My dear Brothers and Sisters, please pray for my success at winning a scholarship abroad. I studied so hard to have good grades and did everything I could to get this scholarship. But I know that I alone am not enough for this whole thing. I need God and I need my Brothers and Sisters in Christ...
Big miracle praise reort: thank you Lord Jeus Chirst for shfitng my jaws teeth into place gianing soem weight after years. thank oyu fo rhelaign em oflal illness. Lor doyu are my God. pelas ehlp me guid eme and dleiver em form lust. pleas ehla my grandma who hhas been bedridden for years. peae...
thnak you Lor dof rhelaign miracle.s place hela this pressure form my eyes and take away all fear and stres splease in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ help me do your WIll
yesterday my dad went for doctor appointment i am worried. but PRaise Report: he has a pension thank oyu allf or prayers. pelas epray for my fmailys salvaitona nd toal helaign and alo that God helps us all do His Will and be guide dby His holy spirit same wiht my hubby form the Lord. Lord please...
b form smoking
clena hous egiv eme wisdom
dmeentia healthy blood sugar
gums rbian body mind
happy healthy long lives
lor dhela b s teeth
merry yheart protec thim
rus form accidents prent accident dealth illness
tress related healthissuespleas eofrigvie
I would like to kindly ask for prayer in agreement with someone who reads this for my grandmother's contagious sickness and her stomach to be fully healed in Jesus'name, believing and trusting, relying on God's grace, mercy and promises as well as her getting to know Jesus. Thank you and God bless!
Please continue praying for my crush, for keeping herself safe, making good decisions, and that later she will be open to give me a chance to make her happy ❤️🙏
i feel chronically stresse din my life. all the time. ijsut wish i had my own plac eof dwellign to relax soemtimes. i feel stressed forma fmaiylmmeber. Lor dplease forgiv ema nd giv eme some time away form them. i need soem rest. aso help me care fo rmy grandma . Lor di feel very alone with so...
enough space
fmaiylmmeber lor dplease forgiv ema
giv eme
grandma lor di
many respnsibilitesplease ocem
relaxign tiem btu
type 1 diabetes diabetes
pleas epray for me and my relationship with my mother. my mothe rhas asperger syndorme and iwe fight all day everday 24/7. we are carign for my gradnma. i pray God hela my mom and hela me too . asking God ot intervene and healu sall of us my grandma especially too as she has been bedridden for...
blood vessels lor dim
confusions pleas ebelss oru marriage
divine devine love
eye contact cooperation
facial expressions intentions
grandmas high blood sugar high blood pressure
healthy living boundaries
hoem im tir
rel tno one break
please heal me and my family Lord and my hubby fro,m You Christ our Lord help me with my taska. please make my mother less bossy as im losing myself in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
i feel i have no hope in my lif ei am so depressed i dont see any hope in my lfie i feel ltha tliek is unbearable. i am lonley and sad and always obsligated to submit submit submit i wanna die Lr id wanna die pelase show up Lor di see no hope no light no nothing i see nothin but slvary in ym lfi...
imd epressed and need God to hel me. i really need HSi love im too depressed i cant take care of my grandm alike this. Lor di need break form this routine that my mothe rhas placed ove rme. every isngle day is the same. pelase Lor diwanna diepelase do osmehtign new in my life today please I BEG YOU
aksing for prayers. i really need some help. ive been carign for my grandma for u7 years who has been bedridden for mos tof the itme wiht a mother wiho has asperger snydorme. im 34 years aold and every single my entire life revolves around my mothers requests. i dotn feel like a human beign . i...
i feel so alone please pray God sends me a husband who actually car abotu feel emptybroken aloen somoene help pelase pray. i cant serve God when im so broken...
i pray that Gdo dleivers me form all eivl today. i so pray Gdo heals my grandm and parens andbrother. i feel so hopeless. i pray God helps women who are bause. Lor dplease make a way for me. im so dowdn what mcut si do to hsave better tire dof trying.pelase take away allillness. please...
GIANT PRAISE MIRAC REPORT: mIRACLE PRAISE report!: I want to praise the Lord for giviing me huge healing last night on my facial jaw and teeth alignment strengthenign regorign repositionign myy facial bones . i suffered form sepsis flesh eatign bacteria . ).after several years the LOrd regrew...
I dont have good feelings about the information what i got... very minimal information, i suppose its a date of something i dont know...its just a thought, it ended up in a weird way.. Please pray for my crush's mental health, thats shes NOT doing anything stupid, i am very worried.... Since she...
i do no thav emuch faiht ill admit but maybe soemoen hee does.. im asking God ot heal my mom of asperger syndorme if He is Willing . or heal her brain and hela my grandma who has small bowel obstruction syndrom blood sugar high bloor pressure. alsi need helaign of and my fmaily need full...
allpeoel hela v
blood sugar high blood pressure
brian body mind
da best pension
histamine intolerance dehydration depression
oyu holy spirit
oyur holy spirit
small bowel obstruction syndrome
strong divine love
Prasie reort: praise the Lord: i have recieved muvch helaign form you Lord on my jaw today thank ouy! thnak oyu alos with the clean up. i pray that oyu somehow help me clean up the glass shards.. pelas eprovide best clenaign equipment ever please God. also pleas ehl my mom form asperger snydorme...
asperger yna asperger syndrome
cancer diabetes diabetes insipidus tooth decay periodontitis disease metabolic acidosis
lor ddleiver emf orm
lor dot lal epopel
minds body emootiosn teeth
past s dleive rme form
poepel wiht lognhelahty sinless life
small bowel obstruction syndrome
stable excellent insulin levels