PRAISE God that he did answer one of your requests!
I think that you are having questions that most all of us have at some point. I think that we have to remember the verse that says it rains in the just and the unjust. There are people who will walk through life with very few problems. Why would the devil hinder them when they are doing his will? Then there are people who follow God and bad things seem to happen to them a lot. God is the potter. The fire makes the pot hard. God has the right to say no. We forget that in modern ministries where we are told have more faith. Well, if God says no than it doesn't matter how much faith we have. He has the right to tell us no. Think about a child who is never told no. They're kind of brats, huh? God knows the past, present and the future. He knows what is BEST for us. We don't know that. Maybe what we want seems just and honest, but who is to say that 10 years down the road it destroys us? We have no idea. We can pray and pray, but God decides. A man makes many plans, but God decides if they work out. Many people do pray for the same things. Until it is obvious that he said no, we will continue to pray. I mean, for instance, if my kid kept talking to me about something a lot, I'm more likely to remember it when I'm ready to give them a gift. God does know how to give good gifts. So, say that your kids birthday is in a week. You have the gift ready and wrapped. The kid keeps asking to open it. Will you let then? Probably not. You want them to wait for the appointed time. Same with God. He has it, but it isn't the right time. Keep praying, but do it with a grateful heart. Rejoice when he answers your requests. A grateful child tends to get lavished with more than an ungrateful child.