Urgent Emergency prayer request for my grandma who is int he hospital. Please pray that God heals her of all sickness and disease all body deformations adn heals her oxygen flow to her brain and gives her a strogn merry heart. that the Lord reverses all organ shut down adn heal her organs form all obstructions. Please Lord heal my grandmas brain and deliver her from all seizures forever by the blood of the Lord JeusChrist. Please heal her compleltey for Your Glory only by YOur power LOrd and by your way LordHEavenly Fathe rhave mercy on me . Please guid eme with wisdom and all people too and VEry strongly with the Holy SPirit. Pelase heal all people in the nam eof the Lord Jesu Christ. Help my unbelief . Lord JEsu Christ please reveal your self to my grandma in very powerful way. So powerful that your presence heals her body soul mind and emotions her entire being. LOrd HEavenly Father please send your Son the LOrd Jesu Christ to enter her entire being and to wash her in HIS Holy Blood and deliver her of all sickness and disease and make her whole in her body, her mind her soul emotions mentally physically, spiritually and please reamin in her body foever Holy Spirit and Dleiver hre form all that you want to deliver her form Lord Jesus Christ. Please let oyur will be done in her life and do all iny our power to give her VERY strong faith in You LOrd Jesu Christ. Please Reveal YOur everlastign love to Her LOrd Jesu Christ adn Reveal to her that by YOur stripes she is healed. Deliver her heart form every uneblif towars you. Please give her faith in You LOrd. LOrd JEsu Christ I beg you have mercy. PLease have mercy and make my grandma whole in every way . LOrd it says in your word that BY Your stripes We are Healed. Lord please make this so for my grandma in every way. With Your stripes my granmda is healed. With your Stripes my grandmas neurological system in her bod yis healed.Thank YOu LOrd With Your stripes Lord Jesus Christ, by Your Holy Blood my grandma's small bowel syndrome is healed. Thank You Lord. By Your stripes my grandmas cramps ar ehealed in thename of the Lord JEsu Christ by His Holy Blood. By Your stripes Lord M grandmas healed of all psychological ilness in teh name of the LOrd Jesu Christ by HIs Holy Blood. By Your stripes her eyes are healed and her vision is healed and her vision is clean. THank You LOrd JEsu Christ for You healed her by EHr stripes.With Your stripes my grandmas kidney is healed and pancreas and her blood pressure and blood sugar leavels are permantley healed. THank You Lord Jesu Christ. With Your stripes Scneider Vilmosné, my grandma is healed of all ulcers in the name of the Lord JEsu Christ. Thank you Lord for you heale dher of alluclcers. With YOur stripes all my grandmas organs are healed and functioning according to your stripey she is healed. Thank You Lord Jesu Christ for healing her by Your Stripes and Holy Blood and in Your name. With Your wtripes all damage to her blood vessels tendon ligaments is healed. And she is healed of all blood impurities and heale dof all electrolyte imbalances and diahreea permantley with Your Stripes LOrd Jesu Christ. Thank you Lord for healing her blood impurities, dehydration , electrolite imbalances and diahrrea permantley with the stripe sof the Lord Jesu Chris tshe is healed. Witht hte stripe sof the Lord Jesus Christ Schneider Vilmosné is healed of allse izures alll enurological disorder and by the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ she is permamtles healed of all neurological disorders. all parts of her brain are healed and made whole inthe name of the Lord JEsu Christ. By HIs stripes my grandmas brian is healed. By THe LOrd Jesu Christ stripes My grandmas lungs are healed Thank You Lord for healing my grandmas brain and lungs. YOu are HEr healer. You ar her Savior. Thank Yu Lord Jesu Christ . I come to oyu in faith that by Your stripes you heale dmy grandmas brain, her heart her skeletal system her muscles, her blod flow and blood sugar levels permantley healed by your stripes. All her organs ar ehealed by your stripes Lord Jesu Christ. Please mad this all happen now. May she recieve her healing now form you. Please LOrd do all that you hcan for her to recieve Your healing in every part of her being With your stripes she is healed Lord . Thank You Lord Jesu Christ that with Your stripes She is healed. it has alread yhappened. Please do all in your power all in your might all in your power for her to recieve allthe healing oyu have for her by Your stripes right now flowing into her brain, her body, her mind her faith her life. By Your stripes her spineis healed. Please allow for ehr to recieve this healign you have healed her with Lord .Pease do allin your power for Schneider Vilmosné Bea healed by the stripes of the Lord JEsu Christ because With is stripes you are healed. Recieve ally our healign now int h neame of the Lord JEsu Christ. All Your brething problems be heale dnow in the name of the Lord JEus Chirst becaus eBy HIs stripes Ye ar ehealed. Tank YOu JEsu . Please STROngly reveal YOur Holy presence and deliver my grandma forma ll evil spirits and all illnesses and delive rher formt he devil comepltey and please heal her with your stripes. Make her recive all your healign for he rnow Lord Please do all ny our power to intercede please go above all tha ti can ask or pray for Holy Spirit and heal my grandma with the stripe sof the Lord and Savior of Schnieder Vilmosné. the Lord JEus Christ Glory to The Fath ernad to the Lord JEsu Christ for healing my grandma wit the stripes of the Lord JEsu Christ By HIs Holy Blood. Cleanign her form all sin. Healing her from all dieaes and destroying all the works ofthe devil in he rbondy mind, health and making my grandma whole in the name of the Lord JeuChrist inevery way. Lord Jesu Christ May YOur Spirt heal my grandma of all her ailmest all her bones, breathign problems seizures and deliver her formt he root causes of all her diesases . Pelase do all iny our powwer to heal my grandma . For you are The Lord that health her. Pleas egreat Physician. PELase i beg you pleas eheal my grandma do all iny our power ot save and heal her for your glor yby Your Holy Blood by Your stripes. HEr all uneblif that oyu did this . YOu healed her by her stripes. Yu saved her by YOur Holy Blood all Glor yto YOu. Shcncier Vilmosné recive Gods healing for your whole being now in thenam eof the Lord JEsu Christ B yHIS stripes Ye are healed.