country: brazil

  1. Wuthsar

    Halleluja please Children of GOD ALMIGHTY do ...

    Halleluja please Children of GOD ALMIGHTY do me favor tu get Anointing sticker hand band any of them tu help me .May GOD ALMIGHTY tourches your heart to help me this way
  2. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks May ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks May GOD be with you all , ikwon good time he will turn back for my problems
  3. Saewyn

    Peço oração pela cura e libertação do ...

    Peço oração pela cura e libertação do alcoolismo do meu marido.
  4. Pasikaax

    Obrigada por ouvir minha oração

    Pai Celestial, Amado, Santo, Santo, Santo !!! Venho here Te agradecer e agradecer aos irmãos que oraram por mim quando postei um pedido aqui. Pedia por libertação da minha mente. Aleluia !!!! Glória ao Deus forte, fiel !!!! Ele ouviu o meu pedido e o pedido de intercessão dos irmãos.
  5. Wuthsar

    Halleluja please remember me in prayers the ...

    Halleluja please remember me in prayers the majority looking hunting for me , May GOD ALMIGHTY be with you all
  6. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks for ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks for your wonderful messages I love your message please continue tu send me , remember me in prayers Deliverance Heeling and break through May GOD ALMIGHTY do the same for you all
  7. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks you ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks you for your messages may GOD bless you all
  8. Pasikaax

    Pelo meu esposo, para que pare de ...

    Pelo meu esposo, para que pare de ingerir bebidas alcoólicas
  9. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, thanks for ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, thanks for your messages ,and advise May GOD ALMIGHTY,bless you all , the Bible says when you do for others, you have done for me so every prayers that you pray for us you also receive ,your healings, blessings and Deliverance.GOD kwon's what is good for us,we...
  10. Wuthsar

    Halleluja , Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks ...

    Halleluja , Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks for your wonderful messages iam fine by his GRACE please remember me in prayers ,iam sufering, I know one day LORD will answer our prayers and
  11. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, thanks for ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY, thanks for your prayers and teaching us how tu keep our selves from Convid 19 May GOD ALMIGHTY gives you all what your heart desires
  12. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY ihope by ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY ihope by his GRACE you all are doing well as iam doing here thanks for remembering me things are not moving ,and ikwon one GOD of ARCk Ministry will remember me and give me just one tourch and change my life
  13. Devger

    Lord my God have mercy on me, ...

    Lord my God have mercy on me, Lord I pray at that moment that the Lord will answer my request, work in my favor, visit my home and my family in the name of your beloved son Jesus ...
  14. Rhantoria

    Que o senhor venha derramar bênção em ...

    Que o senhor venha derramar bênção em nossas vidas, que Ele seja Sempre o primeiro em nossa vida. Querido amado. Derrama tua graça e bondade em cada coração, que cada um venha sentir o seu amor, bondade porque só o senhor pode todas as coisas.
  15. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks GOD ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY thanks GOD we are alive ,Our GOD have given you all and me healthy and life GLORY be tu his name
  16. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY how are ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY how are you doing all doing?
  17. Bugax

    Urgent prayers please

    Please pray for Carmenio for healing Bronchiectasis (an infection, such as pneumonia or cystic fibrosis. Mucus accumulates and generates bacteria, causing disease)
  18. Rhantoria

    Dono da minha vida

    MEU AMADO, obrigada porque descobri o sentindo da vida em viver todos os dias na tua presença. Porque está comigo todos os dias ,no meu dia a dia . Porque tu és o melhor homem do mundo. Te amo hoje e sempre .❤❤
  19. Wuthsar


  20. Wuthsar

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY iam testifying ...

    Halleluja Children of GOD ALMIGHTY iam testifying what GOD of ARK Ministry have done for me ihave two girls twins , Saturday on 3 of oct I had a dream that the smaller of the twins was such so I carried her on my chest ,and yesterday Sunday 4 I had añother dream that iwas walking and imet some...
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