Jesus want us all to get together and start praising and adoring His holy name. Saved by the Blood of the Lamb and on our way to heaven. Sing to Jesus....
O the glory of They presence.
We Your temple
Give You reverence.
So arise to Your rest and be blessed by our praise.
As we glory in...
Requesting prayers that I will be ready to see Jesus face to face in the Rapture which shall come sooner than we think. Pray that I will be praising and adoring His holy name. Hallelujah, praise our dear Savior and Lord. Adore His holy name. As He comes in a cloud in majesty and great glory, let...
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River and a voice came from heaven. This is My beloved Son. Hear ye Him. Jesus continues to bless us when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit of God, it is really a wonderful experience to go through.
We are sealed by the Holy Spirit of God.
For You alone are holy, You alone are worthy, You deserve the glory.... Jesus You alone. We bow down before Your holy presence today and will in the future. For You o Lord alone are worthy of all praise.
To honor, to praise, to glorify the Lord help us act in a way that lives to high...
An empty wall, bare and cold I found myself in and then I realized that i was standing far away from the way in which Jesus told me to walk. With stains of grief and pain in my soul I returned again and again to Jesus, our dear Savior who was waiting to receive me with open arms He said...
So many things the world offers us and want us all to do what they want us to do. The flesh makes marriage fall on away from the Lord. The devil is at work so hard today and so many Christians are falling away from the faith. Then unhappiness comes to our life. Joyless life and emptiness...
Good morning Jesus, my dear Savior and Lord. I bow before Your holy presence in worship and adoration to You for being so kind and good to those who seek Thy face. You have been wonderful to me so far, I am not sick anymore. Omicrom did not win. Those who believe, trust and wait for You day and...
I am fasting and praying for all babies who are on the way to be aborted. They deserve a life given by God and He alone is the One who decides when He will take away our life.
I will rise and go to Jesus.
He will embrace me with His arms.
Run to the arms of the Lord.
Before you get an...
He is the Savior of my soul, my Jesus... o my Jesus I shall forever praise, honor and glorify the Lord for what He has done in my life. Saving me, helping me and healing my broken body. Lift up your hands to Jesus, our dear Savior and Lord. He wants to bless your life, help you and provide...
In His kindness God called each one of us to share the wonderful deeds our dear Savior and Lord is doing in our midst. His eternal glory shall come to all of us who obeys and trusts His word. So, after we have suffered a little while, Jesus will restore our life, health shall come back again...
Dear saints of God, please pray that our church will be full of the glory of God the Father, that all needs will be supplies and that lost souls will come to know Jesus. We are living in the last days before the coming of our dear Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. I continue to wait for Him. I my...
Please, dear Jesus, Savior of my heart and mind and soul! I pray for my workplace today, that there be blessings of peace, love, kindness, feeling safe, feeling loved ❤️ Bless the ward with the peace and grace of God ❤️ Please, give the patients what they need to have good days and happiness ❤️...
Our wonderful Counselor, our dear Savior and Lord want us all to understand how deep His love is for you and for me. Please pray that all our families, our relatives and friends be saved and on their way to heaven. Do not worry so much about who will miss heaven, pray for them Jesus will touch...
Please come to church and get saved and be on your way to heaven because this world is not our home and nothing from here we will be able to take to glory. I am waiting for you to come in and meet our dear Savior and Lord and He will embrace you and welcome you in His holy presence. In the...
Would you all please pray that I will be singing praises to Jesus, my dear Savior and my dear Lord all the days of my life till He calls me home to heaven. Even there, in our glorious abode, I want to continuing singing praises to God almighty. His faithfulness and truth will never fail on those...
Our dear Savior and Lord will come back again, His appearing is a warning for us to be prepared and ready to fly away to be with HIm. An encouragement and an incentive to be all He wants us to be and be in prayer because He will come as a thief in the night, no ne knows, only the Father knows...
Let us all bow down before the Lord Jesus Christ, our dear Savior and Lord. So, let us all exalt His holy name. Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus the King. The Lord delights in the praises of His people. Please God, send revival in all our churches. Revive us again and again, fill us with the...
In this world we are so helpless and with no aid coming along. The fear of strange sickness and worry about the future of the earth is making our life so unhappy. We call on the Lord every single day of our life. He will deliver and help us overcome any fear we may have in our heart.
Wonderful voice coming out from the crown knowing full well who were they talking about. Tumultous fingers waving along the road as they see Jesus passing through sitting on donkey. The King of kings and the Lord of Lords coming to them. Branches of leafy palm spreading all over the place...
From dust you were taken and to dust ye shall return... says Gods word. Our departure time will come sooner or later. We must be prepared to see Jesus smiling face. At the gates of heaven, He will welcome us in.
Waiting to see my dear Savior and Lord.
To sing Hallelujah to His name.