I must complete my lifting goals with the next 2 to 5 years would like to complete within 2 years if any of you have faith as mustard seed please pray I complete lifting desires and that all obstacles of doubt, fear, injury, distractions physically mentally and spiritually be removed, and that...
Need to get 2 new guards at establishment that I run, must be willing and committed to work, be humble, be willing to learn, look after patrons, staff and guards, be patient, have great communication
JN needs to call asap as is urgent. Need 50k to move asap to pay off remaining debts and get place and vehicle in Australia and do changes for licences
I so want to win this house 😔 still need to move Australia need 20k also I need your prayers for one of my guards, much older then me lacks wisdom, and says I lack communication yet he fails to realise that he needs to listen and be proactive instead of trying to make himself look good and...
Need to put all my belongings and furniture into storage, have at least 20k to move everything to Australia, have place in Australia start work straight away, make sure no outstanding debts in New Zealand, passport, join gym in Australia reach lifting goals also start to save so I can travel amd...
I pray Luke 18 v 1-8 over this situation today & pray that justice manifests in my life today. I pray that the morris family, melita & all those who aid them in practicing witchcraft & devil worship against children of God are held accountable for they're actions in full & that this...
I pray Luke 18 v 1-8 over this situation today & pray that justice manifests in my life today. I pray that the morris family, melita & all those who aid them in practicing witchcraft & devil worship against children of God are held accountable for they're actions in full & that this...
Please lord help me to regain the strength and muscle in my atrophied leg if not for for me just for my family so I can return to being the father and husband I know I can be please lord hear my prayer
Dear lord, I am a lonely guy who is in love with a girl. I haven't even had a chance to interact with this girl but want to start talking to her and build a future together with her. My sincere prayer request is that starting tomorrow, please let me start interacting with her and very soon form...
The establishment that I work at on fri and sat need to be members only, with the exception for celebrities, as before a place where they can enjoy with out being harassed, and dress code with collar shirts no caps or beanies or shorts or tshirts
The Morris family and Melita are deep into witchcraft, they attack my family and I spiritually on a daily basis. Pray they are held accountable for they're actions and are exposed by the members of the Churches they attend and that this all manifest this year in Jesus Christs name I pray, Amen.