Please pray for all spammers and physhers who are coming strong to enter into places they are not supposed to. O Lord, save them please. We were receiving unwanted messages from the devil, marketing messages, peddling unsolicited goods, all material possesions that satan want us to have. O Lord...
Would you all please pray for those horrible wilfires in Hawaii that destroyed homes and churches and bible schools. O Lord, help them all we pray, send funds to rebuild all churches and seminaries so lost souls will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord.
You are here moving in our midst. We worship You o Lord. You are here working in this place. We bow down before Your holy presence and give You all the honor, all the praise and all the glory coming out from thankful hearts. We believe, we trust and wait for Jesus. All day and night calling on...
If we want to enter heaven and be with Jesus for ages to come, then, we should believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, be baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit of God so we will be able to live a holy and pure life in the sight of God. Jesus opened the door of heaven so we can enter...
Please pray that my heart will OK. I was having chest pains and I hope it is not an arrythmia. I do not want to go through a heart transplant if my cardiologist says I have a heart desease. My heart was beating too fast lately for no reason at all, I hope it is not tachicardia. Whatever it is...
May the blessings of the Lord our God fall on everyone who asks for prayers today and may healing and mercy come to those who are going through a hard time. Jesus loves all of and cares for us. Let us all raise our voice to Jesus. I will bless the Lord and give Him glory, I will bless His name...
Please pray that this gonorrhea will go away from me. I did not done any sin against the Lord but satan brought this to me for no reason at all. Syphillis too, I hope it is not so bad. O Lord, cast out the devil and all his demons from my life, I did not call them to come to me but they are all...
Thank you Jesus for healing my knee, I can walk better now. I just want to thank everyone who was praying for healing, Jesus heard the cry of your heart and heard it from heaven. Let us all sing praises to Jesus... You deserve the glory and the honor, Lord we lift our voice in worship. For You...
Unto You o Lord we lift our voice in praise. For You alone are glorios and worthy of glory. Please hear our prayers and send blessings, help and mercy. Dear Lord, make me a blessing this coming week to all my friends and coworkers. Most of them are not saved so, please, save them all we pray. Amen
Praise the Lord. I thank you all for praying for our church and for those who came in and did not get saved. O Lord, please, touch their hearts and minds and save them. They are a lot of them who are in sin and on their way to hells burning fire. Save them we pray. Amen
There is no one else like You o Lord my God. I love You with all of my heart today and will love You for ages to come. You have done great things for all my family, my friends and those I have been praying for. The Spirit of the Lord will touch those we pray and ask for mercy. Call unto...
Requesting prayers for all my children who will return to school to learn about Jesus and other subjects. Please pray for them to be protected and guided by the Holy Spirit of God.
Please pray that our prayer meeting will be full of sinners and unbelievers. Jesus loves all of them and please pray for those who left the church and do not want to come back again.
Satan does not want me to pray anymore. He brought all kinds of tricks in my life to stop me from praying for all my friends on line, for all my coworkers and friends. I think his time is near to end and he will be cast out in hells burning fire and he want us all to be with him roasting in deep...
Holy are You o Lord. Angels in heaven praise and adore Your name. Day and night calling on the Lord, wonders of wonder, Jesus revealing Himself to those who believe, trust and wait. Praises shall be unto Him for ages to come. Please pray for me to continue to love Jesus, singing praises to Him...
For the Lord our God is so wonderful and good to those who seek His face and honor Him wherever they are. He did miracles so great in the past, opening the eyes of the blind, the lame walked, the dead were raised. He can do wonders in our life today. Let us all praise and honor His holy name as...
Nothing compares to the promises He has given to all of us. He said. I have loved you with an everlasting love. I care for you. Jesus promises are are all true to those who believe, trust and wait for Him. Day and night calling on His name till He comes in to rescue us and take us all home to...
Please pray to God almighty that all these retired and wanted to work will be paid on time. O Lord help those who are in need and please send rain so crops will grow up sooner. Amen
Please pray to Jesus that my love for Him will never decrease or doubt His promises given to me. Too many temptations and sins around make us all doubt and stay away from Gods word. Please Jesus, keep me under Your mighty arms of mercy and protect me from sin and evil. The deepest desire of my...