Jesus please let my husband put the money in my account to pay the rent and bills (he does not have an account that is why I pay everything). I only provide that detail because some people are so judgemental about this, it is our arrangement. I also work very hard at home, and take care of our...
I pray for favor and finances, the fruit of the Holy Spirit and to be fast at work. Please let a true narrative build that shows my work ethic, speed and attention to detail. Protect me and my section in the name of Jesus
I could use some prayer my mom suppose to come home today I hope 🙏
When she get home they are getting Judy some help like a caregiver to come over n stay with her I don't know the detail yet I am Just worry bout carrielynn she can't take care of her self
They got her some help so I can...
This situation is way too much to explain here
but The Lord knows every detail & i have committed all of it into His Hands
I deeply thank-you from the bottom of my heart for your caring prayers for me
as i do not want to have any nightmares tonight
nor to be in distress or upset anymore
God I pray that you show me that you’re fighting all my battles for me, every detail if it’s your will, and if you don’t want to show me, which you said you did, tell me and show me why in Jesus name amen in Yeshua Hamashiachs name amen. The Bible says to let God fight the battles for me...
Please pray for my daughter to do her best on a precalculus test she is taking right now. Pray for attention to detail, focus, and understanding of the questions being asked. Also, pray for my son who has an organic chemistry test tomorrow. Pray for his time to be used efficiently as he studies...
My prayer request was answered thank you Jesus and all who prayed! I prayed that I would know everything, and I know God, therefore I believe that I know everything because God is everything. Plus, God already showed me I would know more, in more detail in the future. God's perfect timing and will.
Asking prayer for God's favor as I expect a new tenant moving in. I ask that all things take place in detail as the LORD's wills without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy. For God's unstoppable favor in my life. etc.
Father, thank You for being our strength and our peace. Thank You for caring about every detail of our lives. Lift the weight of worry from my shoulders. Help me to cast all my cares on You, confident that You will comfort and provide in every circumstance. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Prayer concerning an harassing family member that God deal with the situation; also for a dirty and delinquent tenant that God resolve the situation. That these prayers be answered in detail without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy
A friend of mine Disappeared for a few months. Turned out he had medical issues that incapacitated him. This caused a massive avalanche of issues which he has barely been able to get back in contact now. He needs help in a lot of areas and not the least of which is finding the Lord. I want him...
I have too much on my mind this morning
and rather then write it all out in detail
i surrender all of my many concerns to The Holy Spirit
who is faithful & loving & soo gentle & kind.
Holy Spirit you understand me better even then i know myself.
Please minister to me as You Know Is Best for...
abba daddy father
country: united states
full control
gentle kind holy spirit
glory god
insightful knowledge supernatural revelation
many concerns
perfect will
I pray the Lord would work out every detail financially, relationally, etc. for our trip out west and that this time as a family would be so memorable and fun! I’ve prayed for this trip for years and feel like this is the time the Lord has planned for us to go. I trust in the Lord and know he...
Need your help praying for this problem to end. I won't go into detail but two persons are harassing and stressing my family out. I'm at wits end. They won't stop after numerous complaints and it just spirals from there. Please pray these people leave or relocate soon and this harassment will...
Asking prayer for a combination of prayer requests in my prayer lists, that every detail be answered by the LORD without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.
Asking PRAYER for God's favor, blessings, direction, right price, etc. in getting various work done on my property, buildings, yard etc.; that the Lord direct every detail for the correct results.. that there be no hindrances, interference or retaliations of the enemy.
correct results
country: united states
favor blessings direction right price
hindrances interference
property buildings yard
various work
Asking prayer for God's, healing, deliverance etc. for people in need of employment, deliverance/healing/etc. from drug addictions/salvation, that God intervenes in every detail of every need. Also asking prayer against every hindrance, Interference or retaliation of the enemy.
country: united states
drug addictions salvation
employment deliverance healing
healing deliverance
hindrance interference