Please help pj get off the computer and stop gaming so much. Help him stop steaming and trying to make everything about gaming. Let him see there's more to life then a computer
Please let my son find something else to do besides the computer and please he his stomach problems. Please also let my packages and let the reunion that I am planning work and the person who is trying to interfere with it please stop..I don't understand why someone would block me from posting...
Jesus please let my son realize he cannot keep staying up so late and stop taking too long in the bathroom, and get off the computer and go outside. Please also let my husband go to work today no problems. Please let my packages arrive. Thank you for the one I received and the other situation...
pray with me that moms doc will fix her mess up with sending refills for moms meds i went to town to see the doctor but had to leave message and it still not called in to be filled this is a med that mom is not sopose to skip any and had to wait all weekend due to the doc not open so why wont...
Jesus please let this order that I am trying to place go through. Please let my missing mail show up. Please let this situation with social security get resolved and please let my son be more respectful and independent and want to do something other than play on the computer all summer. Please...
Please pray my computer is ok/ not hacked or that I got some virus or anything negative thanks! also, that all is well in my apt building, no! fire. thanks again. AMEN.
Jesus PLEASE let my husband's job update the paystub site and please let his direct deposit info be updated and paid on time and the correct amount. Please also let my son practice his guitar and not stay on the computer all the time. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
I need help, my wife is constantly accusing me of stuff I had nothing to do with, then our son turns her smart phone off so she asks me to use my computer to check her email then she accuses me of having something to track her passwords, stuff she is doing. I can't take it, I need help. Help me...
please only listen the song doesn't matter it's the HAARP AI chat bots that are attacking me and you as well. trying ot distract my mind from their attack and what they try to do since I don't obey them and this is what they do. over the air and it's not distortion on computer it's AI chat bots...