country: new zealand

  1. Cirareth

    Financial help, miracle to happen to pay ...

    Financial help, miracle to happen to pay of debt that is due very soon
  2. Reborn12345

    need to lose 15 kg of fat ...

    need to lose 15 kg of fat and turn into muscle to strengthen my core and weak areas that haven’t been trained, need to eat right foods and consistently eat without fail, and gave right supplements and gear, and lift more weight, am not competing, doing it to see if i can reach my goals
  3. B3L13VER

    The Morris family are using Christianity to ...

    The Morris family are using Christianity to cover that they participate in witchcraft on a daily basis, they assault me & my family, cause us bodily harm, attack other family members. They are perverted in action & mind but hide it behind pretending to be Christian. Please God hold them...
  4. Turelman

    I pray that my stomach is good ...

    I pray that my stomach is good and tuen
  5. Reborn12345

    have to lean up for health reasons, ...

    have to lean up for health reasons, need to pick up cardio, endurance and flexibility and also increase a lot in strength, and need products have done this before with Gods help need agreement of prayer and if you would like to fast for me or with me may God bless you
  6. Reborn12345

    answered prayer for DD, needing prayer for ...

    answered prayer for DD, needing prayer for her desires and to contact E for future, also for EL to meet right marriage partner and her move to overseas, also for me to accomplish and complete desires lift more in training right supplements and products to help increase strength cardio and lean up
  7. B3L13VER

    The Morris family claim to be Christian, ...

    The Morris family claim to be Christian, these people put down others they feel aren't up to their standards. They are very hypocritical, they slander & backstab people. They are very hateful & malicious but claim to be Christian they attend church every Sunday, pray, it's more traditional than...
  8. Reborn12345

    need private function with guards who are ...

    need private function with guards who are professional, proactive, wise,
  9. Reborn12345

    need private function with guards who are ...

    need private function with guards who are professional, proactive, wise,
  10. smile4jesus

    Thank you for praying for my dads ...

    Thank you for praying for my dads hip operation, it went well and he was out of hospital in less than 2 days. Please pray for my tough family situation, for God's hand in it and that my family can all celebrate Christmas together. Also Plese pray for Healing for me, I have severe M.E and severe...
  11. Reborn12345

    focus, discipline in training, eating, diet, and ...

    focus, discipline in training, eating, diet, and especially praying fasting meditating on the word and also accomplishing and completing desires and goals, really need to lift more not that strong, physical restoration in all organs internally and externally
  12. smile4jesus

    Please pray for my Dad having hip ...

    Please pray for my Dad having hip replacement surgery today. Please pray operation goes well and for fast recovery in hospital. Thank you, God bless
  13. Reborn12345

    for Bux to get new job, day ...

    for Bux to get new job, day time job for his family’s sake
  14. Adosis

    Lord,please bless us with twin baby boys ...

    Lord,please bless us with twin baby boys in three months....prepare us for their birth...
  15. Reborn12345

    prayer to complete goals and desires

    prayer to complete goals and desires
  16. Notron

    Lord, please heal my beloved cat, Max

    Lord, it seems that my little Max may have lymphoma or leukemia. Please Lord, can you heal him and make him fully well. He's such a massive part of our lives. Lord, it is such a heavy load that we are carrying at the moment with Holly so unwell and now Max. Please Lord, make Max well so that...
  17. Reborn12345

    need call from J but hasn’t got ...

    need call from J but hasn’t got number, need passport asap, money, physical restoration in organs, lift more weight in training and accomplish and complete all goals
  18. Ergatesia

    My daughter is suffering from Seizures. She ...

    My daughter is suffering from Seizures. She is just 7 years old. Please pray for her 🙏 thank you.
  19. Reborn12345

    prayer for B to finish up so ...

    prayer for B to finish up so he doesn’t get fired, also prayer for PB win, to lift more weight in training triple lifts, am not very strong, also for health products diet and too eat consistently without missing meals, complete and accomplish all goals and desires
  20. B3L13VER

    joyce & win morris keep attacking me ...

    joyce & win morris keep attacking me spiritually, they claim to be Christian but attack my family spiritually through witchcraft. Please God expose them in the churches they attend, give me justice against my adversary. Put a stop completely to the evil they conduct through witchcraft & those...
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