I’ve had a lot of feedback lately from spouses resentful about the lack of sex in their marriage. At times, it’s pushback about my lack of sympathy or understanding for their heartache.
Truth is, I don’t know what it’s like to walk in your shoes.
However, I do know that ongoing rejection...
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Last week, Julie Sibert of Intimacy in Marriage posted on 3 Must Haves to Make Your Bedroom a Sex Haven. The post was inspired by a text conversation Chris Taylor (of The Forgiven Wife) and I had with Julie on blogging ideas. Within her great post, she then challenged Chris and me to write about...
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Actually, I do convey to lower interest spouses that they should have sex with their higher interest mates. I wholeheartedly believe that sex is good for a marriage, a gift from God that expresses and fosters intimacy.
But I have received numerous messages over the years—primarily from men but...
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My best friend in 7th grade had a brother with muscular dystrophy. He was confined to a wheelchair, got moved in and out of the bathtub and bed by his father, and had a pretty girlfriend. At first, I wondered why a teen girl would want to carry her boyfriend’s books while he wheeled his way to...
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I’ve been hearing more and more from spouses refused sex for a long time in their marriage. They are understandably disheartened and frustrated, but some are also angry.
Not just angry with their spouses, but angry with me and other Christians for letting their spouse off the hook. What they...
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Many contend that regular sex in marriage keeps a spouse from cheating. Is that true?
Can regular sex prevent an affair?
Some have gone so far as to say that regular sex “affair-proofs” a marriage. I don’t buy that.
We are responsible for ourselves. Day by day, we each decide to fulfill our...
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Why don’t you want sex? Or why doesn’t your spouse want sex?
Many marriages struggle with that question, and the short answer is that there are good reasons why someone might not desire sex in their marriage. While your experience is individual, here are seven common reasons why a spouse...
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While some singles should not be reading this blog, plenty do and find at Hot, Holy & Humorous more authentic, biblical, and specific advice than they’ve previously experienced in Christian circles. It’s nice to see so many singles attempting to prepare their hearts and minds for their future...
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My parents had a terrible marriage.
This is not news, since their divorce is public record. But recently, I’ve been contemplating once again the example I grew up with. Let’s just say they didn’t set me up well to address issues in my own marriage.
You can probably relate. Some of you had...
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Dear Lord,
We pray for those who are tired, weary, exhausted, and we ask that you give them rest. May you sustain them, provide for all their needs and comfort them. We pray that you would give them strength and fill their hearts with hope. Help them to endure. Help them to have faith. For...
Dear Lord,
My heart is heavy for those who have lost a spouse. I could not imagine losing my best friend and lover, yet these husbands and wives know that pain all too well. I pray that your loving kindness would comfort them. I pray that your love would fill their hearts. Reveal to them...
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for this beautiful day. I value my marriage with my husband and I am so incredibly thankful that you have given him to me as a gift. I pray that you would help me to cheer for my husband more often, to show him that I cherish him, that I care about him...
Dear Lord,
Thank you for my life. Thank you for my understanding of you that continues to grow. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be a wife. I pray that you would refine me, Lord. Transform my heart and make me as you created me to be. Equip me to fulfill your will and help me to...
good patience
holy spirit
husband good patience
name amen
Dear Lord,
Thank you for this day! Please give us strength as we try to do the things we know we should. Send your Holy Spirit to motivate us into action. If any of us are down, please pick us up! For the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy… Protect us from his schemes!
In Jesus Name AMEN...
Dear Lord,
I pray Your Holy Word would penetrate my heart. I pray I would know Your Word and understand it. Lord, may my heart be sensitive to Your Word. I pray it transforms me. Help me never to be deceived. I pray I never use scripture as a tool to do what I want to do. May Your will be done...
Dear Lord,
The enemy wants to take down Your bride. He wants to destroy us one marriage at a time. He is trying to convince us that we are failures, that we are not qualified to share Your Gospel. I pray against his malicious ways. I pray protection over the hearts of wives. Guard our minds and...
hearts of wives
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malicious ways protection
name amen
one marriage
Dear Lord,
Thank You for today. Thank You for the gift of life. I pray my life would be a light for others to see who You are and how much You love them. I pray others would receive You as their Lord and Savior, understanding the truth that they are no longer slaves to sin. Destroy the lies of...
Dear Lord,
I pray husbands and wives would dream together. I pray they would dream big. I pray they would envision a future where they are serving You as a team to accomplish Your perfect will. Put beautiful dreams in their heart. I pray they would communicate and devise a strategy to reach...
Dear Lord,
Thank you for my husband. Thank you for the love he has for me and how we continue to grow in our marriage. I pray that you would inspire me to love him more. Help me to affirm him with my words and my actions. Please fill me with creativity and wisdom. I pray that I would be...
Dear God,
Thank You for always being patient with me. I know that sometimes I can be stubborn and disobedient, especially when it comes to serving my husband. I need You, Lord, to help me and refine this part of my character. Strip me of my selfishness, of my laziness and of the parts of me...