
  1. natasha2

    Protection, good mood, glory of God

    Protection from any evil for me and my family. Protection from people who can do me any kind of harm. Happy good amazing day. Optimism, positivity so that i can see my bright future. Lord, remove all clouds, all heaviness, all depression, let me and other around me see my light and glory in...
  2. Glenny2

    Fill this temple o Lord with Thy Spirit.

    Our empty life will be filled with joy and peace once we give ourselves to Jesus. Our heart longs to see Him coming in the clouds to take us all home to heaven. Fill us o Lord with Thy love and mercy. We need You today and will need You forever. Amen
  3. EnricoLange

    Lord Jesus please send encouragement. So many ...

    Lord Jesus please send encouragement. So many believers are discouraged. We need you to break through the clouds and come down and help us. So many are at breaking point. The enemy is attacking viciously. Please forgive our sins and please remove the hindrances to our prayers. I continue to ask...
  4. Motherangelica

    I just want to wish everyone of ...

    I just want to wish everyone of you who read this site, a Happy and joyful New Year. May the blessings of the Lord fall on your life and those you care. The Lord may come this coming year, no one knows but we must be ready to see Him coming in the clouds to take us all home to heaven where there...
  5. prison ministry

    Heavenly Father you have brought great opportunities ...

    Heavenly Father you have brought great opportunities to light. Guide me in asking, seeking and knocking to know your will. God of Heaven, I pray that I see doors and see heaven be opened. Drip down, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds pour down righteousness. Let the earth be opened up...
  6. Visionary1


    Dear Heavenly FATHER, I seek no sign; yet, as You have done so many times before clouds of witnesses for Your glory, please confirm these three whisperings. Make a way whereto it has already been forwarded. Let Your Word go also ahead of me. Condition the hearts to receive O LORD. Here am I...
  7. Steven Bobb

    The year 2022 coming up, perhaps the ...

    The year 2022 coming up, perhaps the year of Jesus' return?"Look! He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, and those who pierced Him."
  8. Beverlie

    Would you please, pray for me. To ...

    Would you please, pray for me. To be a blessing to all my coworkers, my boss, my family and friends. Help me to live a life that pleases the Lord. I know, Jesus is coming soon and we should be ready to see Him coming in the clouds in majesty and great glory to take us all home to heaven. So...
  9. Tan Popatas

    Dear God, I pray for this problem ...

    Dear God, I pray for this problem and suffering. Luke 22:42 you word says “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” In Jesus name I command these suffering clouds to be remove from me. In Jesus name. Amen
  10. SisterGiselle

    Who should be waiting for?

    I constantly wait for the Lord to appear in the clouds in majesty and great glory to take us all home to heaven. Prophets of old, the disciples and all saints through the ages waited for this to happen. When our days on earth are up, then we for sure will see our dear Lord... Face to face...
  11. Stephany

    Asking the Lord for mercy.

    Do not worry, do not fear. Jesus predicted that diverse deseases and ailments will come before His appearing in the clouds to take us all home to heaven. The grave will not contain us. Those who trust in Jesus words. Will live forever. I am coming soon. My reward is with Me. So, let us all...
  12. Pennie

    Please pray for me to be faithful ...

    Please pray for me to be faithful to Jesus till He calls me home to heaven. I do not want to miss His return to earth. I want to go up in the clouds to wait for my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ who died for me and is waiting in heaven my arrival. Thank you and God bless you.
  13. PastorBernard

    Jesus is inviting us to enter heaven.

    Our dear Lord does not want anyone to miss His wonderful promise given to us. I am going to prepare a place for you, that where I am, you may be also. Prepare your heart to see the Lord coming in the clouds to take us all home to heaven. The requirements are these..... 1. Be ye holy for...
  14. Morynur

    Lord don't leave me behind. I saw ...

    Lord don't leave me behind. I saw beautiful rose gardens. Heaven on earth. That I may be able to avoid the judge ment upon the earth. Rapture me together in the clouds with ya.
  15. Francis Kusi

    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For GOD himself will ...

    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 For GOD himself will come from heaven with a shout, with voice of archangel, and with trump of GOD, and dead in Christ will rise first. Then we which r alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in clouds to meet GOD in air, and so shall we ever be with GOD...
  16. ellie12

    Sing to God, sing in praise of ...

    Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol Him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before Him — His name is the Lord. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling. /ps68,4-5/ For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever...

    Where will I go, to ascape his holy presence, far away from his location

    "Holy ,holy,holy! The Lord Almighty is holy! His holy fills the world"The Lord is highly exalted.He is the one who has determined the course of history.He the lord was there at the beginning, will be there at the end.He is the conqueror, triumphant and victorious.God's power is so great that we...

    Where will i go , to escape his holy presence, far away from his location

    "Holy ,holy,holy! The Lord Almighty is holy! His holy fills the world"The Lord is highly exalted.He is the one who has determined the course of history.He the lord was there at the beginning, will be there at the end.He is the conqueror, triumphant and victorious.God's power is so great that we...
  19. ellie12

    *******Sing to God, sing in praise of ...

    *******Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him — his name is the Lord. A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling./psalm 68.4-5/********** Please Holy Father,answer the prayer requests on this site...
  20. Eirelia

    Hello. Please help me to pray in ...

    Hello. Please help me to pray in order for me to get a job since i have been praying for months and fasting too. I also had a dream that i was being raised to the skies and when i reached at the clouds i woke up due to fear of falling. What does that mean?
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