I sometimes have an unusual experience.I looked at posts on other Christian sites, and see some other people have had this, too.Like, I'll hit something with prayer, and even from a few angles.{call in prayer lines,prayer boxes in churches,etc.}But soon after the prayers go up, I get a "reminder" that the problem is still there!!{And it's not lack of faith,because when I first started doing it,after hanging up from the prayer line, I felt good, believing that the problem was over}.But for example,if the prayer was to get a troublesome person out of my life,soon after I hung up from the prayer line,and happy believing that the problem was over,my cellphone rings, and when I look at the screen,whose number?The troublesome person!!{Was the first one who called after the prayer!}And in a few other categories.{I've even had where the problem wasn't "on me" at the moment, but after praying it reared it's head!!}So what's actually happening here?I can think of a well known tv pastor, who called for 30 days of prayer from his followers,to prevent a certain ungodly person to get elected, but the person still got elected!!{Yet the election 8 years later, I and many Christians prayed, and in that case their prayers were answered!!}{So it's not just me}So what's actually happening here?
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