Some Chrstians blame the other Christian for having a lack of faith, or even having an ongoing sin causing their "problems", but actually the Bible doesn't always blame it on that.Look at some of the statements in the Bible."All those who seek to live godly will suffer persecution.""I saw those who were slain for their testimony of Jeus,who did not receive the mark of the beast or his number"."In the world you WILL HAVE tribulation"And Paul."Least I get puffed up with pride, it was granted me a thorn in the flesh, an agent of Satan,and 3 times I entreated the Lord to remove it, BUT He said,,"My grace is sufficient."So much for the Christians who say they will never go through trails. But besides refuting them, I must ask something. Our Earthly fathers, when they saw a bully pushing us around, they drove the bully off. God, on the other hand, LETS the devil push us around, and may even give him permission!!!It's like, the devil is trying to make our lives miserable, and God is like,"Sure!!Fine!!Go ahead and do it!!"{And I don't mean just physical,physically I'm fine, I mean having troublesome situations pop up in our life out of the blue,The devil zaps us, and God gives the go ahead.Why do you suppose that is?