why bother praying any more? I have prayed for an unbelievably long time. No prayers answered to speak of.
sick and tired hearing "God's timing" so much for praying as the Bible says "pray with confidence, boldness, expecting to receive"
thoughts for years of departing this earth have circled me. Especially more recent years. I'm thankful for many things and even tell God. But to be honest, I have nothing good in my life. Read that again before you try to judge me. I could write a book on the trials and tribulations I have had to endure -- all ALONE!
I don't have friends or a support system. Not even a church due to the chronic gossip in my smaller community. It sucks when pastors and assistant pastors and staff participate in the nonsense. Can you say "wolf in sheep's clothing"?
Faith is dwindling. What's the verse about hope being deferred? Yes, that verse. I'm very much there. I have only experienced the first part of that verse. Even the Bible talks about seasons of life. Majority of my life has been fall and winter seasons. A real shame. Where are the spring and summer seasons, God? The breakthrough. The blessings and the favor.
Many days I consider boxing up the 'Christian books', the Bibles, etc., and either giving it all away or throwing it away.
God says His word will not return void. Interesting as I've been persisting in prayer and believing for many of these things over 25 years!