Father thank you for blessed and good weekend with her. Let her keep those good memories so she won't forget them due to her dissociative memory loss. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Father I praise you for this great time with her tonight. I praise you for the good time and connection and love we can share tonight. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Отче Небесний, дозволь мені наблизитися до Тебе максимально близько, щоб я ясно чула голос Твій у Дусі Святому. Очисти мене від всякого гріха, який має над мною владу, навіть таємного, який стоїть зараз між мною і Тобою і заважає мені чути Тебе. Дай мені скерування до тих місць Писання, де Ти...
I would ask for Jesus' guidance and protection in my life and that the Lord would protect me from all the attacks of the enemy. I would ask the Holy Spirit to show me the right direction and help me. I ask that Jesus separate me to himself and the Holy Spirit and speak directly to my heart. I...
Father she got safely back home. Thank you. Now let her get job opportunities and help for her BPD. Let the birthday gifts I bought to her bring her joy and happiness. Heal her memory so she can remember all the good stuff between us and see that we have so much good. In Jesus name and blood I...
She is having another altered state. Forgetting about all the good memories and stuff between us. Father let her remember all the good stuff and remember all the good memories between us. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Father she suffers from BPD and dissociative memory loss. As her loved one this is stressing for me too since she at times forgets about all the good things between us. Father heal her brain so she could remember and see all the beauty between us. Let love and connection grow between us. You...
Father her car is still broken and it seems it's worse than first seemed. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. Now you speak to her heart through this situation and work your ways here. I trust in you Lord and...
Father her car is still broken and it seems it's worse than first seemed. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. Now you speak to her heart through this situation and work your ways here. I trust in you Lord and...
Father her car is still broken and it seems it's worse than first seemed. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. Now you speak to her heart through this situation and work your ways here. I trust in you Lord and...
Father let her car work today with the new replacement part she gets. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Tahtoisin löytää aidon Jeesuksen Kristuksen uskovan naisen joka on uskollinen sanalle ja olisi halukas kanssani tutkimaan Pyhää Jumalan sanaa ja evankelioimaan Jeesuksesta muille ihmisille.
Father let her remember all good memories between us and how much we laugh together. Please heal her dissociative amnesia so she could fully enjoy all the beautiful memories we share and all the laughs we have. Father let there be healing to her BPD and let us find more and more love between us...
Minua saa muistaa rukousin tarvitsen selkeän johdatuksen elämääni ja Pyhän hengen täyteyden ja ### asuntoa ### huonetta ja sauna sekä ### henkilöauto jolla voin muuttaa pois kotoa ja kunnon työpaikka haluan saada olla rauhassa ja turvassa tutkia Pyhää Jumalan sanaa ja rukoilla maailman ja...
I would ask God's protection and guidance to my life. I ask that Jesus would protect ### and liberate me from all enemies. I would ask that God would fill me with the Holy Spirit.
Father let her remember all good memories between us and how much we laugh together. Please heal her dissociative amnesia so she could fully enjoy all the beautiful memories we share and all the laughs we have. Father let there be healing to her BPD and let us find more and more love between us...