Humble Prayer Partner
Good afternoon, prayer request members, my name is Alissa and I have a very desperately and urgent request that really needs to be prayed for still ASAP, so my 84 year old Grandfather named ### ### has been an alcoholic his whole life but now it’s gotten to the point where it’s extremely bad and none of the family wants to deal with his evil ways and help him get better to stop drinking but wants him to stop. But everyday he leaves the house every morning to go drinking all day long and then he comes back to the house at night completely drunk, narcissistic and evil, every single day and every night and every time he comes back to the house he likes to antagonize other people in the house, gets in peoples faces for no reason and likes to get physical and puts his hands on people in the house when nobody even be around him or talking to him, he is always starting with everyone else as soon as he gets in the house and I’m definitely to my breaking point where he really needs to stop his drinking addiction and leave everybody alone when he is drunk immediately.
A month ago when my Dad had to leave the state to go on a 2 day family quick roadtrip so my Dad can lay my Grandma to rest which is my Dad’s mother, the day after thanksgiving my family left my Grandpa with me and my best friend at my Dad’s house but I really wished my Dad and my aunts took their alcoholic narcissist Dad with them because after they were gone and out of state on the roadtrip late at night that same day that they left, he came back into the house at night after having a whole day of drinking outside wherever he went drinking at like usual and he came back into the house and went to the kitchen where my best friend was sitting and my friend was on the phone minding his business like always and my Grandpa started getting in my friend’s face for no reason and starting yelling at him for no reason and then my Grandpa started making calls to people on his phone that I didn’t even know who he was calling and I didn’t even know he was making those calls until my friend told me my Grandpa was making calls to people and that’s when I started hearing the calls being made and my Grandpa was telling different females to pull up to the house with guns with them knowing that I’m the only young adult female here and I have a disability and can’t really move around that easily and fast without my walker so at that point I really felt uncomfortable and unsafe in my Dad’s house because my Grandpa really had my aunt’s friend pull up to my house and when she got here my Grandpa switched the whole story and said that my friend was threatening him and trying to hurt him, even though my Grandpa was the person who was starting the whole situation with me and my best friend and my Grandpa was antagonizing him and my friend never even said anything or did anything to my Grandpa at all but when my Grandpa called her over here she kept trying to make excuses for my Grandpa saying how he is drunk and that’s how he is and how I need to get over it and forgive him for his actions and the mental state that he was in that night and that night my Dad told my friend to leave just so it can deescalate the problem since my Dad wasn’t here physically to stop my Grandpa from going crazy so he told my friend just to leave until my Dad came back from his roadtrip so that when my Dad came back at least my friend felt safe and comfortable to be in the house with my Grandpa while my Dad is here in the house but even I wanted to leave the house and go to a hotel room with my best friend and so I wouldn’t be alone for the two days that my Dad was gone cause I really didn’t want to stay in the house with my alcoholic Grandfather until my Dad came back but my Dad told me to stay at the house until he got back to the house but after my friend ### ### left that night and my Dad was still out of state that’s when I really felt unsafe and uncomfortable with being in the house by myself with my alcoholic Grandfather cause I was only feeling safe while my Dad wasn’t here because my best friend ### ### was here with me and I know my friend will never let any harm happen to me at all but after my friend left that night that everything happened to deescalate the situation that my Grandpa started that’s when I felt unsafe and uncomfortable with being with my alcoholic Grandfather and that’s when I came upstairs to my room and had my door closed and locked for two days until both my Dad and my friend came back to the house. But the next day after that situation, my aunt’s friend came back to my house to check on my Grandpa and she found him on the kitchen floor from the night before where he started the whole situation cause he was so drunk from the night before that he couldn’t even walk and he ended up sleeping on the kitchen floor until the next day in the morning when she came to the house before work to help him get to his room.
But before she left to go to work she told me how he wasn’t going to get back up from his bed and she told him not to get back up but after she left he got up two hours later during the morning time and he still went back outside drinking all day long. So later that day her and her older son brought him and my Dad’s car back because he was so drunk that he couldn’t drive properly so my aunt’s friend drove in her car behind them and her older son drove my Dad’s car back to my house for my Grandpa because he really couldn’t drive. So when they finally got here my aunt’s friend and her son helped him get back upstairs in the house and helped him get back upstairs to his room again and before she left my house after they put him in his room, she told me that my Grandpa almost got into a really bad car accident and almost got killed because he was drinking and driving. But I’m not forgiving him for his actions or I’m not making any excuses for his actions anymore just because he is an alcoholic and does this every single day and night, there shouldn’t be any reason or excuses for my Grandpa to keep treating people the way he does when nobody be bothering or talking to him at all and it’s definitely not okay that he started with my best friend for no reason at all again and try to make my friend leave the house when my friend lives with me and my Dad too for right now until we can help my friend get back on his feet at the moment in my Dad’s house but after my aunt’s friend that he called to the house left that’s when he even punched my friend in the face that night and my friend still chose to be respectful and not put his hands on my alcoholic Grandfather even though it wasn’t right that my Grandfather did that at all to him and my aunt’s friend that my Grandfather called over here, she called my Dad that night that the situation was happening and saying how my friend was smoking in the house even though it wasn’t true at all and I even text and showed my Dad the proof from the outside front door camera that my friend was never smoking inside the house, he was smoking outside the house like he always does even when my Dad do be home and my Dad knew that my aunt’s friend was lying and it wasn’t true either cause he knows my friend doesn’t smoke in the house at all and all my aunt’s friend kept doing was lying to my Dad and aunts about my friend cause she was doing everything that my Grandfather was telling her to do and say to my Dad and they kept trying to make it seem like my best friend was the disrespectful person and in the wrong but my friend never did anything wrong at all and my Dad knew that my friend wasn’t in the wrong and didn’t do anything cause my Dad knows my friend is very respectful and respects the house.
But my Grandpa can’t force nobody to leave my Dad’s house cause my Grandpa doesn’t even pay rent or anything in this house and he is basically living here for free so my Dad said he can’t make decisions on what goes on in this house or who can be in this house cause my Grandpa doesn’t have any rights to make any decisions on who gets to stay in my Dad’s house cause my Dad told my friend in August when he started living here with us that my friend can live with us until he gets back on his feet, but now it’s not right that me or my friend can’t even walk around or say anything in my Dad’s house and be comfortably without being cautious of my alcoholic Grandpa and it’s crazy how my Grandpa watches every movement that we make as if we are the problem when my Grandpa is the actual problem of the house and he was always the problem even before my Grandma passed away recently but now he is even worse and everybody in my family acts like it’s okay that he is acting like this. But even months ago when my Dad and Grandpa got into a physical argument when my Grandpa was drunk and was going crazy on my Dad, my Dad even told my Grandpa how my Grandpa needs to leave this house and move out because he is very disrespectful in my Dad’s house and thinks he can treat everybody so badly but when someone does it back to him then he has a problem with it cause he thinks he is the only person that can do whatever he wants to people and nobody can do or say anything back.
But after my Dad told him to leave and move out back in July, months ago when the altercation happened between my Grandpa and my Dad, my Grandfather said he was going to move out either in October or November but now it’s December and he is still living here and hasn’t moved out yet. But I just really want my Grandpa to move out like he been said he was going to do cause he always says that he don’t need anything or anybody so if he doesn’t need anything why is he still living here rent free and my Dad said the same thing too that if he doesn’t need anybody or anything go live in your own house to where you can do whatever you want and be drunk and do anything else that you want somewhere else but not in here and bothering everybody for no reason. But I really just want my Grandpa to own up to his actions on what he does to my best friend and how he has been treating him cause he has been doing that my friend for months now but now it’s really out of control and he needs to stop doing it cause it’s not fair that me and my friend can’t even be in my Dad’s house comfortable anymore.
Then my Dad keeps telling me and my friend that we need to stay quiet and don’t talk to my Grandpa and avoid him as best as possible while being in the house so it doesn’t start another situation with him. But I don’t think we should be the ones that have to be quiet and not do anything just because of my alcoholic Grandfather because we aren’t the problem and we should be able to walk around the house and be in the house comfortably peacefully without my Grandpa always watching our every move and following us and trying to intimidate us so that me and my friend can be scared of him so my friend can move out even though my friend doesn’t have anywhere else to go but here for right now. But I really want my Grandpa to leave me and my friend alone and stop harassing and worrying about my friend named ### ### cause it’s not fair to me that since I recently lost my Grandma and me and my friend ### ### was the ones who were taking care of her during the day while my Dad was at work everyday since my Grandpa never wanted to take care of her but it’s not fair that since my Grandpa keeps starting with me and my friend for no reason, it’s not fair that my Grandpa is pushing my friend away from me and my friend ### ### is the only person who has truthfully been here for me the best way that he can ever since my Grandma passed away cause not even my own family really hasn’t been there for me and now I really don’t want them to be or around me cause my family never been a support system to me in my life and I don’t need them to be my support system, the only support system I truthfully appreciated was having my friend ### ### around but now that my Grandpa keeps starting with us, I barely see my best friend anymore cause he be gone during the day and now even at night and I barely talk to my friend either and it just really hurts that my Grandpa is pushing away my only friend and the only one who has been here physically and mentally for me and I really pray that my Grandpa definitely please leave me and my friend ### ### alone cause I really want my friend to stay around me and still help me get through the death of my Grandma like he said he would do cause this is my first death that I’m experiencing but he can’t be here for me like he wants to because my Grandpa keeps getting in the way and only thinking about himself and not thinking about me and my well being and right now my friend has been upstate for two days so that he doesn’t have to be around my alcoholic Grandpa and even though he not here right now he hasn’t been talking to me or checking up on me at all and I really wish he would cause I really need my friend ### ### but my Grandpa keeps getting in the way for no reason.
So I desperately want and pray that when my friend comes back from being upstate, I pray that Jesus Christ please make my alcoholic Grandpa come to the realization that he is the main problem not my friend or anyone else and he needs to stop drinking cause he doesn’t think he needs help or have a drinking problem and please make him realize that my friend is never the issue and that he needs to apologize to my friend for the way he’s been treating him and have my Grandpa make my friend feel comfortable again with being at my Dad’s house as if my friend is apart of the family cause my friend been apart of the family for a while now and everybody treats my friend like family except for my alcoholic Grandfather even before my Grandma passed away she even treated my friend ### ### as family cause my friend was also the one who was helping me and making sure that my Grandma was fed everyday while my Dad was at work cause my friend ### ### was always making her breakfast whenever she wanted him too but even my Dad treats my friend like as if he is apart of this family cause my friend helps my Dad out so much without my Dad even asking him too but Grandpa used to have an amazing relationship with my friend where he was very nice and respectful towards my friend but now he isn’t because of his drinking addiction so I please pray that my Grandpa and my friend please get back to the good relationship that they had with each other and when my Grandpa gave my friend no issue at all and he was very respectful towards my friend ### ### cause my friend always showed him respect so I just really want my Grandpa to give him respect back so I really want my Grandpa to change his behavior and his ways before my friend ### ### comes back from upstate and before Christmas so that my friend can go back to being in this house comfortable. I really pray that Jesus Christ really does change my alcoholic Grandpa behavior and ways cause I want to be able to feel safe in my Dad’s house and I want to be able to see and talk to my friend ### ### everyday and every night comfortably without no problems or issue from my Grandpa since my alcoholic Grandpa is the only issue that nobody wants to fix and keeps making excuses for his behavior towards people.
Like every time that I’m in my Dad’s house walking around I always feel so much anxiety when I know that my Grandpa is in the house too cause now I feel like I always have to watch my surroundings because he really does make me anxious and I don’t like him being around me or in my house cause he just brings so much bad energy into my Dad’s house every day and I’m very tired of my Grandpa. Then my Dad always tells me and my friend to just stay quiet and don’t do anything or pay him no attention when he is drunk but it’s not fair that we have to let my Grandpa feel comfortable and do whatever and say whatever he wants in my house but me and my friend can’t do or say anything when he is in or around the house because we should be able to be comfortable in the house just like how he is always comfortable cause I’m very tired of having to be quiet and be very uncomfortable in my Dad’s house. I just desperately pray that my Grandpa please leave me and my best friend ### ### alone and I pray that my Grandpa please gives us our respect in my Dad’s house because it’s that we always do things for him to give him his respect in the house but he never gives us our respects anymore and is always bothering and antagonizing us to get a reaction out of us as if he is a little kid and acts very childish. Like every time that I’m in my Dad’s house walking around I always feel so much anxiety when I know that my Grandpa is in the house too cause now I feel like I always have to watch my surroundings cause he really does make me anxious and I don’t like him being around me or in my house cause he just brings so much bad energy in my Dad’s house every day and I’m very tired of my Grandpa. Like literally every single day that I’m in the house I literally stay in my room with my door closed and locked because that’s the only way I feel comfortable and safe and I only come out my room majority of the time when I know that my Grandpa isn’t in the house because my Grandpa really is like the devil of the house and my Dad says the same thing too.
A month ago when my Dad had to leave the state to go on a 2 day family quick roadtrip so my Dad can lay my Grandma to rest which is my Dad’s mother, the day after thanksgiving my family left my Grandpa with me and my best friend at my Dad’s house but I really wished my Dad and my aunts took their alcoholic narcissist Dad with them because after they were gone and out of state on the roadtrip late at night that same day that they left, he came back into the house at night after having a whole day of drinking outside wherever he went drinking at like usual and he came back into the house and went to the kitchen where my best friend was sitting and my friend was on the phone minding his business like always and my Grandpa started getting in my friend’s face for no reason and starting yelling at him for no reason and then my Grandpa started making calls to people on his phone that I didn’t even know who he was calling and I didn’t even know he was making those calls until my friend told me my Grandpa was making calls to people and that’s when I started hearing the calls being made and my Grandpa was telling different females to pull up to the house with guns with them knowing that I’m the only young adult female here and I have a disability and can’t really move around that easily and fast without my walker so at that point I really felt uncomfortable and unsafe in my Dad’s house because my Grandpa really had my aunt’s friend pull up to my house and when she got here my Grandpa switched the whole story and said that my friend was threatening him and trying to hurt him, even though my Grandpa was the person who was starting the whole situation with me and my best friend and my Grandpa was antagonizing him and my friend never even said anything or did anything to my Grandpa at all but when my Grandpa called her over here she kept trying to make excuses for my Grandpa saying how he is drunk and that’s how he is and how I need to get over it and forgive him for his actions and the mental state that he was in that night and that night my Dad told my friend to leave just so it can deescalate the problem since my Dad wasn’t here physically to stop my Grandpa from going crazy so he told my friend just to leave until my Dad came back from his roadtrip so that when my Dad came back at least my friend felt safe and comfortable to be in the house with my Grandpa while my Dad is here in the house but even I wanted to leave the house and go to a hotel room with my best friend and so I wouldn’t be alone for the two days that my Dad was gone cause I really didn’t want to stay in the house with my alcoholic Grandfather until my Dad came back but my Dad told me to stay at the house until he got back to the house but after my friend ### ### left that night and my Dad was still out of state that’s when I really felt unsafe and uncomfortable with being in the house by myself with my alcoholic Grandfather cause I was only feeling safe while my Dad wasn’t here because my best friend ### ### was here with me and I know my friend will never let any harm happen to me at all but after my friend left that night that everything happened to deescalate the situation that my Grandpa started that’s when I felt unsafe and uncomfortable with being with my alcoholic Grandfather and that’s when I came upstairs to my room and had my door closed and locked for two days until both my Dad and my friend came back to the house. But the next day after that situation, my aunt’s friend came back to my house to check on my Grandpa and she found him on the kitchen floor from the night before where he started the whole situation cause he was so drunk from the night before that he couldn’t even walk and he ended up sleeping on the kitchen floor until the next day in the morning when she came to the house before work to help him get to his room.
But before she left to go to work she told me how he wasn’t going to get back up from his bed and she told him not to get back up but after she left he got up two hours later during the morning time and he still went back outside drinking all day long. So later that day her and her older son brought him and my Dad’s car back because he was so drunk that he couldn’t drive properly so my aunt’s friend drove in her car behind them and her older son drove my Dad’s car back to my house for my Grandpa because he really couldn’t drive. So when they finally got here my aunt’s friend and her son helped him get back upstairs in the house and helped him get back upstairs to his room again and before she left my house after they put him in his room, she told me that my Grandpa almost got into a really bad car accident and almost got killed because he was drinking and driving. But I’m not forgiving him for his actions or I’m not making any excuses for his actions anymore just because he is an alcoholic and does this every single day and night, there shouldn’t be any reason or excuses for my Grandpa to keep treating people the way he does when nobody be bothering or talking to him at all and it’s definitely not okay that he started with my best friend for no reason at all again and try to make my friend leave the house when my friend lives with me and my Dad too for right now until we can help my friend get back on his feet at the moment in my Dad’s house but after my aunt’s friend that he called to the house left that’s when he even punched my friend in the face that night and my friend still chose to be respectful and not put his hands on my alcoholic Grandfather even though it wasn’t right that my Grandfather did that at all to him and my aunt’s friend that my Grandfather called over here, she called my Dad that night that the situation was happening and saying how my friend was smoking in the house even though it wasn’t true at all and I even text and showed my Dad the proof from the outside front door camera that my friend was never smoking inside the house, he was smoking outside the house like he always does even when my Dad do be home and my Dad knew that my aunt’s friend was lying and it wasn’t true either cause he knows my friend doesn’t smoke in the house at all and all my aunt’s friend kept doing was lying to my Dad and aunts about my friend cause she was doing everything that my Grandfather was telling her to do and say to my Dad and they kept trying to make it seem like my best friend was the disrespectful person and in the wrong but my friend never did anything wrong at all and my Dad knew that my friend wasn’t in the wrong and didn’t do anything cause my Dad knows my friend is very respectful and respects the house.
But my Grandpa can’t force nobody to leave my Dad’s house cause my Grandpa doesn’t even pay rent or anything in this house and he is basically living here for free so my Dad said he can’t make decisions on what goes on in this house or who can be in this house cause my Grandpa doesn’t have any rights to make any decisions on who gets to stay in my Dad’s house cause my Dad told my friend in August when he started living here with us that my friend can live with us until he gets back on his feet, but now it’s not right that me or my friend can’t even walk around or say anything in my Dad’s house and be comfortably without being cautious of my alcoholic Grandpa and it’s crazy how my Grandpa watches every movement that we make as if we are the problem when my Grandpa is the actual problem of the house and he was always the problem even before my Grandma passed away recently but now he is even worse and everybody in my family acts like it’s okay that he is acting like this. But even months ago when my Dad and Grandpa got into a physical argument when my Grandpa was drunk and was going crazy on my Dad, my Dad even told my Grandpa how my Grandpa needs to leave this house and move out because he is very disrespectful in my Dad’s house and thinks he can treat everybody so badly but when someone does it back to him then he has a problem with it cause he thinks he is the only person that can do whatever he wants to people and nobody can do or say anything back.
But after my Dad told him to leave and move out back in July, months ago when the altercation happened between my Grandpa and my Dad, my Grandfather said he was going to move out either in October or November but now it’s December and he is still living here and hasn’t moved out yet. But I just really want my Grandpa to move out like he been said he was going to do cause he always says that he don’t need anything or anybody so if he doesn’t need anything why is he still living here rent free and my Dad said the same thing too that if he doesn’t need anybody or anything go live in your own house to where you can do whatever you want and be drunk and do anything else that you want somewhere else but not in here and bothering everybody for no reason. But I really just want my Grandpa to own up to his actions on what he does to my best friend and how he has been treating him cause he has been doing that my friend for months now but now it’s really out of control and he needs to stop doing it cause it’s not fair that me and my friend can’t even be in my Dad’s house comfortable anymore.
Then my Dad keeps telling me and my friend that we need to stay quiet and don’t talk to my Grandpa and avoid him as best as possible while being in the house so it doesn’t start another situation with him. But I don’t think we should be the ones that have to be quiet and not do anything just because of my alcoholic Grandfather because we aren’t the problem and we should be able to walk around the house and be in the house comfortably peacefully without my Grandpa always watching our every move and following us and trying to intimidate us so that me and my friend can be scared of him so my friend can move out even though my friend doesn’t have anywhere else to go but here for right now. But I really want my Grandpa to leave me and my friend alone and stop harassing and worrying about my friend named ### ### cause it’s not fair to me that since I recently lost my Grandma and me and my friend ### ### was the ones who were taking care of her during the day while my Dad was at work everyday since my Grandpa never wanted to take care of her but it’s not fair that since my Grandpa keeps starting with me and my friend for no reason, it’s not fair that my Grandpa is pushing my friend away from me and my friend ### ### is the only person who has truthfully been here for me the best way that he can ever since my Grandma passed away cause not even my own family really hasn’t been there for me and now I really don’t want them to be or around me cause my family never been a support system to me in my life and I don’t need them to be my support system, the only support system I truthfully appreciated was having my friend ### ### around but now that my Grandpa keeps starting with us, I barely see my best friend anymore cause he be gone during the day and now even at night and I barely talk to my friend either and it just really hurts that my Grandpa is pushing away my only friend and the only one who has been here physically and mentally for me and I really pray that my Grandpa definitely please leave me and my friend ### ### alone cause I really want my friend to stay around me and still help me get through the death of my Grandma like he said he would do cause this is my first death that I’m experiencing but he can’t be here for me like he wants to because my Grandpa keeps getting in the way and only thinking about himself and not thinking about me and my well being and right now my friend has been upstate for two days so that he doesn’t have to be around my alcoholic Grandpa and even though he not here right now he hasn’t been talking to me or checking up on me at all and I really wish he would cause I really need my friend ### ### but my Grandpa keeps getting in the way for no reason.
So I desperately want and pray that when my friend comes back from being upstate, I pray that Jesus Christ please make my alcoholic Grandpa come to the realization that he is the main problem not my friend or anyone else and he needs to stop drinking cause he doesn’t think he needs help or have a drinking problem and please make him realize that my friend is never the issue and that he needs to apologize to my friend for the way he’s been treating him and have my Grandpa make my friend feel comfortable again with being at my Dad’s house as if my friend is apart of the family cause my friend been apart of the family for a while now and everybody treats my friend like family except for my alcoholic Grandfather even before my Grandma passed away she even treated my friend ### ### as family cause my friend was also the one who was helping me and making sure that my Grandma was fed everyday while my Dad was at work cause my friend ### ### was always making her breakfast whenever she wanted him too but even my Dad treats my friend like as if he is apart of this family cause my friend helps my Dad out so much without my Dad even asking him too but Grandpa used to have an amazing relationship with my friend where he was very nice and respectful towards my friend but now he isn’t because of his drinking addiction so I please pray that my Grandpa and my friend please get back to the good relationship that they had with each other and when my Grandpa gave my friend no issue at all and he was very respectful towards my friend ### ### cause my friend always showed him respect so I just really want my Grandpa to give him respect back so I really want my Grandpa to change his behavior and his ways before my friend ### ### comes back from upstate and before Christmas so that my friend can go back to being in this house comfortable. I really pray that Jesus Christ really does change my alcoholic Grandpa behavior and ways cause I want to be able to feel safe in my Dad’s house and I want to be able to see and talk to my friend ### ### everyday and every night comfortably without no problems or issue from my Grandpa since my alcoholic Grandpa is the only issue that nobody wants to fix and keeps making excuses for his behavior towards people.
Like every time that I’m in my Dad’s house walking around I always feel so much anxiety when I know that my Grandpa is in the house too cause now I feel like I always have to watch my surroundings because he really does make me anxious and I don’t like him being around me or in my house cause he just brings so much bad energy into my Dad’s house every day and I’m very tired of my Grandpa. Then my Dad always tells me and my friend to just stay quiet and don’t do anything or pay him no attention when he is drunk but it’s not fair that we have to let my Grandpa feel comfortable and do whatever and say whatever he wants in my house but me and my friend can’t do or say anything when he is in or around the house because we should be able to be comfortable in the house just like how he is always comfortable cause I’m very tired of having to be quiet and be very uncomfortable in my Dad’s house. I just desperately pray that my Grandpa please leave me and my best friend ### ### alone and I pray that my Grandpa please gives us our respect in my Dad’s house because it’s that we always do things for him to give him his respect in the house but he never gives us our respects anymore and is always bothering and antagonizing us to get a reaction out of us as if he is a little kid and acts very childish. Like every time that I’m in my Dad’s house walking around I always feel so much anxiety when I know that my Grandpa is in the house too cause now I feel like I always have to watch my surroundings cause he really does make me anxious and I don’t like him being around me or in my house cause he just brings so much bad energy in my Dad’s house every day and I’m very tired of my Grandpa. Like literally every single day that I’m in the house I literally stay in my room with my door closed and locked because that’s the only way I feel comfortable and safe and I only come out my room majority of the time when I know that my Grandpa isn’t in the house because my Grandpa really is like the devil of the house and my Dad says the same thing too.