Kindly pray that the leak from the unit above me is fixed quickly and rapidly. That I get a fair settlement to fix the damages to my unit. They have 7 people living in a 2 bedroom condo with 1400 square feet. 3 children under 7. The 5 year old constantly turns on water every where and keeps...
Please pray I get loyalty from former colleagues whom I need to support me and the witness statements to collect damages for such horrendous slander-I%u2019m ruined
Please do stand with me in prayer that galina gets damages and apology from the hospital whose staff are harrassing her-the comments they are making are so disgusting
Former employer has been slandering me for a long time and it%u2019s serious.
Please pray I get witness statements,I get an apology and damages and it stops.
Please pray I get damages for the police smashing your my home in a hoax raid
I can%u2019t sleep and I feel traumatised.
It was a deliberate attempt to make me move out,please pray I get abundant compensation.
Both doors are wrecked
Pray for angelic protection over me and Ludwig and Iris.
Pray that God will grant us with very good quality quiet time everyday and help us to walk closer to Him and love Him more and more day by day.
Pray that God will provide me with good doctors for my knee and my SI joint issue, Pray...
Please pray all support is removed from Stewart and his rape/sex club and please pray GT is able to obtain damages in the realm of one million for the hell they put her through,the drugs,the painful ear damage they inflicted ending her career 33 yrs early.
Please pray Stewart is jailed
There was much slander of me so please pray Andrea and others see I never drank,or any of the rest of it. Please pray I get the right lawyer to claim damages for all the lost work.