A Prayer for When You Don't Feel God’s Presence
Dr. James MacDonald
"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him." (Psalms 34:8, ESV)
Sometimes we find ourselves in seasons of life when God’s goodness is hidden, when it’s either invisible to us or we’re...
When life gets hard Lord, and we sometimes we wish that the hurt would end or that we could run away from it. Pressure doesn’t feel good, and we simply want to escape. But even when we feel a lot of pain, remind us that none of it is out of your control. Though we may not understand pains...
1 Tim.2:1-2 has clear instructions that we should pray "for kings and all those in authority." We pray for the battle is under way in the air for political rule in USA. We pray the powers of darkness are not allowed to work undisturbed and influence business leaders. We pray the powers of...