimble
maria salcedo teresa
verse deut
verse john
May god help bring back my mothers relatives & friends that she has lost due to evil people . God help her , keep her and my dad safe from evil . Lord please help them .
Pls join me in prayer God should restore My marriage n my friendship with my wife and her friends, let my moms lawsuit please go her way , she never asked for trouble , evil people want to hurt us . God please watch over my 3 kids , st jude , st Anthony please intercede .
God please keep evil people away from my wife , do not let them manipulate her , please let her still believe in you lord . Heal her mind , let her see me in a different light , lord heal my marriage. Lord help us .
Lord father in heaven my lord and savior, the one who I owe all to and the one I love with all my heart I thank you that the evil has not won against me. I thank you for your word and the love you give all your people. The wicked are trying to use noise and sound to control me, and subluminal...
May my God please guide me through this storm of life , show me the way lord , please help my marriage & help that evil people stay away from my wife & kids and family . Lord please help . Lord help that we are doing the right thing with are business at oak . God bless all the prayer members .
Father in heaven, I put on the full armor of Christ. The shoes of the Gospel, the belt of truth, the breast plate of righteousness, the Helmet of Salvation, the shield of faith, and the sword of faith. These evil people want me to be their sacrifice I don't need to be nor will be nor want to be...
Dear God I ask for the fruit of the Holy Spirit at work, for health and safety, for favor and finances, excellent reviews and wonderful guest experiences. I ask for wisdom and protection from evil, evil people and Covid and that my sick coworkers recover quickly, in Jesus name
Please lord help protect my family from all evil , please lord place your mantle of protection over my marriage & family , please pls lord help . Keep all evil people away from us please .
Please continue to pray for good reviews and comments -- I actually got 3 5-star reviews recently but two bad — a complaint last night and the people lied and exaggerated, I've been reading Ps 37 but need the attack to stop and a good buss person, and may GOD keep evil people from my section...
Please continue to pray for good reviews and comments -- I actually got 3 5-star reviews recently but two bad — a complaint last night and the people lied and exaggerated, I've been reading Ps 37 but need the attack to stop and a good buss person, and may GOD keep evil people from my section...
May my God please guide me through this storm of life , show me the way lord , please help my marriage & help that evil people stay away from my wife & kids and family . Lord please help . Lord help that we are doing the right thing with are business at oak . God bless all the prayer members .
father in heaven I pray and ask you to protect my mind against lies, that's being artificially pumped into it. I'm constantly being told that whoever these evil people are they see what I do. Which unless they're you that's impossible. Drones with technology may fly over my house and in that...
dear lord thankyou for all the blessings you have showered upon me and my family in the last year .. please keep us under in your wings in the coming years also my saviour .. Please lord keep my family safe and happy as we move along to the next year .. please lord help me pass in btech and get...
I'm reading Judges and at the part of Gideon. One of my favorites in that book. But those that need deliverance etc... We all have a mighty God who can deliver even amongst long odds. The wicked can be and are as the sand on the seashore but with 300 Gideon was able to beat an army ten times his...
My prayer request!Lord I ask for fresh grace to have personal relationship with you this new year, lord I want you to be the centre of my marriage my family n life of my mother’s children and my father’s children. Lord preserve I and my mother and fathers children from premature death this new...