Lord can you pleas epleas epelas epleas ehelp us wiht our live si beg oyu i nee dmore rest an di nee dsome encouragement soem love i can thandle jsut abus epleas send me an yangel hela mym om please an dmy grandma. please send help. please le thtier be more love in my life or take me awa.y pleas...
ifeel so lonely overworked and mistreate dall da.y im tire dof it i hav eno strnght i jsut want a break GOd pelas ehar my cry i apprciate all you do but im beggign oyu pelase od soemhtign to help me toda.y help my omo and grandm aina ny way oyu can please help me
prasie report: thnak ouy Lor dof rhealign my teeth positions yesterday thank you for my grandma.please help with my mom i beg you. plese helaaehr of asperger syndorem or take me away form here. i cannto handle her yellign all th time all the itme becsause the onyl t pleas help me in any wa you...
please take away thrat smice all eivl form this house an doutr live spleas ehav emerc yan dgiv em soem garbage cans why am i not allwoe dot hav egarbage cans why cant i have clenaing supplies? ive wha ti need help me out please iwht hte clenaign pleas ehelp also
pase God help my mom i beg oyu do somehtign to help her!!! PLEASe send someone to take out algaman filling and dotn let her be in toxicitypleas ehelp stop complaingi caus ei cant think and take away the horrible problem wiht the type 1 diabetes.pelase hela us and help em clena the house please...
Praise report: thank you Lord that while in prayer you heale dmy eyes shiften bones teeht jaw alignemnt. thank you Lord Jesus Christ Lor dplease save heal restore all my life my fmaiyl memebrs and their lives and all peoples lives anadmarirages. Lor dif B is my husband form yo cna you make this...
asking our Lord Jesus Christ to please remove all amalgan form my moher smoth and any other harmful substances. heal her form asperger syndroem and also dleiver her form allunclena spirits. hela her and set her free Lord. please giv eher new teeth real teeth and also heal my bod yas well heal my...
please pray ofr me i cant handle the abus eanymore. pelas someone help me pelas eplease please INBEG You ican thandle the abuse anymore an di cant ge tout and im so weak and exhaste di hav eot care of rmy bedridden grandma whom i love. i cant handle the abusive perosn anymore.wyh did God allow...
Der Heavenly Father ,Dear Lord Jesus Christ, praise report: thank oyu for lot so fhelaign in my teeth . osem tarta has left me las tnight i asked my dry eyes ot beocme undry and i felt healignt thanky ou Lord Jeus Chirs.t thanky ou for helaing my teeth and also for helaign posiitons of teeht...
demonic oppression depression anxiety
healthy long lives
heavenly father dear praise report
illness sickness burden diseases
phobia diabetes lor di
rbothe rofr histmian intoerlac eans
relaitonship lor dpelas eprovid
wonderful beautiful healthy baby boy
year lor dpleas egiv
Priase report: thank you Lor dfor shifitng teeth adn jaw in alignemntment i am so thanlful thank you for helaign me and for less tartat the Lord is so good! pelas epra yof rmy fmaily full salvation my grandm asis bedirdden and weak and so worrie dpelas epra yof rhe helaign through Chirs tand the...
Der Heavenly Father ,Dear Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Praise report!: PRaise to OYu thnaky uf or shifitng my teeht jaws in bette rpostions thnak you for your Helaign form you Lord Jesus Christ. i plead your Holy blod ont his prayer and thnak you for your Holy blood. i coem to oyu in...
aks oyu
anger strife stubbornness blindness
eel embarrase dofr
jelousy hwo cna
joy suck ed
osul heal ehr life
oyu seke oyu desir eoyu knwo yu udnerstand oyu
sher dleive rhr
wa sin deep sadness
praise reprot: thnak you Lor dofr helaign my teeth. and jaws. I am aksign the Lord Jeus Christ to coem itno my ife and in the lvie sof my fmaiy in a a ver yperosnal and intimate way. aksign for HIs peace protection adn encouragement. and grace. i want o fix my relaitonships btu im too embarassed...
coornvirsu phobis germ szil nk
dirty lor dpleas
emak emy path straigh ti
emy relaitonshipw
fresh stronger way
lfi ebay bad decisions
mos important thing
relationship wiht oyu aks htis
wisdom strength focus
my mom always yells at me and i jsut wanan die its too mcuh im 34 year sold pela eGod help me separate me and my mom peacefully i ebg oyu i can thandle this heal her asperger snydorme pelase i dotn know how to keep goign anymore an dhela my grandma please every time she yells all days every i...
Lord thank you so mcuh for aynother da.y please forgive my sisn and sisns of my forfathers. i plead you Holy blood. Lor do all inyour power that i am devoted to oyu onyl Lor donly OYu shall iserve. please forgive my sisn and backsliding and procrastination. please help me not to worry baotu my...
prsaise report. thnak oyu Lrod for helaign my teeth posiotns!! i coem to oyu in prayer .i am sorry for all the tiemsi have grieved oyur holy spirit. please forgive me for all my short comigns and failures. i want o change. help me tochange. help me o repent of my sins and seekk you wiht all my...
praise report:: Askign of was praying the Lord shifted teeth in place better alignment thank you Lord Jesus Christ!!! praise the Lord!!! askign praer for my familys totoal helaign and total repantacne total salvation in Christ adn also for forgivness of sins by the blood of the Lord Jesus...
i want o change. help me tochange. help me o repent of my sins and seekk you wiht all my heart. please forgive all my sins. help me to seek oyuwih my all of my heart and not mere words. forgive em for all the times i have nto kept my word. please giv eme the power to b faithful to oyu always...
please forgive me for all my short comigns and failures. i want o change. help me tochange. help me o repent of my sins and seekk you wiht all my heart. please forgive all my sins. help me to seek oyuwih my all of my heart and not mere words. forgive em for all the times i have nto kept my word...