I hate the way I'm feeling. I feel unsure and confused. But the one thing Im sure in my heart is the way I feel about Dom. I been feeling like this for a very long time. Deep down I know and feel this special connection. I just want to know I'm not wasting my time and energy on something that's...
Praying for Dom to be honest about his feelings for me. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't really care. I don't want to play games. I just want to know if it's real love not lust
Please help Dom communicate with me. Help him see me and see the real me. I feel like he could be the one. Let us bond with each other and see what happens.
Please help Dom have faith and believe in me and us together. Even when things don't go well. Help him not give up. Help him see im not how I use to be. I made mistakes and I learned from them. Help him open his eyes, mind and heart that I really do care for him.
Please help taylor see her relationship with dom isn't healthy. Help her have a open mind about meeting a new guy and who is right for her Help Dom see the relationship isnt going anywhere and isn't healthy.
Please guide me and Dom to work on our friendship and relationship. Help is be open minded, nonjudgemental, understanding and and caring towards each other. Help us bond instead of hiding away and being to scared because of the past. Let us leave the past behind us and look forward. I know we...
I feel like me and Dom aren't opening up and bonding with each other. Help us start opening up and trusting each other. It's not going to happen over night. But help us try to trust and see what happens.
Please help Dom have faith in us. Help him communicate with me. Help us try again. Who knows maybe we are meant to be. Help us at least try and not fight our feeling. Let us see instead of regretting it later on. Wishing we could of tried but to late.
Please help Dom have faith in me. Help him believe and not give up. Show him that there is still a chance for us. Sometimes first times don't work out because people need to work on them selfs. Maybe this is our second chance to work out.