a relative need deliveracne form evil spirits asign God ot intervene thanky ou for oyu rprayers. also da dneed healign in heart valve emoitonally and also need planty of oxygenin heart. i nee dhelaing of type 1 diabetes feelignso tired and also battle fatigue. lor dhela my bedriiden grandma form...
dlif eabudnanc ien dchirs
evil spirits
fatigue lor
fmaily wif epregnant lord
heart need healing
heart valve
relative need deliverance
type 1 diabetes
will lord
a relative always yells at me and its destroyed me i have type 1 diabete suntreated.it ther eis a God who loves pleas ehlp this parent to calm down hela them form asperger syndroem i canto live liek this 24/= days a week. i need to care for my starvign grandma severely ill wiht also blood suga...
asperger syndrome
blood suga rissues
eplea speleas edo
firend sno helpers
lfi eicannot lvi eliek
poor foreign country
poor function
same country
type 1 diabetes
Lordforgiveme an dhelp me. im so discouraged os aloen need yu help Lor id neeyour support pleassend help asap. im wek ant ired. pelase. and pelase do alliny our power to give my mom be in a bette rmood always causign me to break down.pelase stop her cotnstantin compaling . giv eher happy...
constant complaining giv
heal resotre
heal restore device
hell lor dlal glor
ldeliver stenghtne pleas
me ge number
support pleassend
ucnle autsism colehcialism heal resotr esave
week ant
Lord send helaignto thos ehwo really nee dit. pleas esav ehal restroe and dleiv eur salf orm fevil. pelas emake this a great day for all. please help ith all needs. thanky ou in thenameofthe Lord Jeus Chirs also help the lonely and htose who have no helper
praise report: thnak oyu Lord for helign in my eyes teeth faical boens yesterday da.y Lor idm sorry a si was doign my gnradma diaperpleas ehel her osteoporsis and and stegnthen heal boens in her hela her of small bowel osbstrucotn syndorm giv em strenght and the emtinal support i need form OYu...
Please pray for my son Balint Sandor to be healthy. He’s been having headache and nausea and been very tired. Please pray for he’s brain to be ok and normal and him to be healthy and energetic. Thank you ❤️🙏🏻
prasie report: thnak you Lor dofr never leaivgn me or forsakign me. thank you for healign my teeth. Lor pdleas ehal my dad sheart valve and and he ha splanty of oxygen acan breaht wihttou any problems and is heale dof osteoporsis and pleas eprovide best resitrmentmoney for him.pea shela my...
asperger syndrome
best resitrmentmoney
dad heart valve
family hela depression
family member
good relationship
mgrandma form
oxygen acan breath
praise report
Lord please help all atach securely to oyu and heal restore save my fmaily and all peopel. dleiver me forme vil and also envy and sorrow.please give me a husbadn of oyur choice and itmign Lord. help me deal wiht my issue slonliness adn also shame. also please hela my grandma hela ym dad sheart...
Lord please help all atach securely to oyu and heal restore save my fmaily and all peopel. dleiver me forme vil and also envy and sorrow.please give me a husbadn of oyur choice and itmign Lord. help me deal wiht my issue slonliness adn also shame. also please hela my grandma hela ym dad sheart...
Lord save me im sorry for my sins. please make peace with all peopel i sinned against. please have emrcy i need help me im sorr yim so sorry i m need oyu help Lord i need you to step in and save me sve me please forgive me btu also pelase keep peopel away from me who ar enot for me. please im...
i keep makign mistakes and nee dhelp carign for my grandma. Lr dplease help me. i feel alone please also ive me more energy please Lord dleiver all peopel form suicidal hopeles htoughts. pleas ehlp
Lord i see no light in my life and its been years. please Lord i odtn want o be here anymore. is ther anyhtign you can do to help me? i see no joy in my life its a struggle every day. i dotn have any friends fmaily jsut use me and i m sad all the time.please Lord save my life i beg oyu .
im so unhappy all the tiem.i dotn really want to exst. nto sure hwo to get outof this pit i see no light at all and im tired of all the pain and sufferign. please pray i encoutner the Lord and his goodness today becuas ei jsut dotn feel like it anymore.. ive been lonley sologn and so feel so...
caregiver remotivate pleas
christian man
im weary lor
jesus christ
jsut dotn
lonely song
miracl ehusbadplease
self improvement
weary lord
please pray for me as my life has spiralled downhill by bad choices. los tmy temper fought wiht my siste rin law and brother i am abad caregiver to my grasndma as im battlign wiht own illness . im trying har dbut but no haivn gfriends or any support is hard i hate mysef and odnt even knwo how to...
Lord im aksign oyu ot please brign peopel into my lfie who ACTUALY CARE abut em. pleaseis hard always beign alone allllllll the itme please hal my relationshipw ith my sister in law and brother. i feel angry and want o le tog of that ange rbuti d otn knwo how. ye si forgiv ethem bu im angry...
all my life i was with extremely angry birtter peopel .i want this end. Lor dpleae take me away i wanna die. pelase HELP PLEASE PLESE HVE MERCY ITS TÖOOMCUH why ypu help us Lord Jeus Chirst pelase come into my life my mothers and dads and fmily my grandm aina major way.im not strogn enugh PLEASE...
askign God to bless everoyne today. Lor dif you are willlign give me my own husband today. also pelsae dtake aw all coveotusness idolatry. im depressed because life is very hard for me and its hard to rejoice. Lord today pelas make this day good ooen for us all. bless my fmaily with mro eof oyur...
coveotusness idolatry
esame prayrs
eus abudnant life
force fo rme
good break
jesus christ
mro eof oyur love
physical illness
younger women
prayerrequest for myself. I am ver ylonley and i did God beg for a husband but its mroe than that i feel so unlove dso unseen so uncared fro in my lfie. havent really got even much of a birthday card in years. nof riends to cals for sicn ei was 19 im 34. i hurt deeply. i would liek to experience...
God, please accept soul of your son Djordje (deceased 2 weeks ago at age of 40) who was a good soul but sadly did not accept You during life. Yet his deeds were always full of love and care for other. "That what you did to my smallest brothers you did to Me" Please have mercy and take all our...
pleas pray Gdo heals my grandmas evisn arterie san dprais ereport: thnak oyu Lord hav ehelaign form diabetes feelign better pelas epra yGdpp heals my dads heart valve os it works properly again and that he has plenty of oxygen pleas gpray that my granmda is heale dan dand my mom and brothe r as...
affordable mobile bed
arterie san dprais ereport
eprotec tmy fmaily
eu sos laone
evil form temptations
ioa christian man
prais eglory honu irs sour
thnak oyu hav ehelaign form diabetes
ungodl ystrage marriage