
  1. Anonymous

    Lord restore restore please all every dissappoitments ...

    Lord restore restore please all every dissappoitments all every critasism all every rejection all evert suffering misery hurt pain lack poverty deppressiin anxity hurt suffering please I have ever ever had in my life to me now please in every way incredibly abundantly inlarge my faith exeed...
  2. Anonymous

    No more dissappoitments in any way in ...

    No more dissappoitments in any way in any area of my life no more critasism no more lonleyness no more sadness sorrow no mote pain no more suffering no more lack in my life in ahy way no no more poverty in my live in any way no mote thin hair no mote dry watering eyes no more asthma any symptoms...
  3. abundantlyblessed

    Please please lord end all misery all ...

    Please please lord end all misery all lonleyness all every dissappoitments all every critasism all every sadness sorrow all every deppression all every anxiety all every pain all every
  4. Anonymous

    No no more dissappoitments no more critasism ...

    No no more dissappoitments no more critasism no more lonleyness no more suffering no more sadness no more sorrow no more misery no more lack in any way no no more poverty in my life in any way no more thin hair no more dry eyes no more watering eyes no more eye problems in any way no more skin...
  5. Anonymous

    No no more critasism towards me about ...

    No no more critasism towards me about me to me about my hair about my skin apperance life in any way destroy all every critasism towards me permanently in every way right now please lord in jesus christ namess
  6. abundantlyblessed

    No more no more dissappoitments no more ...

    No more no more dissappoitments no more critasism no more lonleyness no more sadness no more sorrow no more suffering no more thin hair no more dry etes watering eyes no more eye problems no more skin blemishes no more asthma no more health problems no more stomach problems no more lack at all...
  7. abundantlyblessed

    No more dissappoitments no more critasism no ...

    No more dissappoitments no more critasism no more lonleyness no mote delays no more suffering no mote dry watering etes no mote health problems no more skin blemishes no more thin hair no more stomach problems no more lack in any way no more poverty no more dissappoitments wuth any photographes...
  8. Anonymous

    No no more critasism in any way ...

    No no more critasism in any way no no more dissappoitments no more lonleyness no more sadness sorrow no more suffering no more ete problems no mote thin hair no more skin problems blemishes no more lack no more poverty no more rejection no more health problems in jesus christ namess
  9. abundantlyblessed

    No more critasism to me about me ...

    No more critasism to me about me about my hair about my skin about my apperance life my lied mu god please please destroy destroy permanently all every critasism towards me permanently in every way rigjt now please in jesus christ namess
  10. abundantlyblessed

    No no more critasism to me about ...

    No no more critasism to me about me towards me about my haur about my skin about my apperance about anything in my life destroy lord every all critasism towards me permanently right now please in jesus christ namess
  11. abundantlyblessed

    No no more critasism to me about ...

    No no more critasism to me about me about my hair about my skin about my apoerance life no more destroy destroy lord permanently all everh critasism towards me in any way permanently right now please in jesus christ namess
  12. Anonymous

    No no more critasism to me about ...

    No no more critasism to me about me about my hauf about my skin about my apperance life in jesus name destroy all evert critasism towers me permanently permanently in every way please lord in jesus christ namess
  13. Anonymous

    No no more critasism to me about ...

    No no more critasism to me about me about my hair about my skin about my apperance life in aby way destroy destroy all every critasism lord right now in jesus christ namess
  14. abundantlyblessed

    No more critasism to me about me ...

    No more critasism to me about me about my hair about my skin apperance life in any way snd evert dissappoitments I have ever ever had in the past are all all restored to ke incredibly abundantly in every way rught now in jesus christ namess
  15. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please build ...

    Lord I ask you please please build boast please my whoke self esteem self worth self confidence incredibly abundantky in every way rught now please more more every day in jesus christ namess streanthen every single part of me in power power right now in jesus christ namess no more critasism to...
  16. abundantlyblessed

    No no more critasism to me towards ...

    No no more critasism to me towards me about Me about my hair about my skin about my apperance life in any way in jesus christ namess
  17. abundantlyblessed

    Lord no no no more critasism to ...

    Lord no no no more critasism to me about me about my skin about my apperance life in any way destroy all critasism lord and return back to senders rugjt now please lord build me up in every way in jesus namess
  18. abundantlyblessed

    Very very useful lord no more dissappoitments ...

    Very very useful lord no more dissappoitments please no more delays please no more sadness sorrow please no mote lonleyness please no more struggling please no more critasism please please in jesus christ namess
  19. abundantlyblessed

    Lord no more dissappoitments in my life ...

    Lord no more dissappoitments in my life prayers please in jesus christ namess no more delay in my life prayers in jesus christ namess no more sorrow in my life no more struggling no more lonleyness no more criticism please lord in jesus christ namess
  20. WingsofaDove

    I confess that I had spiritual pride ...

    I confess that I had spiritual pride and it made me have prayers hindered. I confess also that if someone is rude to me I take it personal " how dare they" and struggle with meek mild humble. I really don't like any criticism of any type. I really try but it's not natural at all for me. We are...
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