Lord have emrcy and heal me and my fmaiyldleive rus form the rats dleiver me formt his anxity.Lor di need oyu Lord pleas ehalregrowressurectt teeth bod yin f amiylhave emrc have mercy have mercy have merc yi am lost.Help Lor idm lost! Lord please take away hihg blood suagr high bloos pressure...
amiylhave emrc
anxiety lor di
country: hungary
emotional support
fmaiyldleive rus
high blood pressure
high blood sugar
lor idm
oyu pleas ehalregrowressurectt teeth
please God sendme my own husband im lonley please an dhela my fmaily form all illness and protect us form evil. dleiver my dad out of homlessnes Lord giv ehim a pension Lord heal my grandma and help me care for her LOrd do all inyour power to hela my mom of asperger syndorm. Lor di feel so...
urgent:my gradnam needs urgent sprayers pleas ei beg you andmy da dishomeless and i am very very tired caregiver withhelath issze sneeidng helaign my mom need helaign form asperger syndorme.Please their are also soem kind of animal rmice ratr andi im reallay really tire di feel so ALoen pelase...
please pray for my grandma urgently who needs help. please high bloos pressure trpped gases and mym othe rhas asperger syndorem it is IMPOSSIBLE to cooperate with her. please urgently pray my grandma to eb helped by God Himself. PLEAse God pleas epelas ehlp my grandma and open my moms eyes to be...
Dear churhc, i beg you to pleas epray fo rme. i am so ill and helpign my mom who has asperger snydorm. my mom is unabel to detect my emotions. she belive si am her 24/7 servant. ims o tired . PLEAS EOMEON PRAY THAT I BGET MORE REST AND MY MOM IS HEAE ODF ASPERGER SNYDORMW I CAN NEEVR SAY NO T...
pleas erpay for my da d he is homelss in the cold today. i am in anothe rocutnry. pleas wpray Gdo sends him an dangle tha the is healed his heart valve adn spinal fracture teeth gums etc oseporsis. and that Gdo give shim a pension best money ever. Lord tell my hubby i lov ehim whoeve rhe is...
im havign a really har ditme wiht my mom who has asperger syíndrome.if eel so unloved everyday revolves aorudn her schedule. im 34 years anad everxy single has to be abotu her. i also have to take care orf my grandma who has been bedirdden for years.. iam tired my kidnyes dotn work well. im...
big praise report! thank you lord for teeth jaw miracle! yesterday the Lod healed me set my jaw and teeth into place i praise You Lord Jesus Christ ! thank you I love You. please rpay the Lord heal my moms brain healing for asperger syndrome and for my granda who has been bedidden for 7 years...
big praise report
country: hungary
dad hearts
life time
merry heart
small bowel obstruction syndrome
teeth gums metabolic disorders
teeth jaw miracle
type 1 diabetes metabolic acidosis
anythign lor depleas helpe
asperger syndorma dn
country: hungary
emy mothe ri
fo rme pleas
jesu sjeus jeu sjeujs
lor di
pelase pleas
seven nee dhelp
im very exhausted carevgiver. pelas epray God cares about my needs in a very obvious ways.im 34 and wanted to ge tmarried im ver ylonel yi pray God helps me wiht my life.im lonely. Lord why can ti have my won husbanand soemoen who loves me and me HIm. im also very axhausted get tired super easy...
country: hungary
lonely loneliness
lonely lord
lonely people
obvious ways
pelas epray
strong lord dplease
super easy struggle wiht type diabetes diabetes
ver ylonel
i would liek to have my own God ly husband who care sabaut em and spends tiem wiht em excleltn eye cotnect happy togehte rfelel ove dmy my husbadn. God please giv eme my own husband who loves me an di loce him. please giv em the husband you choose. pelas eno one who i can tenjoy life iwht but...
pleas epray tha the Lor dhjelps me care for my fmaily and myself. God pelas ehal my fmaily all of us. im feel so down. please also i would liek to hav emy own husband for my brithday and abouquet of flowers Lord Jesus Christ wiht oyu all thigns ar epossible. also i need oyu help LOrd but the...
i wouldl iek the Lord to somehow get me out of this abusive relationshoip wiht my mother who has asperger syndorm i am so stressed it kills. Lor dwhy is this woman so mena otme and never let me live help me pelse God i beg you pelase PLEASE PLEASE why do i have to eb with someoen so mean otem...
please pray that God hela smym othe rof asperger syndrom. pelas eand alos my bedridden grandma who has been bedridden for 7 years. im triyng so har dot tak ecar eof my famiyl aloen ina foreign coutnry. im almost 34. i wish to be married. Lor dpelas ehal me and brignme my own husband pelase soon...
livign with my mothe ris extremeleexrtremely stressful. she has asperger syndrom and i have ot help her wiht everyhign on top of that haven tleft the hous ein years as i am carign formy bedridden grandma . i am so exhausted i feel so aloen and different country. i ahve type diabetes kidney...
country: hungary
different country
healthy happy life
husband wlif
kidney issues
mental issue
severe blood suagr issues
severe health issues
type diabetes
Forgive all the sins of my husband from the Lord and the sins of myself. forgive the isns of our ansectory and our parents and repective fmailies. i pleadad oyu hOly blod upon all relative family both close and distan their spouses and children and same wiht my husband formt he Lord my true...
somebod ypelas ehelp me my mom has asperger syndorme and overworks me i car eof rm ygrandma 24/7. iM aksign God ot pela shela all of us. im so tired. my mom hs a metldown tha tnever seems ot end. im so tire od fhurtful comemnt scan thshe hver keep her comments to herself.God pelas ehelp me this...
Lor dpelase giv em my own husband and mroe item to relax. cargiivng is hard work and i feel so aloen pelase giv eme my own spouse form you God miracl ehusband form you Lor di wand hela my fmaily form all ikllness disease posverty depresoisn lonliness take away all sadness. lor dpelas eno mro...
pleas epra yof rme im really really really sad. i dont knwo if i want o live anymore. i really hat emy life. all day its baour clenaign an dhousework an di se no hope for a bette rlife because that sythe WIll of God i have no friends. no oen has looked a tme for years. im heartbroken lonely and...
can someoen pleas epray for me i am cairng for my grandma ( iam also askign for helaign for type 1 diabetes).i am helpign my relative who has asperger syndrome, i m aksign for prayers tha tall trhee of us are heale.d im ahving an issues wiht my parent . no matter how mcuh i try i cant seem to...
blood sugar issue
country: hungary
foreign country
last seven si
long meldowns
several many s
spirit fo asperger syndrom
stressful cam
type 1 diabetes