dear savior

  1. Everglades

    Who are we looking for?

    Jesus, our dear Lord who came to this earth to save us from sin and evil. Our Redeemer, Son of the living God, only begotten Son of God. His eternal promise comes to our ears. I am coming soon and My reward is with Me. Thine o Lord is the greatness, and the power and the glory, and the...
  2. Nomak

    Father take control of my life. Draw ...

    Father take control of my life. Draw me closer to your Father, help me build my spiritual life. Give me peace my king and let this year be a year of open doors for me. Listen to the cry of all your children on this app. Help us to grow stronger in you and let this season be a season of open...
  3. Zorinana

    Thank you dear God for healing my ...

    Thank you dear God for healing my mother to some extent. I pray to you dear lord please heal my mother so that she live a cheerful life. Please my dear Saviour protect my mother from all dangers. I seek good health and protection for Buchu and Shona and the black mother cat always in your name...
  4. PastorBernard

    May the blessings of the Lord come ...

    May the blessings of the Lord come to everyone who pray daily for the needs of others. May this wonderful season where our dear Savior has come to save us from sin and evil and from going to hells burning fire. All glory , all honor and all praise shall be unto Him now and forever more. Amen
  5. Zorinana

    Thank you God for protecting the black ...

    Thank you God for protecting the black mother cat and the kitten and the kitty. I praise the lord for all his deeds. I believe in you my dear lord. I pray in your name dear Jesus please always protect and provide enough food to all animals. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy...
  6. Coultonn

    Who do you see in the mirror?

    I want to see Jesus shining before me. I know I am not perfect and I need His holy presence in my life. Therefore, I will forever praise and honor Him for showing me the way that leads to heaven. As I look into my mirror. I want to see my dear Savior and Lord. Shining before me. Well done...
  7. Chapmann

    Thine be the glory or dear Savior and Lord.

    Praise to Jesus starts as a tiny seed down deep in our souls. Every single morning get up and start singing praises to the Lord. He delights in the praises of His people. This is a sacrificial offering to Him from our heart, mind and mouth. Love Him, praise Him, adore Him all the days of...
  8. Landon

    Who do you want to see in heaven?

    That is a question lots of people are making. After we depart planet earth we do not want to be all alone in the universe. We want to see our loved ones, friends and those who went ahead of us to their glorious home in heaven. As for me... I want to see Jesus smiling face. Calling on my...
  9. sorrowful heart

    My sister was diagnosed with Covid & ...

    My sister was diagnosed with Covid & Pneumonia and other ailments at the Mayo Clinic emergency departure but then they refused that she could speak with the physician she was told was behind the decision to discharge her without any treatment. Then the RN wheeled her to the curb and just left...
  10. SisterConsolatta

    The rhythm of our joy.

    We are like a sheep who tends to stray and then start walking through the valley of the shadow of death, but our dear Savior and Lord is right there for us. To help us, to guide us, to lead us on to Himself. I am satisfied with Him because He is the center of my joy. When we hear the sweet...
  11. SongleaderKate

    He will embrace me and love me.

    Jesus is the center of all joy, happiness and peace. He has promised to all of us to come to Him and find life, and life everlasting. I will arise and go to Jesus. He will embrace me in His arms. In the arms of my dear Savior. O there are thousand charms.
  12. Siennah

    My future trip to heaven.

    How wonderful that trip will be. Going out to see Jesus face to face and give Him all the glory, all the honor and all the praise. Seeing millions of angels in heaven praising and adoring our dear Savior and Lord. O wonderful day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see. A trip to the far...
  13. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Housing Miracle Needed

    There is much i am facing that truly is serious But Above all of it i need a new safe place to call home as where i am renting now is just only temporary The uncertainty of my whole housing situation and the constant fear of being homeless is too hard of a burden for me to carry and bear any...
  14. Margaretha

    To love the Lord is to praise Him.

    True friends in Jesus smile at you, they are so glad to see you around, they care for you and ask Jesus to bless your life. They are heaven sent. Be grateful to God for sending people who really love the Lord and praise Him during the day and all night long. From the bottom of my heart I...
  15. SingerGarrett

    Singers of the Bible

    Every single Israelite were singing praises to God almighty when they were freed from bondage in Egypt. Beautiful words were said just like this one... I will sing to the Lord. For He is hightly exalted. Both horse and driver, He has hurled into the sea. The Lord is my strenght and my...
  16. Thomstonn

    Protection for all coming from heaven.

    Jesus eternal promise is that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He knows your pain, your sorrow, all the tears you shed He is counting and wants to send comfort and blessings and healing. Trust His word. Believe everything He saidl. In My Fathers house are many mansions. I am going...
  17. Amberth

    Just as Jesus wept we are weeping.

    Our heart weeps for those who suffer, who are far away from the Lord and need the Lord in their hearts, minds and soul. Our dear Saviour said.... O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not...
  18. Inverness

    What was Jesus last command?

    A beautiful command Jesus gave to all of us who love Him with all our heart, mind and soul. Hoping we are obeying what He said. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations... teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the ends of...
  19. Firmah

    With tears in my eyes I say this....

    Jesus, thank you for all the blessings you have sent my way. Thank you for healing me from cancer and from all pain and sorrow I was going throught. Thank you for being faithful to your words. Thank you for raising my ailing mother who is unable to eat. Please Lord. Heal her. S]he was in...
  20. Adinea

    Thank you Lord God Almighty for your ...

    Thank you Lord God Almighty for your caring, Lord Jesus Christ if not for your mercies I do not know what the devil would have done for us, but we are victorious by your mercies, Thank you Lord Jesus for your preservation, I am a sinner My dear Lord please wash away my sins with the water that...
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