
  1. natasha2

    Weather, teint, beach hollydays, health

    I am on my beach hollydays. Its just very cloudy they are announcing clouds and rain today and two more days. But my God can do anything! Please pray for sun and excellent weather, perfect for sunbathing and swimming. No dangerous currents or winds. No period while i am on my hollydays (menstr...
  2. natasha2

    Weather and other desires - beach hollydays

    No rain. No to much clouds. No heat waves. Perfect weather for my beach hollydays. No sunburns. Dark bronze teint. Amazing friendships/,fun/relationships/company... Time of my life.
  3. BrotherStephen

    Would you please pray that I will ...

    Would you please pray that I will be faithful to Jesus that when He appears in the clouds in majesty and great glory, I will be ready to fly away with songs of praise to His holy name. The graves will be opened and the saints of God shall rise and we will fly away to be with the Lord forever. I...
  4. TeacherLandis

    Please pray that our church will be ...

    Please pray that our church will be full of unbelievers and sinners coming to pray and ask Jesus to save their souls. We need to be prepared for the Lords apperance in the clouds to take us all home to heaven.
  5. Mollie2

    I want to hear the trumphet sound ...

    I want to hear the trumphet sound when Jesus shall appear in the clouds coming back to take us all home to heaven. Yes, we shall be changed into the image of our Creator and God. Would please fast and pray that we all shall be found faultless before the Lord, so we will fly away into the sky to...
  6. Hatfields

    Dear Lord, make me a blessing to ...

    Dear Lord, make me a blessing to all my coworkers, friends, loved ones and whoever I find in the street. Everything I heard in church and Sunday School prepare me to live a holy and pure life before the Lord. Jesus is coming soon, I am prepared to see Him coming in the clouds to take me home to...
  7. Anonymous

    Dry up this lip sore and clear ...

    Dry up this lip sore and clear the clouds no more major predicted rain storms and floods, heal stomach feel so full bloated gastritis been feeling so tired and with diabetes arthritis and colds help to rest soon Lord and heal me and good news soon
  8. Lewiston

    Let us lift our hands in surrender to the Lord our God.

    Then, we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. I Thess. 4.17 What a beautiful promise coming out from Gods word, but we must first surrender to the will of the Father and give ourselves...
  9. Daliah

    My sisters need help from the Lord, ...

    My sisters need help from the Lord, please pray for them to be alive for Jesus and ready to see the Lord coming in the clouds to take us all home to heaven. Amen
  10. Anonymous

    Lord lord I ask you please please ...

    Lord lord I ask you please please with all my heart bless weather in benidorm where I am going change change weather in benidorm for me for me please please please no no thunderstorms please no tain no clouds overcast when I am there please please lord its upsetting me looking at the fore cast...
  11. Anonymous

    Lord please please bless the weather in ...

    Lord please please bless the weather in benidorm the whole week I am there change it for me please no no thunderstorms clouds rain overcast sunshine every day please the whole 7 days I am there please lord in jesus christ namess
  12. Anonymous

    Lord I ask you to please please ...

    Lord I ask you to please please bless holiday I am going with dad to Spain this Saturday in every way bless weather to please please be pure clear blue sky sunny no clouds no over cast no rain no thunder storm hotel food to be alot better for me to please please please look in stunning...
  13. animallovez


    Father God, I pray that you make it a sunny day today for my daughters bday party. We all want to go swimming. I pray that it will be a nice day and everyone there will have fun. Please keep the clouds, rain and thunder away today. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen
  14. DeaconLance

    Let us all pray that we will ...

    Let us all pray that we will be found faultless before Jesus appearing in the clouds to take us all home to heaven. Be faithful to the end and I will give you a Crown of Life. This is a wonderful promise for you and for me.
  15. Syssalia

    There is no one like the God ...

    There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides the heavens to help you, and in His excellency on the clouds. God you are my refuge, help me through all distress. Amen.
  16. Normand

    Suddenly the Lord will appear.

    We are waiting, we are watching Jesus appearing in the clours of glory coming for you and for me to take us all home to heaven. Glorious things shall happen to all of us when this things happen. Then, suddenly the Lord who you are seeking, will come to His temple, the messenger of the...
  17. Barlow

    Please pray for my depression to go ...

    Please pray for my depression to go away and this worry in my heart of hunger coming to the world. Shortage of food and medicines. Prices so high up and not coming down. Gas prices up in the clouds. We cant even pay the rent right now. O Lord take away all worry and fear in Jesus name. Amen
  18. Hans

    Would you please pray for all my ...

    Would you please pray for all my relatives, friends. loved ones and everyone in church to be saved and ready to see Jesus coming in the clouds to take us all home to heaven. I do not want to miss them in glory. I want to see my pastor,his wife and children, my boss and everyone I love and care...
  19. Meldlich

    The Krolls got their wishes chasing clouds ...

    The Krolls got their wishes chasing clouds with Quincy Jones
  20. Kristen

    Please pray for my church to be ...

    Please pray for my church to be full of the glory of the Lord and that lost souls will come in and get saved and be ready for Jesus appearing in the clouds of glory to take us all home to heaven. Pray for my pastor to be full of the Holy Spirit of God as he preaches Gods word.
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