
  1. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation ...

    Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation and deliverance for Diane and Aiden and for Aiden to stop causing trouble and for Roxann to stop causing trouble cause she wants my husband back
  2. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation ...

    Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation and deliverance fir Stan and his family and healing fir Aiden that he would stop picking on other people
  3. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation ...

    Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation and deliverance fir Diane , Roxann and Aiden today
  4. Kara9

    Hello, please pray for me to be ...

    Hello, please pray for me to be able to forgive everyone especially Roxann and Diane and Aiden and my husband for hurting my feelings,also healing and salvation and deliverance fir all of them thank you
  5. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir healing fir Cade ...

    Hello, please pray fir healing fir Cade and Wayne and moms sick kitten 🐈‍⬛, and Fletcher and Aiden
  6. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir healing fir Cade ...

    Hello, please pray fir healing fir Cade and Wayne and moms sick kitten 🐈‍⬛, and Fletcher and Aiden
  7. Kara9

    Hello, please pray that my husband and ...

    Hello, please pray that my husband and I won’t need to go to counseling with Aiden or Roxann
  8. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir hea and salvation ...

    Hello, please pray fir hea and salvation and deliverance fir Aiden and Roxann and all gossip to stop
  9. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir my family that ...

    Hello, please pray fir my family that we won’t need to go to family counseling with Aiden
  10. Kara9

    Hello, please pray for Aiden and Diane ...

    Hello, please pray for Aiden and Diane and Roxann that they would work through their problems and not drag everyone else into counseling cause of them
  11. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir hea and salvation ...

    Hello, please pray fir hea and salvation and deliverance fir Aiden and healing for him that he won’t need anymore or additional family counseling also that Roxann would leave us alone too
  12. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir Aiden that he ...

    Hello, please pray fir Aiden that he wouldn’t need any additional family counseling concerning my husband and our family
  13. Kara9

    Hello, please pray for this situation with ...

    Hello, please pray for this situation with Aiden and Roxann and Diane to be resolved so they stop what they are doing
  14. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir all the hurt ...

    Hello, please pray fir all the hurt that Diane and Aiden and Roxann caused will not succeed and it will backfire today
  15. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir things to change ...

    Hello, please pray fir things to change for the better fir Aiden so he can be happy and all deliverance from demons and witchcraft too
  16. Kara9

    Hello, please pray for healing and salvation ...

    Hello, please pray for healing and salvation and deliverance fir Diane and Roxann and Aiden
  17. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation ...

    Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation and deliverance for my mom Victoria and my husband Shawn , Peyton, Alaxander and Fletcher and Aiden and Diane too please
  18. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir me that I ...

    Hello, please pray fir me that I would be able to forgive my enemies like Roxann and Aiden for trying to ruin my marriage and my family also please pray fir healing and salvation and deliverance fir Diane and fir all witchcraft spells to removed off of her today and not to return and for my...
  19. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir Fletcher and Aiden ...

    Hello, please pray fir Fletcher and Aiden and Peyton and Alaxander fir God to keep them safe and fir all witchcraft spells to be removed and that Roxann can’t hurt my family anymore
  20. Kara9

    Hello, please pray fir all witchcraft spells ...

    Hello, please pray fir all witchcraft spells and curse and demons to leave my family today immediately and for the curse to not return and for Roxann to leave us alone and Aiden too
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