Dear God, bless my church, bless my pastor, bless all Sunday school teachers and the wonderful choir. May Your holy presence stays with them and give the wisdom from heaven. Protect them from the cold and from any illness that has come around. In Jesus name. Amen
The snow, the cold, the extreme weather conditions please Jesus protect our home from frozen pipes and from the cold wind coming to our basement. Please protect our churches for burst pipes and frozen space heaters. O Lord, please help those in need of shelter and food. We pray. Amen
Jesus, o Jesus my Savior and Lord. You are the sweetest name of all. We love You today and we will love You forever more. Please Lord, bless our Midweek Prayer Service and Bible Study. We want to know more about the wonderful things you did in the past and will continue to do so in the presence...
I worship You today o Lord our God. Thank you for waking me up early in the morning to praise, honor and glorify Your holy name. Please, answer all requests written down on this site and bless all my friends on line who have requested preayers of all kinds. O Lord, full of mercy and compassion...
Please fast and pray before the Lord that I will continue to sing praises to God almighty till I die, that I will not forget to honor and glorify Him in whatever I do or say. In Jesus name. Amen
May our song of praise come to You o Lord as a sweet offering to your ears. Our heart rejoices in You alone and we whall forever praise and adore Your holy name wherever we are. Please Lord Jesus, bless all choirs of all churches where praises to God are raised out from thankful hearts. Bless...
I thank God for my step father and my woderful mother who prayed daily for us and taught us Gods word, took us to church and were faithful and true to Jesus. May God bless those parents who adopt children and teach them the love of God and how to reach heaven when we die. O Lord, bless them all...
I am so grateful to God almighty for the opportunity to pray for all my friends on line and those who need help from heaven. O Lord, please, answer all these prayers and for all the requests my friends on line wrote to me personally. Save them please, help them and heal all of them. We need Your...
Pray to God that I will not go blind. Spider webs are increasing in my eyes and I may have some eye desease or something that I do not know. I use glasses to read, contact lenses looking out which one is good. I do not need eye surgery. I do not want to loose my sight completely.
Lift the name of the Lord wherever you are. His banner of mercy and peace shall rest in your soul. HIs love and mercy will never ever perish. O Lord, keep them saved those lost souls who went to the altar and gave themselves to God. Keep under Your arms of mercy and keep them away from sin and...
Hallelujah, praise the Lord. Keep glorifying the Lord our God. He alone is worthy of all praise. Jesus reveals Himself in the middle of people who praise His name and honors Him wherever we are. Please fast and pray for all my loved ones, friends and those I care to be in the center of Gods will...
Please pray that the snow blast that has buried cars and trucks will not kill anyone. Dear Lord, protect those who are in the path of a massive snow storm. In Jesus name. Amen
Requesting prayers for the brutal wind chills that has come along with snow. Please pray to the Father in heaven to stop this and may all churches open their door for prayer tonight. Dear Jesus, protect those who are on the road and those who will come to church for prayer. Amen
May the glory of the Lord our God fall on everyone who is coming to church to worship Jesus in spirit and in truth. May healing and mercy come to each one of us. Spirit of the living God fall afresh on us we pray. Amen
Holy, holy, holy are You o Lord, the elders and angels bow, the redeemed of the Lord will worship You now, holy is the Lord our God. Let us all bow down before His presence and adore His holy name. Blessings, help and healing shall come to each one of us from heaven above.
Holy is the name of the Lord, worthy of all honor and praise. Let us all raise up and join the angels in heaven in praise, adoration and worship to His holy name. Yes, there is no God like the Lord who came to save us, help us and heal us. Saints of God, pray daily, praise His holy name wherever...
Please pray for the snow to stop so churches will be open and ready to receive the faithful and true to God. Bless all pastors who work for God and clean up the parking lot, every means of transportation needs a parking space, if it is full of snow, they will not be able to park.
Pray for one another, says the Lord. So, let us pray for the faculty members, instructors, teaching assistants, lab assistants, researchers, and all humanists and socialists to find Jesus and get saved before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to earth to take us all home to heaven. All human...