For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more.
—1 Corinthians 9:19 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Grace frees us from the law of sin and death. But, our freedom is not to be used for rebellion or for self-gratification. Instead, we...
1 corinthians 9 19 kjv thoughts
cf philippians
dear father
false ideas
great cost
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scripture quotations
self gratification
today's verse grace
zondervan publishing house
My Spouse Is LEAVING ME (What To Do Next)
If your spouse has told you “I’m leaving,” it can be one of the most painful things you’ve experienced. I mean, when you get married, you make a promise, “ ‘til death do us part.” And now, here you are- somewhere in the life cycle of your marriage...
1 fresh vision
2 smart contact
actual size
doesn t
first thing
fresh firm vision
fresh vision
good view
positive thoughts
practical tips
s big
s important
serious event
spouse didn t
Dear Lord,
I pray that husbands and wives would seek to keep purity in their marriage. I pray against the temptation of sin. I pray against pornography and the lies that convince people to bring things into their marriage that they don’t need. I pray against things that corrupt marriage. I pray...
[Jesus continued,] "And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don't panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won't follow immediately."
—Mark 13:7 NLT
Key Thought
When war occurs, people panic. That has always been true, and it was certainly true in Jesus' day. However...
13 7 nlt key thought
carol stream illinois
heartlight inc
holy bible new living translation copyright
human condition
numerous wars
permission of tyndale house publishers
prevalent problem
scripture readings
threats of wars
tyndale house foundation
tyndale house publishers inc
world today's o father
Hebrews 6:13-7:28
Dear Father, King above all rule and authority on earth,
Thank you for your holy and sure promises. Your oath is immutable. In these things in which it is impossible for you to prove false, we who have fled to you for refuge find strong encouragement to seize the hope set...
7 28 dear father king
bodily descent
commercial use
dear father king
eldon degge
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high priest able
indestructible life
inner shrine
melchizedek king
order of melchizedek king of righteousness king of peace
perfect forever
righteousness king
written consent
written consent heartlight
Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, ...
—Ephesians 5:18 NIV
Key Thought
Being drunk is sometimes called being "under the influence." While we certainly are not to be under the influence of wine or other intoxicating or addictive...
5j3t ahrwvo
addiction driven life
addictive behavior
addictive substances
behavior god's antidote
commercial use
devos godsholyfire
ephesians 5 18 niv key thought
esv today's o father
eugene h peterson
heartlight inc
holy bible new international version
holy bible new international version niv copyright
holy fire
holy presence
holy spirit
http feeds feedburner com r
influence of wine
living god's holy presence
many false substitutes
message copyright
niv key thought
permission of navpress
permission of zondervan
phil ware scripture quotations
spirit ephesians
tyndale house publishers
tyndale house publishers inc
water of life
worldwide scripture quotations
worthwhile alternative
written consent
"And they follow me."
—John 10:27
Evening Thought
We should follow our Lord as unhesitatingly as sheep follow their shepherd, for he has a right to lead us wherever he pleases. We are not our own, we are bought with a price-let us recognize the rights of the redeeming blood. The soldier...
adversity sickness
charles h spurgeon
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come prosperity
commander submission
devos spurgeon evening
eternal salvation
everlasting arms
full trust
health popularity
heir of mercy
sharp flinty trials
smooth paths
written consent
"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."
—Galatians 5:25
Morning Thought
The two most important things in our holy religion are the life of faith and the walk of faith. He who shall rightly understand these is not far from being a master in experimental theology, for they...
charles h spurgeon
day life
devos spurgeon
grace two lamps
holiness of life
holy life
holy religion
life of faith
living faith
superstructure of spiritual life
true faith unattended
two abutments
two most important things
two olive trees
two pillars
two streams
walk of faith
Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.
—Ecclesiastes 9:18 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Just a little leaven and the whole lump is changed. A sinful person can have the same effect on a whole group of people committed to God. So let's be wise and...
devil's schemes
evil one
good ecclesiastes
good ecclesiastes 9 18 kjv thoughts
group of people
holy bible new international version
holy spirit
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international bible society
kjv thoughts
little leaven
loving father
one sinner
permission of zondervan publishing house http feeds feedburner com r
same effect
satan's attacks
scripture quotations
sinful person
sinner destroyeth
today's verse
weapons of war
zondervan publishing house
How To Deal With A Toxic Relationship
If you want to know what a toxic relationship is, or how to deal with it, I’m here to help. Right now, there are so many different opinions and thoughts about toxic relationships. Because of this, I want to approach this topic carefully.
I’m going to...
abusive relationships
actual definition of toxic
clinical definition
deadly toxic
different definition
different people
life threatening situation
many different opinions
many different people
many different things
passive aggressive behavior
professional point of view toxic relationships
s toxic
t toxic
toxic relationships
truth hope
two questions
What To Do When Your Spouse Files For Divorce
If your spouse files for divorce, you might feel lost and confused, not knowing what to do. You might be devastated, angry, or overwhelmed by emotions.
Maybe you’re even questioning, “Why should I even try to save my marriage?”
The majority of...
3 specific things
angry coworker
community of people
couples divorce papers
current reality
divorce filings
encouraging community
exact same thing
flip side
many other things
marriage helper
other people
perfect face
s okay
spouse files
3 Reasons To End An Affair
If you’re reading this article, you may be thinking about ending your affair. But on the other hand, you might be thinking, “There’s no way on earth. I’m not about to end this thing. I’m happier than I’ve ever been.” I still ask that you listen to these three...
affair partner cheat
beliefs values
convenience store
dear friend
different person
extramarital affair
high standards
legal bond
long period
other hand
right thing
total lack
true values
value system
way beliefs
wife doesn t integrity demand
young woman
3 Steps To Really Understand Your Wife
If you really want to understand your wife better than you do now- or if you want your husband to better understand you than the way he does now- there are three steps that men need to take.
To start, there’s a difference in the way that men and women...
different personality types
different something
first available opportunity
good thing
noble idea
other words
s brilliant wish
s comfortable
s different
s likely
s ready
s thinking
s wrong
second part
terrible thing
three hours
3 Step Plan To Get Your Ex Back
If you want to know what you can do to get your ex back, then this is for you. Whether you’re separated or divorced, I’m going to teach you a three-step formula you can follow in order to do the best things you can do to get your ex back.
Even if you’re not...
3 step plan
best things
controlling pushy behaviors
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ex spouse
exact system
exact three part formula
marriage communication
marriages communication
principles work
push behaviors
s likely
separated spouse
smart contact start
smart contact toolkit
social science
three step formula
three step process
3 Ways To End An Affair
If you’re currently in an affair, or if you know somebody who is, these three things will be extremely important to you.
If you are in an affair and deeply, emotionally connected to the other person, these three things still work if you do them.
You might be...
affair toolkit
automobile accident
doesn t
don t
escape clause
final decision
first thing
irrevocable decision
long time
other person
right thing
s unfair
second thing
spouse s pain
strong emotional connection
three things
How The Loss Of A Loved One Affects A Marriage
With David Mathews
My wife and I founded Spark Of Life, a grief recovery ministry. We work with thousands of people devastated by loss. We work with many couples who experienced the devastating loss of a child and we work with couples where one...
bob s dad
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grief recovery ministry
husband s
life s problems
marriage email graphic png
marriage helper workshops
marriage threatening problems
one s entire life
one vital point
person s relationship
s actions
s entire life
s similar
spouse s story
three action steps
unique grief
7 Signs NO CONTACT Is Ruining Your Life
If you’ve been trying NO CONTACT and feel stuck, confused, or don’t even know what to do next this is for you.
First of all, No Contact is not the best thing that you should do for your marriage. More times than not, it’s going to ruin your chances of...
consuming negative thoughts
free course
free mini course
future relationship
healthy behaviors
healthy medium
last ditch efforts
long term healthy relationships
marriage helper
negative relationship patterns
s sign number
smart contact smart contact
t advocate
time energy
Kimberly Holmes: When you have a spouse that’s cheating, it can be completely overwhelming because you don’t even know where to start. The questions to ask. Your heart is hurting. You’re scared. There are so many emotions that go into that.
Kimberly Holmes: Two of the main questions that...
affair sexual
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different ways
dr joe beam
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emotional drive
first part
kimberly holmes
kind of affair
main questions
many emotions
s cheating
s listening
spouse wouldn t
two instances
two main reasons
two reasons
The TRUTH About “No Contact”
So, you stopped contacting your spouse. And now you’re trying this thing called “No Contact” to try and get your spouse back. You’re trying it to get them to see what they’re missing. You hope that they’ll want you back and that they will come crawling back to...
complete sham
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contact stems
ethical beliefs
experience study research
false promises
marriagehelper com
master s
mental effort
perceived freedom
psychological theory
reactance theory
real hands
s applicable logical
s working
value system
Where do we get our notions of what sex is like? One place is screen sex—movies, TV, videos that show couples engaged in hot and heavy lovemaking.
But screen sex is pretend sex. It involves special lighting, camera angles, makeup and wardrobe, choreography, and acting. If we get the idea that...
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