Please pray for my husband his mind isn't peaceful. Today he came from work quietly and irritated and feels him kind of depressed. Please pray that my husband can motivate himself and start focusing priorities Lord Jesus Christ and read the Bible more often. Today is our 6 anniversary wedding...
Please pray for me to do a great job at work. Also please pray for my wife to be calm and not curse and attack me. She is constantly worried about everything and it is tiring for me. I am doing my best to read the Bible and pray and stay faithful to Jesus. Pray that I can do that please.
Please pray for me to do a great job at work. Also please pray for my wife to be calm and not curse and attack me. She is constantly worried about everything and it is tiring for me. I am doing my best to read the Bible and pray and stay faithful to Jesus. Pray that I can do that please.
Thank you Father for all you are doing for me. I pray tonight again for deliverance from all the attacks Father. They are so so many. I pray for some peace. Even if just a little.
Please grant me peace during the times I read my Bible. That’s when these attacks is at its worst. The white noise...
please pray for me to draw closer to our Lord Jesus. I managed to give up smoking last monday and thought I would feel closer but I don;t. The Bible says draw near to Him and He will draw near to you so I have to keep trying. I have been so depressed again the last couple of days that I have...
God and Emmanuel, thank You for blessing me and my loved ones.. for Your earthly Presence, Your Holy Spirit, Your Love in written form in the Bible and lavishing us with so much care we often take for granted. Holy Spirit, help us daily to abide in the Lord.. to do God's will in thought, word &...
Good Lord, my family needs you to
forgive our sins
break bad habits
lead us to read the Bible and pray together
heal our eyes so we wont be nearly blind
cancel and keep us out of debt
give DM breakthroughs and lead him to be open with us, confess, pray, and worship with us
in Jesus name i...
Thanks for all your prayers against smoking. I humbly report they are working I have not had a smoke for hours and am not using patches or inhalers I have one if I really need but want to just quit cold turkey if God keeps helping me like He is. Please pray I don't ever backslide and go back I...
Please pray for me.. my wife is very contentious and she curses and is rude and stubborn.. while I’m reading the Bible she waves her finger in my face and curses at me. I don’t know what to do.
Hello Family. I wanted to have a productive life and to settle down years ago but it has still not happened. Have prayed and prayed but I have not received the desires of my heart. I'm 37 now and I feel very anxious. I have a lonely life. The bible says we shouldn't be anxious but it's soo easy...
I have a small desire which only I have but not my husband I wanted to raise a child . But he does not want. Also I do not know what God wants I am now 43 years old and he 40. I tried to enroll in adoption but he dint want that too. What should I make of it and how should I pray. I cry when I...
Boss keeps putting his hands on me. This wicked boss said horrible things to me and then smiled and touched me as if to say “you deserved it” I told him to stop but he continued. I. It’s degrading I reported it to HR and he retaliated. He’s a very sick man. God didn’t stop him and now I have...
Please please pray for my husband he stop using to much social media and see boy's in social media underwear. He can start his day with Lord Jesus Christ and read the Bible more. He can focus priorities Lord Jesus Christ and his wife and kids and dogs. He stop listening to the lies of the enemy...
Please pray for my wife to understand that she should not be cursing at me and trying to usurp authority over me. She does not trust me, and does not read the Bible or repent for her sins. I am so tired and I’m doing my best to keep my eyes on Jesus.. please pray for me too.
Good evening, I really need help in my life right now. I used to be able to read my bible twice a day sometimes, and even though I felt I could do more, I’ve regressed so much in my spiritual life and I’m scared it’s only going to get worse, please pray for me in any way you can, I need the...
I would like to pray for God to give me strength and content in this loneliness I have been feeling.I sometimes feel like going back to my past but I know that will draw me back.I have to soldier on I prayed for assertiveness and that I keep hoping in God.Thw Bible says those who wait on God...
Lord, may I get a Bible soon since I don't have one. Also, please bless Eder and his kids. May you heal their broken heart from having lost their mother and wife a year ago and thank you for the blessing of me becoming their step mom and new wife. I am grateful to be able to give them your love...