Nails strong healthy beautiful.
No dammages, splitting.
Hands and feet.
Not fragile or thin but strong and thick nails.
Fixed any cause of it to the roots, amen.
Any lack of vitamins, minerals compensated.
Causes revealed.
Normal stomach acid.
No feeling of nausea in my stomach.
Healed generational gastrointestinal issues.
Healed gastritis and all dammages in my organs, tubes, throat, mouth from stomach acid, amen.
Normal stomach acid.
No nausea in my stomach.
No dammages because of stomach acid in my mouth, on my lipps or in my stomach, everything healed in Jesus name.
No irriation or inflammation.
No acid reflux or heart burn.
No gastritis.
Dragica, my mothers friend.
Pray for quick and complete healing from Covid and all.dammages and consequences. Lungs, heart, kidneys..she has still problems with breathing (some device for oxygene).Fever up and down.
Jesus please help me feel better. Please let my son go to bed soon..please let the woman whom my husband had car accident with drop her claim. She didn't have any damages and she is faking injuries for money. It isn't right. Please let her drop this. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Please pray that we will have safe travels as we set out on our journey. Please pray that our house will stay safe and free from any damages. Please Lord sent you holy angels to keep us and our house safe. Thank you for your prayers. Much love.
Thank you 🙏 Lord I got my car back. Please let me get the funds to now pay for the windshield being repaired. No more damages. Please let me get a gs 13 virtual position soon. 🙏 🙏
Great sleep no bad dreams and no bad storms today so I don't have to worry about any damages from the storms. hoping for no! storms. thanks all for the prayers. sending love from the U.S.
Please pray for me I need K46,000.00 in PNG currency to offset an urgent debt from 2015. I have been threatened by the relatives of the money owner to that if I don't pay the money back in 3 weeks they will do damages to my husband and I. This is the 1st week now, I trust God will intervene and...
I am being slandered by a former employer as they were offered money to do this to pretend I was sacked for being involved in crime. I was freelance,not there when the crime was committed and they’ve admitted this;it’s ruining my life,please pray I get all the details and £2million GBP in...
IJN, Father God please let me be able to win my case next week. Please let the judge say I am unreliable to the damages when it wasn't my fault. Please be with me God when I'm in court. Please let the judge realize that the person is lying about the whole situation. Amen
Pray for us please ~my family and I and everyone affected by the hurricane to come soon.~for our safety and no loss of power or damages of any kind please. thanks sooo kindly as always!!! take care all stay safe!!! God bless. {{{ In Jesus Name Amen }}} with love.
Please! pray my friend doesn't get ill from the bug bites she got and also please! pray we don't lose power or have any damages from the hurricane coming our way soon. thanks sooo kindly. take care all! stay safe. be well! God bless. In Jesus Name Amen. <3 C.
O lord touch the heart of those in authority on the board of Olutoyl firm and sahara group to pay me the money that court had instructed them to pay me for the damages they have caused me.
Strong healthy voluminous luxuriant thick dense hair like it used to be.
No falling off of the hair.
Hairs strong and thick and not thin and fragile.
Growing of a new hair.
Strong healthy regenerated nails.
No splitting or dammages, or thin nails.
Strong thick nails.