Asking prayer that the LORD intervenes with power and might daily in regards to someone in need of deliverance but first for salvation: for protection for myself; that the Lord directs every detail without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.
Asking prayer for God's favor, wisdom, direction, etc. this coming week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Asking prayer that the LORD intervenes with power and might daily in regards to someone in need of deliverance but first for salvation: for protection for myself; that the Lord directs every detail without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.
Asking prayer that the LORD intervenes with power and might daily in regards to someone in need of deliverance but first for salvation: for protection for myself; that the Lord directs every detail without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy.
Asking prayer for God's favor, wisdom, direction, etc. this coming week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Asking prayer for God's favor this coming week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Asking prayer for God's favor this coming week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Asking prayer for God's favor this coming week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Asking prayer for God's favor this coming week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Asking prayer for God's favor this week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Asking prayer for God's favor this week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Asking prayer for God's favor this week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Asking prayer for God's favor this week and beyond in every detail of my life and in all things I must accomplish...that all prayer be answered without hindrance, interference or retaliation of the enemy etc. etc.
Dear Lord I ask for favor, blessing, wisdom and open doors today. Also help my business partner EE do well with his follow up and attention to detail, in Jesus Name
Restore hair fall and white blotchy nails and have this dr received the pprwk I sent and write this important letter in detail to stop the enemy attacks and on my mind play tricks on me sometimes and memory heal all our injuries and sickness and close ones protect and bless us keep all evil away...
So fatigued Prayers to sleep well soon and everyone cooperates and this dr to write this letter in detail about the police coming several times on these abuse calls Lord they donβt want to believe me please Help
Protection and rest. Stop this excessive sweating Lord and cool us w o the high bills and lower everything, thank God the temps will go down soon and help this dr to receive this important letter that the po figures what suite theyβre in and not send it back to me and they write this letter in...
Forgive us lord for our attitude towards each other pls bring reconciliation btw us and have this dr have understanding and write this letter for me soon in detail of all this evil attacks against Your people and deliver us and reverse all aging and bring attractions to the right Godly mate for...
πGod I ask You in Jesus' name to remind me to ask You for the things I stand in need of and to tell You when I am overwhelmed. I come to You for help, healing, deliverance, clarity, peace, and for financial provision. Provide for me. God no detail of my life is too insignificant for Your...