Humble Prayer Partner
Good morning, prayer request members, my name is ### and I have a very urgent request to be prayed for that I already tried to pray by myself. So on Christmas Eve of ###, my best friend ### ### was upstate for a few days before that but while he was there called me once before Christmas Eve and told me how he was left alone in a person house that he was visiting but since he was left alone he started having his PTSD, then he told me he was left in the house with nothing and by himself and then he started telling me how he really regretted go upstate to see that person so then two days later on Christmas Eve he called me again saying the same things and he said that he left the house to take a walk but he is also not from there so he really didn’t know where he was going and something could’ve easily happened to him but then he told me he was ready to home back home and wished he never went there. So early this morning went back upstate and he is still on his way back to the place that he said he regretted going to and this is his third or fourth time going there again. But I really need help getting him to come to his senses and realize that he just wasted his time going back over there and that it’s going to be the stuff that he went through when he was there the other time but he has a caring heart that he just keeps letting that person that he keeps going to upstate disrespect and treat him all different bad ways knowing he isn’t from there. So I pray that the Jesus Christ please show ### ### immediately that person true colors and shows him that he is only being used and disrespected every time he goes upstate to that person house and I don’t want him getting hurt or disrespected again by that person and I try to tell him the last time he was there that he should never go back there and he said he wouldn’t cause he was done getting hurt and disrespected and treated unfairly but clearly the talk that I had with him multiple times every time he was there and I was on the phone with him clearly he didn’t care about anything that I said and I know when he get back to that place I know he is going to get hurt, disrespected and treated unfaithful cause it happened every single time that he goes to visit that person. So I desperately prayed that he doesn’t stay there for days again and he comes back home and I pray that this will definitely be the last time for real that he goes upstate to that person house and he realizes that person true colors and realizes that the person only wants him up there so that the person can keep treating him disrespectful and he realizes that I was right about everything that I said the last time when he was upstate with that person and that he will come back home to my house tomorrow and not be there for days again cause I hate that he has a big heart for people but that person keeps taking advantage of him so today I really need the lord to show ### ### that person’s true colors toward him and how that person really doesn’t want him there at all. I pray that wants he sees that person do one wrong thing that will show him that it’s going to keep happening again and again and he know that he doesn’t need to be around that person or talk to that person at all anymore. So I also desperately prayed that Jesus Christ please remove everybody from his life that isn’t right for him in his life or the people that he keeps being around that keeps disrespecting him or treating him the way he doesn’t want or deserve to be treated cause I know he is going to remove these people from his life because he is a kindhearted person cause he does remove people from his life but he always allow them back into his life to ruin his peace and life, so I desperately need help praying today that these people are removed from his life for good and he won’t allow them back in his life even if they try to get back into his life and I desperately prayed that this person that he is going to visit again is definitely removed from his life for good so he also doesn’t have a reason to go upstate anymore and he doesn’t have to worry about getting disrespected or treated unfairly from that person and that he comes back home tonight or tomorrow morning.