Hello, please bpray fir Shawn to stop picking on me and Aiden too that Shawn will stop aiding with Aiden and Diane and Roxann and learn how to be a loving husband
Hello,please pray that Roxann will leave us alone at the parent teacher conferences for Aiden and that she won’t bother us on holidays anymore also that she would stop flirting with my husband thank you
Hello, please pray fir healing and salvation and deliverance for Aiden and his family and travel safety for them also that things would turn around with Roxann that she would leave us alone
Hello, please pray for all jealousy and envy and strife to go away concerning myself , Roxann and Diane and all witchcraft to be broken off immediately concerning Shawn and Aiden
Hello, please pray fir Shawn to get over his ex girlfriend Roxann and move on and not to allow Aiden to keep bringing up the past with her to Shawn or Diane
Hello, please pray fir salvation and healing and deliverance for Ryan, Ryan s, Tasha , Dean, Nate and myself also Shawn and Diane , Victoria and Peyton, Fletcher , Aiden and Alaxander
Hello, please pray fir Roxann and Diane and Aiden for them to stay out of my marriage and for Shawn to realize it’s wrong the way he mistreated me cause of his ex girlfriend Roxann
Hello, please pray for healing for Peyton and Aiden and for them to stop fighting and get alone as brothers and for Hod to help them deal with anger and emotions