cell phones

  1. csaaphill

    Father, I pray for _unknown gangstalkers sine ...

    Father, I pray for _unknown gangstalkers sine they see fit to hide behind cell phones and other technology and I don't know them or I don't know I know them if I do. Plus since they are hidden to me and I only hear their voices _____ that You might expose the evil done against _Me you know my...
  2. csaaphill

    Father, I pray for _unknown gangstalkers sine ...

    Father, I pray for _unknown gangstalkers sine they see fit to hide behind cell phones and other technology and I don't know them or I don't know I know them if I do. Plus since they are hidden to me and I only hear their voices _____ that You might expose the evil done against _Me you know my...
  3. csaaphill

    experimenting with this stuff I gave my ...

    experimenting with this stuff I gave my voice recorder to my mom and she went on by herself while recording on her own. It picked up the same signal that I would if I was with her. so this tells me that a signal is being sent around the world or USA and it's hidden in WIFI and 5g signals to more...
  4. csaaphill

    understanding. I need prayer that my wife ...

    understanding. I need prayer that my wife if she believes in what I say about voice to skull and or the persecution I'm going through and knows it's real since I have made her listen to several of my voice to skull recordings and you hear the idiots make baseless accusations. and you can't...
  5. Anonymous

    To all brothers and sisters, your cell ...

    To all brothers and sisters, your cell phone, and all electronic devices via META, CSC, and more will be used to find you when the time comes. Your cell phone / eletronic device IS the instrument of evil, that will make it easier for them to find you, even if you do not take the vaccine or chip...
  6. Regiah

    Attention Prayer Community

    Fwd:Please share information!!! Just received this: ALERT Cellphones Are Being Hacked! You Get Called And Get Asked If You've Been Vaccinated Or Not. Then You're Told To Press 1 Or 2 As An Answer And Boom All Your Banking Information Is Accessed. People Are Loosing Money. Please Alert Them Not...
  7. csaaphill

    Father in heaven coming to you in ...

    Father in heaven coming to you in all praise and giving you the glory you deserve and thanks I am a sinner and ask for giveness for those sins. But I give you thanks and praise that you bind the mouths and the devicses of my gangstalkers and the technology they use. Plus I give you thanks that...
  8. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    Serious & Urgent Prayer Needed For Protection During A Very Bad Storm This Evening Please Father In Jesus's Name Calm The Weather Down Please Amen XOX

    Today & now all of this evening we have had emergency broadcast alerts on our cell phones for a bad storm with snow & then rain with super high winds all tonight & i think this also continues into tomorrow Father In Jesus's Name Grant Us All Protection Please May my windows not break May there...
  9. csaaphill

    In Jesus name I bind the powers ...

    In Jesus name I bind the powers of the air and speech through the air using cell phones and or other forms or witchcraft and spells and hypnosis. and then I bind them from being able to manipulate me in my dreams. I hate dreaming crap they send to me using v2k to manipulate the dreams I have. I...
  10. Anonymous

    Need prayers for good health, marriage and ...

    Need prayers for good health, marriage and success in work, May TB help my situation, May the lord protect my wife from all evil people and the internet n cell phones , protect her lord from all evil that comes from those things . I bind them all in Jesus Name .
  11. csaaphill

    Video link https://youtu.be/5I9prs_6aY8 same weird kid elongating ...

    Video link same weird kid elongating what sounds like you need or you knew. But like yyyyyyyooooooouuuuu nnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd or yoooooooooooouuuu kkkkkknnnnnneeeeww or something. But in the back ground you hear some chick say something about cell phones.
  12. csaaphill

    Dear Lord Close my pineal Gland the ...

    Dear Lord Close my pineal Gland the evil eye so people and others can't see what I'm doing. I thank you that this is being done already. I thank you Jesus that you've broken all artificial means that Gangstalkers use to torment me. Cell phones UHF/VHF wireless cameras, microphones RF signal...
  13. csaaphill

    No Jesus I give thee thanks and ...

    No Jesus I give thee thanks and praise that all evil portals opened in my ear or mind are now closed and I thank you that no amount of whispering into me from evil people and or spirits will have any effect on me. No what ever she just said is false and will not prosper her she's an evil witch...
  14. csaaphill

    Lord father in heaven hallowed is your ...

    Lord father in heaven hallowed is your name. i give yu my love and my loyalty not to Lucifer the false god, but to you the one who's mercy is pure and not full of guile. I come before your thrown a sinful man and ask to be cleansed of all my sins. I ask you to clean out my pain in my head with...
  15. csaaphill

    Father those of evil physick powers along ...

    Father those of evil physick powers along with technology are using thier minds and Satans powers against me. I pray and thank you that you will block their minds from continuing to reach mine and or their cell phones and or other forms of technology. Familar spirits are banned in the bible...
  16. csaaphill

    Father in heaven I ask and thank ...

    Father in heaven I ask and thank you for blocking me from evil text messages as well. close all portals to my mind from Satan and his minions and tools they use. Cell phones text messages subliminal messages etc... and this person named Jeremy or whoever or what ever he or she is. Thank you...
  17. csaaphill

    Father I pray in Jesus' name to ...

    Father I pray in Jesus' name to destroy the tools the wicked Gangstalkers use to try and destroy my life. artificial tools aren't lives so if it appeases you to destroy their tools then I ask that you do this. Blue tooth, UHF and VHF tools all forms of sound and destroy their cell phones and...
  18. csaaphill

    I thank you Jehovah for prayers answered ...

    I thank you Jehovah for prayers answered not amiss for nothing I've prayed for is against prophecy. Jehovah, Nothing I pray for is to my flesh it's to be avenged of those worshipping Satan. They had to have sold their souls to Lucifer to begin with to even have the power they have now and are...
  19. csaaphill

    To those in need of help I ...

    To those in need of help I offer this in the form of prayer and advice. v2k uses cell phones and Satellites and the microwaves and etc... all from technology. it's a form of artificial telepathy. I don't know all the why's and or how's but it's a real effect much like what happened in Cuba...
  20. Feathers Of Angel's Wings

    URGENT RIGHT NOW...much spiritual warfare...honor my Faith God and fight this battle for me...in Jesus's Mighty Name...I CLAIM THIS HOUSING MIRACLE !

    Marlene the listing realtor of that beautiful apt had just called me and then.............we got disconnected............mamma-mia everyone is having problems with their cell phones for about a week now... it is a state wide technical glitch...it is cell tower engineering malfunctions state...
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