country: brazil

  1. Jacqueline Triches

    Restaurar marido homoafetivo

    Boa tarde! Estou muito, muito feliz e aliviada de estar podendo falar com vocês 🙏🏻 Meu marido saiu de casa, devido há vários erros e defeitos meus 🥺 fui péssima esposa e dona de casa! Temos 2 filhos , q Amo de paixão! Ocorre q ele está envolvido em caso homoafetivo 🥺 Como eu Oro, e peço Ajuda de...
  2. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Please Children of GOD ALMIGHTY help ...

    Halleluja Please Children of GOD ALMIGHTY help me tu thanks GOD for saving my life without nothing I met two man with gun point for my heads
  3. John Patrick

    Please protect my brother. Get him to ...

    Please protect my brother. Get him to speak again and get him the help he needs. I love you so much Jesus.
  4. Wuthsar

    Halleluja please deliver me heels me and ...

    Halleluja please deliver me heels me and break through my all damage urgans tu come back home iam a Ghanain 16 yrs outside,every thing dead in my life iam getting tu my 60 s please deliver me tu save my life ,may GOD ALMIGHTY tourches your heart to help me deliver
  5. Starryn

    Please pray for my mother Eliane, whom ...

    Please pray for my mother Eliane, whom is suffering from many healthy problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, headaches, anxiety. Please Lord, protect my mother and heal her, please Lord, don't let the evil stand. Thanks to everyone who help us.
  6. Jaysornal

    Deliverance and restoration

    Deliverance and restoration
  7. Jaysornal

    Deliverance and restoration

    Deliverance and restoration
  8. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY ihave read ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY ihave read your message because isometimes marvel and drink alcohol small when I look for how iam sufering, with this my age even outside my country how can I come back without money ,my Children needs icanot offer them from today I put stop tu the alcohol and...
  9. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY please help ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY please help me for my Heeling Deliverance and break through more than 16 yrs outside my country Ghana things are not moving , every where igoes people hating me, without vomiting any thing tu them please help me tu deliver me tu come back home consider my age...
  10. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY my problems ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY my problems are still not solve but because igot message from there that iam given them pressure ,the drivers here doesn't want me to stay they always hunting for me , that's is why the work igot only one month two weeks now ,the director told me that after the...
  11. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks for ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks for remembering me every day May GOD ALMIGHTY be with us
  12. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, the director ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, the director told me he can not work with me when iwas on road tu northern Brazil ,but because I work very hard is pending he is confused but iam in north when iam back ihave message for offerin ithanks GOD ALMIGHTY for given us health and life , somebody like...
  13. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY please iam ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY please iam sorry for that presión i kwon plenty people are seeking as iam also you try for me is by my mistake due tu hard life iam sorry for that ,how are you all doing
  14. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY please sooy

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY please sooy
  15. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, thanks for ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, thanks for your message.please my problems are over now ilost my job because of majority of the people hunting for me the company said because my life is risky they cannot work with me only one month . every where igoes woman and man childrens hunting for me...
  16. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY IAM facing ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY IAM facing trial in my work only tree week,small small troubles want to send me away from work, please remember me in prayers
  17. Pasikaax

    orem por mim, vivo em guerra espiritual. ...

    orem por mim, vivo em guerra espiritual. Praticamente todas as vezes que me retiro para orar em meu quarto, sou interrompida (crianças a minha procura, telefone que toca, pessoas que batem no portão de casa). Não tenho conseguido ficar tempo de qualidade com o Senhor.
  18. Pasikaax

    Líder espiritual

    Peço ao Pai Celestial que capacite meu esposo aqui na terra a ser o líder espiritual da família, que dê sabedoria para educar as crianças, que seja justo quando vai corrigir elas, que saiba enxergar que as filhas são pessoas diferentes, que ele não haja como se criando criando clones perfeitos...
  19. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY GOD ALMIGHTY ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY GOD ALMIGHTY has given us the day we thanks our Father in Heaven please help me for my Heeling Deliverance and break through tu save my life tu return back home
  20. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY sorry for ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY sorry for delaying I came late please pardon me may GOD ALMIGHTY hear our prayers
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