Requesting prayers for my church to be full of the presence of Jesus and that the precious Holy Spirit of God will fill the hearts of those who will come in. Pray for my pastor who is preparing sermons Jesus is going to give to Him. Please ask the Lord to save the lost souls will be gathering...
Dear God, help me to be a blessing to all my friends on Tik Tok and may they hear Gods word speaking to their hearts and minds as I share Jesus with them. Please save the souls of my fellow tik tokers who love to make others think about what they see. May we Jesus speaking to them and those who...
I need you prayers for salvation of those who owe money and refuse to pay it back. I was waiting for a long time for the return of this funds and they refused to answer. You must wait eight more years, they said to me. I cant do that. Jesus may take me home to glory, so please return what you...
Dear Lord Jesus, hear our prayers, send blessings, help and grace to the expectant mothers who want to get abortions. O Lord, please save these mothers and their babies. Save those doctors who want to do abortion and the nurses who help them. May God have mercy on them we pray. Amen
Sweet Holy Spirit, sweet heavenly dove, come and stay here with us, filling us with Thy love, and with His presence we lift our hearts in praise. Please fast and pray before the Lord for our Midweek Prayer Meeting and bible study to be full of the presence of the Holy Spirit of God. We need...
Pray that I will have a baby next year. I want all my babies to grow up in the knowledge of the Lord and send them to a Christian Schools and Bible Schools and seminary so they will prepare themselves to serve the Lord. I want all my children to love Jesus with all their heart, mind and soul.
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord the elders and angels bow, the redeemed worship You now, holy, holy, holy are You Lord. Let us all continue to praise and honor the Lord our God. He delights in the praises of His people. Then, He will send blessings, help and healing to everyone who comes to Him...
There is a sweet, sweet Spirit in this place and we should rejoice to have Him, the precious Holy Spirit of God whom Jesus promised to send. The comforter who will be with us forever. O Lord, fill us with Thy Spirit of love, mercy and compassion for lost souls of our cities and towns. Bless our...
Holy Spirit of God, Thou art welcome in this place. We love You today and will love You forever. With Thy help and grace we will continue to walk in the straight and narrow way. Help us o Lord to live for You and to do Thy will till You call us home to heaven. We ask that you will answer each...
Requesting prayer for my back that constantly have pain in it. It could be muscle strain, disk damage, or maybe scoliosis or osteoporosis. Whatever it is. Please ask Jesus to take away all pain and retore my health completely so I can teach my Sunday School Class without any pain on my back. In...
Requesting prayers to pay down and consolidate debt in this recession times and the rising of food and medicines. I had to shop around to see lowest price on eggs and meat. O Lord, stop this recession we pray. Amen
May the blessings of the Lord our God be upon everyone who prays and for those requesting prayers, may God send blessings, help, healing and mercy to each one of them as we sing precious songs to Jesus. Holy are You Lord the redeemed will worship You now.
Please pray that this cough will stop and will be able to speak clearly to those lost souls I saw in the store and those who work with me. May Jesus use my voice for His glory and honor and my throat will be healed by His mercy. Amen
May God bless your life as you continue to pray for the needs of others. Would you please pray for all my Sunday School students to get saved and baptized and be on their way to heaven. I want all of them in heaven. Jesus loves each one of them. O Lord, please save them and keep them saved. Amen
Please fast and pray daily for all my children and grandchildren to come to church and be saved. Jesus is coming soon to take us all home to heaven. I want to see all of my relatives, friends and loved ones in glory. Also pray for all those lost souls who were in church this morning. Save them...
Requesting prayers for our church to be full of the blessings of the Lord and may the Holy Spirit of God touch every single soul that will come in and as we bless the name of the Lord, Jesus will heal, bless, and guide our steps to heaven. We love You Lord Jesus with all our heart, mind and...
Cancer is the horrible word to hear when someone gotten and cant get rid of. Colon and rectar cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, leukemia, bone tumor and so on and on. Jesus can heal all of this cancers just as He healed lepers and gave sight the blind. So, please pray for those who suffer...
Would you please pray to God to take away all these depression and worry satan has brought to my life. I could not sleep last night because of the fear of not having water to drink because something is wrong with the pipe. O Lord, please stop satan from tormenting me and send peace to my heart...
Would you please pray for my lungs to be healed completely. I could not breath last night and I asked Jesus to take me home to heaven if I cant breath. Jesus wants me here on earth to share the Lord with all my friends on line and the unsaved souls who come to church for help. Whatever is Jesus...
My medical condition is not as good as I would like to be. I still feel so tired and with this flu that has come me, it makes worry about my lungs hurting me with asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysima or lung cancer, whatever it is. please pray that Jesus will take anything wrong in my lungs and...