I did the ultimatum. I said we are done until she commits to therapy and generally treatment for her BPD. Now Father I have truly given up and she is completely in your hands and this whole situation is in your hands. It's up to you to restore this relationship or do whatever pleases you. I have...
Her latest BPD episode went off by me just ignoring her mean and somewhat delusional messages and giving her space and time. I can't control her emotional turmoil but I can control my own reaction and response. I also can give up these issues to you Father and let you heal her. I also can set...
Father she is again having a BPD episode. I do as agreed and just let her rant commenting nothing on her ranting letting her calm down. This is what I was recommended to do by my psychologist. Now I leave this matter into your hands and let you do your healing. When we see today let this day be...
I'm asking for my mold allergies and sensitivities to go away in Jesus name. I have bought a temporal accommodation for my job. I can’t afford to get another accommodation but this place is ruining my health and soon I won’t be able to work at all. - ###
Asking for prayers. I started having severe allergic symptoms out of nowhere two weeks ago. These symptoms escalated to anaphylactic shock yesterday. There's no clear cause and I'm feeling a bit hopeless since the medication hasn't helped with the throat swelling.
Mitä tehdä kun haluaa eroon vaikeista ###istä ja Herra Jeesus Kristus saisi johtaa askeleeni niin että voisin todistaa Jeesuksesta muille ###ille. T,###
Father you know what is going on. She tried to call me during night but I missed the call because I didn't hear it through my sleep. She or actually no one usually calls me at night so I am thinking something has happened. Whatever is going on Father keep her and us all safe and protected. You...
Father I praise you for restoring communication between us. Now help us to calm down this relationship and all the taxing elements and fluctuation brought by the BPD. Let there be healing and increase in love. On Jesus name and blood I pray, amen.
Я дякую Господу Небес, за всі Його керівництва та настанови. За пом'якшення сердець, за моє оточення, яке очами моєї віри йде в присутність Господню. Також дякую за ті дари та інструменти, якими Бог благословив мене, для плідної праці в Ісусі Христі. Дякую за місце для роботи та місце покою...
She is extremely taxed by her current financial situation and her BPD is flaring out. She blocked me again out of blue. At least maintaining some form of contact. Father I leave this whole situation into your hands do your healing and restoration so she too could feel peace and not be tormented...
She is extremely taxed by her current financial situation and her ### is flaring out. She blocked me again out of blue. At least maintaining some form of contact. Father I leave this whole situation into your hands do your healing and restoration so she too could feel peace and not be tormented...
Father thank you for restoring her back from her BPD episode. Praise you Lord. Now please help her in her financial situation so she could get her finances cleared and would not need to stress about them. Due her BPD and other mental torments she is no capable of work at the moment and the...
She is having another BPD episode. She is acting really insulting and mean. And cut off all connections to me. Father you see this whole mess of a situation. Give me strength, wisdom and courage to see this through. Please restore connection back between us and let her remember all the warmth...
Father bless her and heal her BPD. Let love and understanding grow between us. Allow us to see tomorrow and have good time and no arguments. Heal the damage the BPD episodes and things around it have caused. Let us find the joy and enjoyment back into our common moments and feel more love and...
Я молюся, щоб в ім'я Ісуса Христа кожен неправедний, обтяжливий зв'язок був зруйнований у моєму житті. Кожну нечестиву голову відсічуть. всі нечестиві руки відберуть свої руки від моєї долі. В ім'я Ісуса Христа. Я також молюся за коледж, де навчаюся, у всіх страшних головних болях. Я молюся, щоб...
Father we had a major argument. We did reconcile. But our argument disturbed the ###. Now we agreed to go to counseling together and avoid such conflicts by writing to each other about these difficult things. We also agreed we have everything fine in our relationship and things are okay despite...