There is sweet sweet spirit in this place and I know it is the Spirit of the Lord. Jesus clearly told us. In Me, ye shall find peace. O Lord we pray for all churches who opened their doors for the redeemed of the Lord and sinners who come to You for help and healing. Bless each one of them and...
The Lord is wonderful to those who pray daily and answer prayers with blessings. I am so glad to have faithful prayer warriors who pray daily for our church and for lost souls who came this morning to worship the Lord. Please God, save them and make them Your very own. Pray for our choir and for...
Varicose vains are starting to show up in my legs. Please pray that all this spider veins will go away from so I can walk well and the itching to stop in the name of Jesus. Satan is trying all his tricks to make me stop going to church and not being able to walk. O Lord, rebuke satan in the name...
Last night this question came to my mind and asked Jesus what is going to happen to us when our time on earth is up and we are going to fly away for good and leave everything behind. Cant take anything with us, even our body will be under five of dust unless Jesus comes soon and take us all to...
Dear God, please, fill my pastor with the Holy Spirit of God as he prepares sermons that will touch our heart. We need to hear Gods word speaking down deep in our soul. Bless his family and everyone who will come in to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. We love You today and will love Your...
Dear Lord, please send healing to my eyes, I need to see clearly Gods word and the devil is sending all kinds of trouble to my eyes. Spider webs have come, I hope it is not glaucoma or amblyopia. Cataract may be in the satans plan for my eyes. Whatever it is, please pray for healing of my eye...
All my bones hurt, I do not know what is wrong with me. I am asking prayers for me for Jesus to take away the pain in my shoulder, my hip, my legs and take away this head ache too. The devil is hard at work so we will stop praising Jesus in spirit and in truth. In Jesus name we rebuke satan and...
O Lord, please deliver us from hurricanes, droughts, floods, tremors, sandstorms and all kinds of fire. We need Your help and grace and protect everyone who are in the path of monsoon and famine. We need to be secured from this horrible dissaster that is coming along our path. Protect those who...
Come Holy Spirit i need You, come sweet Spirit i pray, come in Your strenght and Your power, come in Your own gentle way. Yes, please pray for me that I will be full of the presence of the Holy Spirit of God so I can teach my Sunday School Class with the presence of Jesus touching the hearts of...
I am seeking a lovely boyfriend who plays the piano or sings in the choir and teaches Sunday School to teens, loving, caring and faithful praying soul. I am so lonely and need company, a boyfriend who loves Jesus would be a wonderful company for me and to grow in the Lord reading Gods word...
Requesting prayers for healing of my shoulder and arms. I was lifting heavy weights and it seems that something got rippen appart and now I feel the pain in my shoulder. The acromioclavicular joint may be loose of needs some fixing. Whatever it is please pray that it will be healed by Jesus hand.
Blessings upon blessing shall come from heaven above to all who obey Jesus voice. Pray without ceasing. It is the Lords blessings that come to all of us when we obey His word. Let us all praise Jesus now, we are standing in HIs presence on holy ground. Please fast and pray for revival in all our...
I give God all the glory and all the honor for delivering me from satans hands. He has been given me a hard time with depression, sickness and hopelessness. I called on the Lord and He delivered me from this torment from hell. Please continue to pray for me to take away this pain in my...
Bread of heaven feed us all with Thy holy presence and answer all our prayers. We need You today and will need You forever. Would you please pray for my aunt who is not saved and need Jesus. Please God, bring her to church this Sunday and save her soul and her husband too. I am so worry ,she...
Dear God, send rain soon so farmers will have work to do and people will not cry out for water. The sun is scorching everything and we need blessings from God.
The Lord our God is righteous in all His ways so let us all bless the Lord and give Him praise for His deeds are great and His mercy is deeper than the ocean floor. Please continue to pray for those who are suffering under rubble in Morocco. O God, rebuild all churches and bring revival to that...
I am asking everyone to pray for me to be a blessing to all my unsaved family members, to all my coworkers and friends. I want to live a life that pleases the Lord and be a light that shines before them so they too will find a way to enter heaven. Pray for all my nieces and nephews for salvation...
He is exalted forever exalted on high and we shall forever praise and honor His holy name. Thank you all for praying for our church and for those lost souls who came to seek the Lord. Please God, continue to touch the hearts and lives of those who came to hear Your word. Help us to obey all the...
Dear God, save those lost souls we have seeing in church. They came early in the morning to worship the Lord and seeking Gods help, grace and mercy to their souls. Please Jesus, save them all, those unemployed, single mothers, divorced and those who are planning to move away because the landlord...
Would you all please join me in prayer for all Sunday School teachers who are going to meet with all these children and young people. Dear Lord, fill them with the precious Holy Spirit of God so they will share the Lord with each and everyone who comes to church. Bless all parents who faithfully...