cell phones

  1. csaaphill

    In order to bring gangstlakers down as ...

    In order to bring gangstlakers down as with my last prayer I need a ton of money and quick to come to me. I need prayer in agreement for this. I need a spectrum analyzer to track down the signals that are being sent to me plus an ultrasound microphone that I want. Plus I'm taking or reading on...
  2. csaaphill

    There are at least two evil AI ...

    There are at least two evil AI computers in USC and maybe in Canada as well that need destroyed. Sophia and all the other AI robots need destroyed as well. I need agreement in prayer that I will be protected from AI and all it's cohorts. AI is evil and one minded it only thinks in terms of...
  3. Anonymous

    Please protect my family & wife & ...

    Please protect my family & wife & kids , lord protect us from evil , stop all evil through cell phones , phones , at work , at leisure, at play and at home . Thank u lord
  4. Anonymous

    Restore my marriage. Keep evil people away ...

    Restore my marriage. Keep evil people away from My wife and me , through cell phones , email , internet ,work , home and play . Lord help .
  5. Anonymous

    Good morning Father, I love You and ...

    Good morning Father, I love You and Praise Your Name Please Bless our Country to turn to You. Please heal my Moms ; I Pray we have a good day today and We rebuke satan from entering our home n work n cars n cell phones by the Power of The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ who live in my family As for...
  6. csaaphill

    I know some will scoff, but part ...

    I know some will scoff, but part or all of what might be happening is AI as well. So by Jesus I pray for you to bind and destroy all Artificial Intelligence as well. I saw a on Ancient aliens where AI began talking to each other as soon as it was hooked up, this is evil. Those on here who've...
  7. Anonymous

    Stop all sickness and heal me from ...

    Stop all sickness and heal me from all diseases possibly form electric magnetic 🧲 field in our body through cell phones etc. rebuke all this form us and No weapon or tongue formed against us shall prosper… Praises my Lord. Be w us and help and heal us All Amen
  8. Anonymous

    Urgent prayers

    Please pray everywhere we go feel like we’re being watched stalked harasssed and abused. People lurking nearby on their cellphones watching us following us like typing like they’re writing a book. These attacks in God’s people must Stop!!!! The devil time is too short!!!!
  9. Remsethrech


    .EMERGRNCY(PRAYER) REQUEST?? PRAYer Warriors and INTERRCESSORY?? Father-GOD, helps ms. I. TORRES, Assurancs wireless,Application be Approved soon as possablr, for her cell Phone, cell phonr Service with a new cell Phone. She new phone for Emergency, Doctors Appointments, Miscellances NEED??Shes...
  10. Steven Bobb

    If the antichrists system will be digital ...

    If the antichrists system will be digital instead of physical money, we're heading there. Now I heard--and checked it out, it's valid--digital drivers licenses, accessed through an app on our cellphones , are popping up , and soon to sweep across more states in 2021.So we're into last days events.
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