Father her car is still broken and it seems it's worse than first seemed. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. Now you speak to her heart trough this situation and work your ways here. I trust in you Lord and...
Father her car is still broken and it seems it's worse than first seemed. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. Now you speak to her heart trough this situation and work your ways here. I trust in you Lord and...
Father her car is still broken and it seems it's worse than first seemed. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. Now you speak to her heart trough this situation and work your ways here. I trust in you Lord and...
Father let her car work today whit the new replacment part she gets. Father help her so she can get help that knows how to fix the car and get it running. Father send help so she can get home. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Tahtoisin löytää aidon Jeesuksen Kristuksen uskovan naisen joka on uskollinen sanalle ja olisi halukas kanssani tutkimaan Pyhää Jumalan sanaa ja evankelioimaan Jeesuksesta muille ihmisille
Father let her remember all good memories between us and how much we laugh together. Please heal her dissociative amnesia so she could fully enjoy all the beautyfull memories we share and all the laughs we have. Father let there be healing to her BPD and let us find more and more love between...
Minua saa muistaa rukousin tarvitsen selkeän johdatuksen elämääni ja Pyhän hengen täyteyden ja maaseudulta vuokra asunto vanha okt 1tai 2 huonetta ja sauna sekä farmari henkilöauto jolla voin muuttaa pois kotoa ja kunnon työpaikka haluan saada olla rauhassa ja turvassa tutkia Pyhää Jumalan sanaa...
I would ask God's protection and guidance to my life. I ask that Jesus would protect ma and liberate me from all enemies. I would ask that God would fill me with the Holy Spirit.
Father let her remeber all good memories between us and how much we laugh together. Please heal her dissociative amnesia so she could fully enjoy all the beautyfull memories we share and all the laughs we have. Father let there be healing to her BPD and let us find more and more love between us...
Дорогий Господь,я продовжую молитися за своїх колежанок,щоб вони отримали одкровення про те що Ти Іісус живий і вічний Бог.відкрийся їм Господи через каяття та Твоє милосердя.Також молюсь про коледж у якому я навчаюсь ,створи мені добрі умови для навчання.Засяй своїм сяйвом на тому місці ,очисти...
Father let her remeber all good memories between us and how much we laugh together. Please heal her dissociative amnesia so she could fully enjoy all the beautyfull memories we share and all the laughs we have. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Продовжую молитися про очищення коледжу Keuda в селі Mäntsälä ,та про очищення всього села від нечистих друхів тут правлячих.Дуже багато чаклунів та шаманів які проводять свої обряди по усім місцям.
I ask Heavenly Father for a job for which I have been interviewed and I am qualified to do so. The employer has drawn attention to the trial period cancellations, of which there have been several for reasons beyond my control in Jesus Christ mighty name.
Father I praise you for she found the replacment part for her car. Unfortunately she has to wait until monday for the part to arrive at local store. Now I ask to keep her safe and from all bad influence during her stay at her friends place. Let this situation and distance stregthen our...
Father allow her to find new replacment part for her car today so she can get home today. Help her and speak to her trough this situation Father. In Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
огромная просьба молиться о спасении моих финских друзьях . Jenna Perokorpi,.,Latte ,Lasse,Minna. Очень хорошие и отзывчивые люди,но со сложной семейной обстановкой и когда говориш об Иисусе Христе особенно о Его воскресении пугаются таких разговоров и прекращают общаться. И продолжаю молиться о...