
  1. allie222


    Praying for Dom to realize that his relationship with Taylor isnt right. Help him see she's not the one. Help taylor see her relationship with Dom isn't healthy. Help her be open to meeting someone new
  2. allie222


    Can Dom communicate with me. Please give him the strength and confidence to call or message
  3. allie222


    God, I really don't know what to do. Dom confused me when we met up. Please God I don't know what to do and and think at the moment. I just want to know if he has any real feelings for me and really cares. Please give me a sign. I don't want to believe in something that's not for me.
  4. allie222


    Please God can Dom tell me how he really feels about me and not hide his real feelings. I feel like he's not being honest. If he does can he tell or show me in some way. Sometimes I feel like im wasting my time.
  5. allie222

    Opening up

    Me and Dom don't know how to be honest about our feelings. We are afraid to show and be honest with each other. Because we don't want to get hurt. Please help us communicate better the next time we see each other. Instead of having fear help us have faith and believe and strength. And being...
  6. Slamother

    Very interesting life experiences. So, did God ...

    Very interesting life experiences. So, did God answered your prayer concerning your Science studies? El dom., 25 oct. 2020 7:06 p. m., <> escribi=C3=B3:
  7. allie222


    Please help Dom relax and stop being so angry. Especially with me. I didn't do anything and he's overreacting. Please help him see I don't mean anything rude. Help him stop seeing me as a bad person. I'm not the same when I was young and immature
  8. allie222


    Please help Dom communicate with me. Help him have faith and believe in us. Help him not give up on us. I know he's a fighter like me. Let us both try and thinking positively
  9. allie222


    Please help taylor realize that her relationship with Dom isn't healthy. Help her bond with someone else. Help Dom see the relationship isnt healthy.
  10. allie222

    Second chance

    Not a lot of people get a second chance to try. Help me and Dom communicate with each other. Help us bond and see what happens. At least then we won't regret that we didn't try.
  11. allie222


    Please give Dom the strength and faith to communicate with me. Help him believe in our friendship/relationship. Help us try before its to late. We will never know if we don't try.
  12. allie222


    Please God can Dom call me or message me. Help him have faith and believe in us. Help him see there's a chance for us. Help him have courage and strength to communicate with me
  13. allie222

    Thank you

    Thank you God for Dom calling me and telling me he did not mean what he said on Sunday. I feel relieved. Thank you for helping me and Dom communicate
  14. allie222

    Peace of mind

    Please can Dom call or text me. We had a misunderstanding. He got upset and angry. I just want to know if he meant anything he said. Or was he just upset
  15. allie222


    I know Dom was very upset and I'm not sure if he really meant what he said Sunday night. Please help him call or text me. I'm stressing out and very confused. Don't know what to do
  16. allie222

    Spending time together

    Please help me and Dom bond and not hide our feelings. We are both afraid but we will never know until we try. Help Dom communicate with me today
  17. allie222


    Help Dom open his eyes and see that his relationship isn't going anywhere with Taylor. Help taylor see the same. Let her be open to meeting someone new. Someone who is right for her.
  18. allie222

    Thank you

    Thank you God for showing me that Dom does care about me.I'm starting to see that maybe he's my sign I been looking for all this time. Everything does happen for a reason. Please help us grow and continue to connect and see what happens. If that's meant for us.
  19. allie222


    Please God can Dom tell me how he really feels about me. Because I'm really confused. He shows me he does care. Then when I open up he acts all odd and shows something else. If there is a good chance I don't want to give up.
  20. allie222


    Please let dom forget what I said about how it looks like. Let it just slip his mind
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