
  1. abundantlyblessed

    Every all critasism I have ever had ...

    Every all critasism I have ever had i return back to senders right now in jesus name no more critasism towards me in any way in jesus christ namess
  2. abundantlyblessed

    Lord no more critasism in any way ...

    Lord no more critasism in any way towards me to me about me about my apperance plesse destroy all every critasism towards me I've ever experienced plesse in jesus name plesse lord transform my apperance hair skin beauty teeth eyes figure clothes life faith now plesse plesse in jesus namess
  3. abundantlyblessed

    Lord plesse plesse restore every all suffering ...

    Lord plesse plesse restore every all suffering every all pain every all sadness sorrow loneliness deppression anxiety loss every all dissappoitments every all rejection every all critasism ibe ever ever ever had plesse in the past to ne right now plesse in jesus christ namess
  4. abundantlyblessed

    Lord plesse heal me plesse from all ...

    Lord plesse heal me plesse from all every critasism I have ever ever had in the past in jesus name I ask you plesse lord bless me plesse to look a tital millions dollars so very stubbubg very radiaht glourious amazing plesse in every wah part of me now plesse more more every day plesse bless me...
  5. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please destroy ...

    Lord I ask you please please destroy all every critasism towards me in every way now always please in jesus name please lord build boast please my self esteem self worth confidence abundantiy in every way now please lord bless me please with the very very very best ever compliments in every way...
  6. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please stop destroy all every ...

    Lord please please stop destroy all every critasism towards me please in every way now always in jesus name please lord build boast my self confidence self worth self esteem please in every way now please lord bless me please with the very very best ever compliments in every way now always...
  7. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please stop all evefy critasism ...

    Lord please please stop all evefy critasism towards me right now please permantly in jesus name please please lord build boast my confidence self esteem self worth incredibly abundantly in every way now please lord bless your beauty your glory your radiance ti be alkn every single part of ne in...
  8. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please heal every single part ...

    Lord please please heal every single part of me now in jesus name strengthen every part of me in power now flood me wuth your healing your power your peace youf love your light your goody beauty radiance begins glory youf peace that passes all understanding abubdantly now heal me lord from all...
  9. abundantlyblessed

    Lord no more critasism from anyone towards ...

    Lord no more critasism from anyone towards me please lord build me up lord bless me with lots compliments not critasism now please abundantly in jesus namess
  10. Wynee


    Please pray for me. I received criticism and hatred with bad words regarding his hidden phone and text
  11. Steven Bobb

    When you do things alone, you go ...

    When you do things alone, you go according to your own preferences,and in your own way.But sometimes you have to deal with others, and then in some cases you have to "dance to their tune", although you may not like "their tune." And also, you have to put up with their moodiness, idiosyncrasies...
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