set me free form type opne diabetes and my grandma too and all bloos sugar insulin stress related emotinal relate dillness Lor dheal my mom of asperger snyodrme. Lord ther ies nothgin you vcannot do tot he praise and glro yof your name Lord. please also keep bab yin womb safe an dhealthy. Lor di...
pleas eosmebod yhelp me mymothe rhas asperger syndorm and she is evr yocntrollign i beg oyu i never can leav.e someoen i beg you if ther ie anyoen who hcan help. i am so overworked pela sie beg you inever get abreka i have type oen diabete si feel so abuse dso abused 24/= if ther ie anyhoep i...
My son who is in his second year of nursing got excellent marks in his clinical and classes except for one class where he failed his exam by 1%. He asked the teacher if she could review his exam and she said no the marks were in. He is going to see a student advisor to see if he should appeal...
im vwery afriad to lvie iwhtmy mom who has asperger syndorme. bu ican tleave becua sie need to car eof rmy grandma. she abuses my alldy every day. ic ant leav eim in foeign country and no body help em im exhauste dmy grandma ver yill for year.s my mom yells at me all the item im scared pleas iem...
assistance dotn knwo
country: hungary
driane ic ant
foreign country
health issues
ican tleave becua sie
itme formsef
pleas iem almsot
strsse di
aksing God for hope in healign my mom of asperger syndorme and ( possibly brother if he ha sit) and also me and my dad need healign emotionally. i also nee dhelaign form type one diabetes caused by not beign desired. that swha tithink. ipray God send me my One flehs hsuabdn joined by His Holy...
aspergersyndromeaspergers sydnrome
country: hungary
dhelaign form
emerc oyn
holy spirit
kind fo communication
one diabetes
one flesh husband
rsiste rn law
askign God for fmaiyl healign salvaiton adn help with cairng for my grandma.Lor dpelas ehal my mom of asperger syndorme. heal my fmaiyl and heal B as well give all of us healign of teeht and healign giv emy dad stbale insulin and please hela my grandma form dmentia. please do all ynoru power ot...
praise report: brother doign better tempetature. thnak you allf or oyur prayers my angels! please pra ymy brothe heale dof covid and his wife and tha tshe has covid free pregnancy and nephew not affected nor she or my brother comepelte dleiveranc eandhealed by Chirs.t pleas epray for their...
canadian citizen passport
cassandra syndrome lor ddleive rme
clear pleas eprovid
country: hungary
health merry heart godly friends
lor dpleas
miralc eplane ticket
praise report brother
teh lor dmak
prasie report: thnak ouy Lor dof rhealign my teeth positions yesterday thank you for my grandma.please help with my mom i beg you. plese helaaehr of asperger syndorem or take me away form here. i cannto handle her yellign all th time all the itme becsause the onyl t pleas help me in any wa you...
my mom always yells at me and i jsut wanan die its too mcuh im 34 year sold pela eGod help me separate me and my mom peacefully i ebg oyu i can thandle this heal her asperger snydorme pelase i dotn know how to keep goign anymore an dhela my grandma please every time she yells all days every i...
a relative always yells at me and its destroyed me i have type 1 diabete ther eis a God who loves pleas ehlp this parent to calm down hela them form asperger syndroem i canto live liek this 24/= days a week. i need to care for my starvign grandma severely ill wiht also blood suga...
blood suga rissues
country: hungary
eplea speleas edo
firend sno helpers
lfi eicannot lvi eliek
poor foreign country
poor function
same country
type 1 diabetes
prasie report: thnak you Lor dofr never leaivgn me or forsakign me. thank you for healign my teeth. Lor pdleas ehal my dad sheart valve and and he ha splanty of oxygen acan breaht wihttou any problems and is heale dof osteoporsis and pleas eprovide best resitrmentmoney for him.pea shela my...
best resitrmentmoney
country: hungary
dad heart valve
family hela depression
family member
good relationship
mgrandma form
oxygen acan breath
praise report
Lord save me im sorry for my sins. please make peace with all peopel i sinned against. please have emrcy i need help me im sorr yim so sorry i m need oyu help Lord i need you to step in and save me sve me please forgive me btu also pelase keep peopel away from me who ar enot for me. please im...
prayerrequest for myself. I am ver ylonley and i did God beg for a husband but its mroe than that i feel so unlove dso unseen so uncared fro in my lfie. havent really got even much of a birthday card in years. nof riends to cals for sicn ei was 19 im 34. i hurt deeply. i would liek to experience...
soembdo ypleas epelas epleas ehelp very ill and i can tget better my mother has asperger syndorme and i can thandle the verbal abuse i dotn hve the nergy to pleae her 24 /7. my grandm ais bedridden and ill i am in foreign coutnry no firend sor fmaiyl who can help or even in coutnry. if eel...
pleas epray ofr me my mother is autistic and she is alwíays extrmely mena and corntrollign im 34 years old i have type 1 diaebtes adn kidney disease im trying to care for my grandma very ill form type diabetes and also kidneys disease demntia i hav ecornaphobia. i am a foregin coutnry. my mother...
country: hungary
eme hoem
foreign country
iem asshole
ill form type diabetes
kidney disease
kidneys disease dementia
same rut dsame thigns
type 1 diabetes
aksing for prayers. i really need some help. ive been carign for my grandma for u7 years who has been bedridden for mos tof the itme wiht a mother wiho has asperger snydorme. im 34 years aold and every single my entire life revolves around my mothers requests. i dotn feel like a human beign . i...
pleas epray for me. pleasew pray God heal smy grandma. i am her caregive rbut im metnally and physcialy ill. I also help my mom 24/7 who has asperger syndorme. Askign for God to mov ein our lives. Lord Jeus Chirst please save us help us. pelas epray fo rus. i feel so alone. őéease also őray that...
pleas epray my mom is heale dof aspetrger syndorem. we are tkaign car eof my grandma and iti impossible to communciate and we are stuck together 24/7. Please someoen help meits been 7 years. i have no friends no fmaily in foreign coutnry. i want the curse of asperger syndroem out of my fmaily...
Lord have emrcy and heal me and my fmaiyldleive rus form the rats dleiver me formt his anxity.Lor di need oyu Lord pleas ehalregrowressurectt teeth bod yin f amiylhave emrc have mercy have mercy have merc yi am lost.Help Lor idm lost! Lord please take away hihg blood suagr high bloos pressure...
amiylhave emrc
anxiety lor di
country: hungary
emotional support
fmaiyldleive rus
high blood pressure
high blood sugar
lor idm
oyu pleas ehalregrowressurectt teeth
please God sendme my own husband im lonley please an dhela my fmaily form all illness and protect us form evil. dleiver my dad out of homlessnes Lord giv ehim a pension Lord heal my grandma and help me care for her LOrd do all inyour power to hela my mom of asperger syndorm. Lor di feel so...