The Lord is gracious and merciful.
He is great in kindness and good to all.
The Lord righteous in all His ways.
So let us all bless the Lord
Give Him praise..
As for me... I will bless the Lord and give Him glory, o I will bless His name, and give Him glory all the days of my life. He has...
Thank you Jesus for letting me come back to You. I was having so much trouble with so many things going on in my life. Headaches, toothaches, accidents of all kinds and loveless life. I asked Jesus to take all of them away from me and specially satan who comes uninvited to my home. I cast him...
I was cured from an uncurable desease and doctors told me that I had less than a year to live. I call on the Lord for healing just as Hezekiah called on God for healing after contracting an incurable desease.
Hezekiah went up to the house of the Lord and prayed for healing and mercy. God...
My Comfort, my Sheperd, Jesus alone will lead us all to His holy presence in heaven where a Crown of Life awaits for you and for me. I sing for joy at the Word of the Lord. He will bless us when we honor His name. Please pray that all our young people will be saved and be on their way to heaven...
Coming to His holy presence with a gift of praise, loving Him and adoring HIs holy name. Wonders of wonder, God is worshipped and adore in the past and for ages to come in heaven above. Unconditional love with reverence and awe down deep in our heart is this.
Though He brings grief, He...
32 true love
healthy living
heavenly relationship
holy name wonders
holy presence
passionate bond
unconditional love
unfailing love lamentations
Never ever forget to give all the glory, all the honor and all the praise to Jesus, He is the One who died on the cross for us to save us from sin and evil and opened the gates of heaven so we can enter in.
I sing praises to Your name o Lord, for Your name is great and greatly to be praised...
Pray for all the elders in our church who do a wonderful job for the Lord. Pastoral guidance, Sunday school teachers and loving others just as Jesus loved them. O Lord, bless them and lead them all to Your holy presence. Amen
Jesus alone deserves all the glory, all the honor and all the praise. His word is true, He has given us promises that will never ever pass away. Those who believe and trust His word will receive blessings, help, healing and mercy. Please pray that I will be faithful and true to Jesus till He...
He has sent us here to earth to praise and glorify His holy name all the days of our life. So, let us all thank God for giving us another day to praise and glorify Him alone, becasue He alone is worthy of all praise.
I will praise the Lord who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs...
Everyone called the Lord a Teacher and they they were right. He was teaching us the way to reach heaven. He said.
I am the Door to enter heaven.
Let us all come to Him and open the door and we shall see wonders coming out from His heart.
All my friends on line, facebook, tik tok, youtube and others needs your prayers for salvation. All of them have all kinds of problems in their life.. Please pray for all of them so they will be saved and be on their way to heaven.
Soul is something we cannot touch and lives inside peoples bodies and hearts. So, how do we know we are saved and on our way to our heavenly home in glory? Jesus said....
Come to Me and be saved.
To ensure that our soul will have a pleasant experience in the glorious presence of God...
glorious presence
heavenly home
holy name
mind character
new mind
planet earth
pleasant experience
redeemer king beautiful song
sweet offering
Living in a dark world is not very nice and loneliness, unhappiness, sadness, full of stress and worry about what is gona happen to us when this world goes up in smoke. Jesus is the only One who can show us how to live a holy and pure life and find true happiness and joy in our life. Our...
For You o Lord are glorious and worthy to be praise. You gave Yourself on the cross of all of us so we can be cleansed and purified our life. Dear Lord, save those who came to church and did not go to the altar of God to get saved. So many lost souls in need of a Savior. Save them all we pray. Amen
Faithful and true to the end. Ushers and elders and everyone who work for the Lord in the church will be rewarded with a Crown of Life in heaven given to us by Jesus Himself. I shall forever continue to praise Jesus for choosing me to be an usher in the house of the Lord.
I sing praises to...
Thank you precious Holy Spirit of the living God for coming to our hearts and touching our lives to live better and serve You with a thankful heart. Come Holy Spirit we need You today and will need You in the future. O Lord, bless those lost souls who came to the altar and gave themselves to You...
Let us never ever forget to speak to your heavenly Father in the car, in the bus, on the train or the airplane. Wherever you are, speak to your loving and kind heavenly Father who loves you and cares for you. He already knows the the desires of your heart and wants to bless your life as you...
Thou are welcome o Lord in this place. You alone are the answer to all our problems, needs, desires and for sure, You will fill our heart with joy and peace. O Lord, answer our prayers, we welcome You in our home and our heart. Holy Spirit, Thou art welcome in this place, omnipotent Father of...
Almighty God, worthy of all praise, honor and glory, how laudable is Your name. All nations of the earth will call on You to be saved from hunger and thrirst of Your word. In heaven above, everyone is praising and adoring Your holy name. We, Your dear children, chosen from the begining of...