Lost job last week — I ask for wisdom and direction, ability to update my resume (need computer to work, ability to find old ones online, need printer), and confidence to go to the next restaurant after being fired at the last. Thank you
Lost job last week — I ask for wisdom and direction, ability to update my resume (need computer to work, ability to find old ones online, need printer), and confidence to go to the next restaurant after being fired at the last. Thank you
Jesus please help my friend she can't get into her computer for her job and no one is helping her. Please also help my son with his math final. He didn't study enough and I am worried he won't stay awake. Please help him. Thank you for letting me hear from my mother in law. Please let my husband...
Jesus please let my son be ok at school today. Let him do all of his work and let his teacher understand he couldn't submit his assignment the computer wouldn't allow him to. Please help my sister she is having a root canal today. Please let my husband get up and help me today and not play video...
Say a pray to fight the high tech hackers do they get themselves any from all of their accounts with technology around the world including my Facebook account because it was hacked twice of my own and they need t stop it and get recovery.
Please pray for me. My Lord please bless and protect my electronic devices. I pray and ask humbly my computer will function properly. Please protect it from Satan's attacks. In Jesus name, I humbly pray and ask this. Amen.
I am ven Charles diliga Jackson a south Sudanese refugee in Uganda currently pursuing my bachelor in theology but I have challenges of tuition fees and a computer i would like to request you pray to me to get in order for me to finish my school.
Heavenly Father thank you for a beautiful day. Please help aunt Phyllis to not be in pain I pray for mom and dad to have a safe trip. I pray that we also have a safe trip. I pray for my computer at work to be fixed in the morning so I can do payables. I pray lord that you help me continue to...
Please pray for my son who is withdrawn and don't see the point of anything at the moment. Am really worried about him. He is only 15 and worried about his exam at the same time but is not motivated to do anything other than be on the computer. Also my daughter is waiting to hear from a...
Please pray for me. Please pray my printer will be recognized by my computer. Please I humbly Lord, that my printer works normally and that I will not have any issues with it. In Jesus name. Amen.
Jesus please let my son's computer get fixed. He accidentally spilled something on keyboard and we do not have money for another one. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Jesus please let my son go to bed. I am exhausted, he needs sleep and he needs to improve his grade in Math and has it first thing in morning. Please just let him be tired and go to bed. He will not get off his conputer. Please let him shut it down and go to bed. Thank you Jesus, Amen.