
  1. Sarah Radley

    Please pray for me I alésais seem ...

    Please pray for me I alésais seem to be rushing. I read the Bible to fast and I pray to fast as well. Also I’m always stressed out and this isn’t good for my heart it causes me episodes. Also I always seem to be watching things on tv that I think I shouldn’t watch but I just can’t stop staring...
  2. Steven Bobb

    I can't help but question but...we read ...

    I can't help but question but...we read in the Bible about judgement on unrepentant sinners eventually paying for their deeds.However, what I see appears to contradict what I read.I see people doing things that I really hurt others others who trusted them too..adultery defrauding .And these...
  3. Vilegus


    I have so many struggles, I am lonely, jinx’s is in my life no man seem to love me they want even talk to me I can’t keep money and have a very few friends go to Church and can’t get the Bible to stay in my head I want to get closer to God
  4. Tethgari

    Dear Heavenly Father, today l come to ...

    Dear Heavenly Father, today l come to you because I found myself getting further and further away from you. I am worried and stressed about it. I try to seek you through the Bible but was distracted most of the time. I don't know what wrong with me. I need you God,l pray every day but l always...
  5. Welwyl

    Please pray for me I have no ...

    Please pray for me I have no motivation or discipline to pray or read the Bible. Pray that I become closer to God and live a life of love.
  6. Laeryaith

    I made a vow or oath today while holding the Bible and I don’t feel right with I want to break it … I need prayers

    I made a vow or an oath today while holding the Bible and I don’t feel right with it .. I want to break it .. I need prayer to guide me
  7. Slemian

    Please pray for my daughter who can’t ...

    Please pray for my daughter who can’t handle her emotions & self harms herself It’s been a while she hasn’t done this , I want her to feel Gods love within Although we have family prayers she knows about bible this constant feeling of self harm is ruining her down Please uphold her in prayers...
  8. Shoral

    Prayer warriors Thank you all for your ...

    Prayer warriors Thank you all for your prayers as the bible says in Matthew 18 verse 20 where two or three are gathered in my name,there I am among them, I am happy to say that the new school understood my situation, My child is going to school on Wednesday without me paying anything.The fight...
  9. Cewall

    Pray for Doctor Sara: I’ve planted many ...

    Doctor Sara is reaching out to me Please continue to pray for connection Thank you
  10. Raldau

    Humbly request healing for my visual disturbances ...

    Humbly request healing for my visual disturbances such as ( illusory palinopsia, mild visual snow, eye floaters) stomach issues, and neck grinding. Not only that but a sound mind in Christ Jesus. I pray also that I have an encounter with Jesus Christ face to face just as the bible promised he...
  11. Dabgay Lepcha

    Meaning of dream in bible

    My father saw a dream...Someone came in his dream and said only few days remaining for him to live in this world. Is this dream really true.Plz kindly let me know What bible say about dream.I would like to request you all to pray for my father's long life. Praise the lord and Thank you so much...
  12. Maenlann

    Please pray for my husband that he ...

    Please pray for my husband that he can go back to have relationship with Lord Jesus Christ and read the Bible more often. He can start his day spending time with Lord Jesus Christ and less social media. My husband can focus priorities Lord Jesus Christ and his wife and his kids and dogs. My...
  13. Kimta

    Pray for my eyes sight recently get ...

    Pray for my eyes sight recently get abit blurry as I see read bible or close up. Pray for healing touch and restore my eyes sight in Jesus name. Thank you
  14. Bothinsa

    Please pray for my mother, my financial situation, wisdom and the holy spirit

    Please pray that my mother's heart heals and she has many more years to live. Please pray that God guides me to prosper financially so that I can provide for my wife and kids in a better way. Please pray that God gives me the wisdom and clarity to understand the bible better. Please pray that...
  15. Mrs.JR

    Good Afternoon my sisters & Brothers, please ...

    Good Afternoon my sisters & Brothers, please keep my home in prayers. A lots of negative influences in here. I pray for whoever doing witchcraft be remove Today in Jesus name. You have people who be picking up the bible and still doing evil. The Blood of Jesus Christ!
  16. Beartor

    I am Saikat from Naihati ,India. I ...

    I am Saikat from Naihati ,India. I smoked regularly. Wanted to quit but could not. One day i pray To the God in the name of Jesus And miraculously the habit has gone just from that evening. Just like i never smoke before. I feel that Jesus has done that work on me. Because that day he told me...
  17. Schypperoad

    I am asking for prayer to protect ...

    I am asking for prayer to protect against demonic attacks. I am trying to read the Bible and my mind gets swarmed by old occult people I used to know.
  18. Miranda T

    Provision of godly Friends

    Pray that God will provide me with a church which I can hv a flat hard chair to sit on and I will have godly friends who are caring, willing to pray study bible and journey ups n Downs in life together. In Jesus' name. Amendment
  19. Anonymous

    Fear of Death

    The fear that when I die there will be nothing but darkness terrifies and overtakes me. I know what the Bible says and what God has promised but I am filled with such fear it wears me down and makes me terrified.
  20. JesusourLordandSavior

    Thank you Father for all you are ...

    Thank you Father for all you are doing for me. I am praying for deliverance and peace and healing to come in this new year. Please please Father lead us to freedom without constant attacks. Please grant complete deliverance. Please allow me to read my Bible or even say my prayers. Please grant...
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